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  1. I wish there was more anger being directed at bethesda and steam right now for the 75/25 bulls***. It's a money grab by the corporation, but a lot of people have made Chesko and Isoku the scapegoats and are blaming them for everything, while steam rakes in the money and gives them a pittance. Valve/Besthesda did not need Isoku and Chesko's permission for this. They have owned the rights to all skyrim mods since day one. There is nothing at all stopping them from shutting down free mods, charging for everything, and keeping all the money. they would do this right now if they weren't afraid of the bad publicity. Doing things the way they did focused peoples anger on Chesko and Isoku, turning them into scapegoats while valve/bethesda/steam get all the rewards.
  2. So, if you get the 'concentrated poison' perk, your poisons are basically twice as effective when applied to weapons (last for two hits) and like many others, I use a mod to get even more hits with more perks, but unfortunately.... this does nothing for the placed poison when you reverse pickpocket someone and put poison into their inventory, using the 'poisoned' perk in the pickpocketing tree. To make it effective you basically need to dump multiple poisons into their inventory. I think it would be cool for sneaky assassin types to make the placed poisons more effective (like +100%). I think it would be good to just have this built into the 'poisoned' perk, to make it more appealing. I've done a lot of fiddling around with mods in tes5edit, but I can't figure out any kind of condition to give a bonus to placed poison without giving it to poisons applied to weapons as well. I'm guessing it would probably need some kind of script, if it's even possible. If anyone is interested and can think of a way to do it, I think it would make a nice mod. I know I would use it :)
  3. If you're playing with four or five followers, I think you're making conjuration obsolete anyway :sad: I don't know what Enai could possibly do about that and still keep it balanced. One of the reasons I stopped using those follower mods. I do use Selene Kate myself, with her settings turned down a bit (I love her and my game would be impossible without her and all my difficulty enhancing stuff) I'm able to use her along with one vanilla follower, and personally I would never want more than two followers.
  4. So, it looks like you'll be removing the summon zombie spells? I'm glad to see that, those are the ONLY spells I really don't like at all in the original. Partly because they don't get the visual effects from the 'undead fx' mod (which I love) but also I feel it takes away from the gameplay of reanimating bodies yourself, that's what being a necromancer is all about, and I like necromancy and summoning to be different. Those new lich lords that you posted pictures of are awesome though, that works I think because a lich is a special case, and they look great. I don't know if they use the word in ES lore or not, but in D&D lore at least they're wizards that zombified themselves intentionally and still retain their intelligence, summoning something like that makes sense. I really hope they cast reanimate spells on their own. Not as good the player ones of course, you wouldn't want your summoned lich to be a better necromancer than you :tongue: I like those buff spells you made that you cast on zombies. It looks there's gonna be a lot of good stuff here, I can't wait to see it. Personally, I think your 'balance' is pretty damn good, at least in my game with all my other mods and insane amounts of enemy spawns. I know I'm not smart enough to figure out all the balance issues, but the way I judge things is this: I can make pretty much make any build of character and use any spell/ability from this and doomstones and resplendent and my game is still really damn hard (just the way I like it). And I like to use lots of different characters/builds. I tried a few other spell mods and they were mostly just all overpowered destruction spells that made my game too easy compared to a straight warrior/theif build.
  5. I really want reduced textures for dawnguard too :( I can play it, but it's pretty laggy. I use this for the main game stuff and it works great: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/47 Doesn't look like it's going to be updated though.
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