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  1. Damn, I wish I had learned I'm a slave before I flew out to New Orleans for a nice vacation on that VC cash, now I'll have to report back to Todd and beg for his forgiveness for leaving my overlords without notice.
  2. This is a pushback against corporate greed? The policy change for paid content that makes explicit exceptions for the massive corporation but not for the works that pays the independent artist?
  3. A line isn't even being drawn at paid mods, because the pre-this-iteration of the CC stuff is allowed. I can't understand the advertisement justification for it either, since the people publishing things like mods, compatibility patches, translations, etc, for any VC stuff aren't the original authors to begin with. And the original CC releases are still available through the exact same storefront that the VCs use.
  4. As we all know, the Bard's College is clearly inferior to such official Bethesda content such as the Dwarven Armored Mudcrab and Gun! But Black. Or maybe the quality argument holds as much water as a dry fart in a firestorm.
  5. Todd's money is the reason my cats live like kings.
  6. I mean if they had applied this as a blanket ban to any patches or mods that depend on paid mods, it'd actually be a principled stand against what they're supposed against. But the fact that it's a-okay if it's the billion dollar corporation providing those paid mods (the same one they're supposedly taking the aforementioned stance against) and the entire policy is applied arbitrarily, it sounds less like supporting the community and more like doing the bare performative minimum to get accolades. You know, hypocrisy.
  7. Sorry but I'm a bit confused here. Are you saying with this new policy if people wanted to modify and make patches for the VCs I've put out, they're unable to host any of that here all of a sudden? That seems counter to the basic principles of game modding to begin with.
  8. ^This. This is why nobody has, nor will ever use Trainwiz' file. He is extremely rude, and childish. I certainly hope he's grown up since then, otherwise that would be pretty sad. I certainly could care less with that attitude. No, most people tend to use and edit my files. Morrowloot gets a lot of attention for example. It's just a big endeavor to undertake, since the dreams requires you to make a lot of levels. I've had a few people approach and try to finish it.
  9. My TRAIN POWER ARMOR mod needs testers. It's a pretty simple mod: It adds a new quest that rewards you with a new power armor with a new mechanic. http://i.imgur.com/TZwsALG.png http://i.imgur.com/icWsri1.png If you're interested, simply send me a PM.
  10. My TRAIN POWER ARMOR mod is almost complete. It grants the player a new type of power armor and a new quest to get it, but I've run into a roadblock. The armor comes with a unique ability: it can build up steam under conditions, which can be used in place of AP and used for other actions (blasting enemies with a whistle, steam bombs, etc). I want a new UI element that displays the user's steam. I HAVE that element scripted and working, but here's the issue: it uses the HUDFramework example widget. So while it displays steam, the label is wrong. See this example. My skill at flash and that stuff is zero. Less than zero, negative in fact. I'm looking for someone to simply change that element to read "Steam" instead of "Kill Count"
  11. Heyo, I'm currently in the final stages of a fairly extensive new power armor: TRAIN POWER ARMOR It adds a quest and, obviously, a new type of armor with a completely new mechanic. But I've run into two roadblocks that are beyond my skillset. The first is that the TRAIN POWER ARMOR doesn't have any sort of light. I want the chest part of it to light up (seeing as there's where the train's headlights normally light up), but I've not been able to get it to work. I'm looking for a modeler who has experience with custom headlamps who would be able to light up said chestpiece. Second, the power armor's main mechanic is that it builds "steam", which is a new stat. Steam can be expended under different circumstances (usually in place of AP). The problem is that the player's current system for seeing their steam is a lot of message boxes that get spammed. It's inconvenient. Instead, I want there to be a UI element, a simple bar that fills based on how much steam you have, most likely using HUDFramework as a base. But... I've no idea how flash works. I'm looking for a UI modder to help me implement a basic stat bar. If anyone is capable, I would greatly appreciate the help. You'd be given full access to the mod and full credit.
  12. Technically correct. Melee weapons don't scale, but magic-based attacks do hit the larger monster accurately. This is why in Wheels of Lull and Blackreach Railroad the mechanics could work like they did. At least they did in oldrim, newrim... well that doesn't work anymore. OP, if you're looking to solve this so that the player is able to swing and hit the monster, you're out of luck. For SSE each instance of those larger creatures were puzzle bosses (normally spells would hit them doing damage), I just changed it so that the puzzles directly did scripted damage to the creatures, rather than fired a projectile that would, obviously, miss.
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