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  1. Okay, the Feedback things don't show up even though I have Ad blocker disabled for Nexus and the General Feedback/Quick Search sites do not load when I click on them, even without any add-ons. Little chance this gets seen at all, but, better than just staying quiet. Here we go: Site performance is awful. Scroll is very sluggish and laggy compared to the old site. Upper Area showing the Game Title uses too much space, as already pointed out by others. I don't care about Collections. Don't want them displayed on the games "front page" - especially not that high. Singular mods are more important than collections. Needs option to either move it or disable it. Missing "Display" for mod browser. Especially the Big Tiles option is a must. Front page actually wastes a lot of space to the left and right in comparison to the old design? (This is on 2560x1440) // Turns out this is actually my fault. I have a 120% zoom applied to the old page, which didn't transfer over to the Beta page. Sorry. They pretty much cover the same space. The new Background is actually making it hard to focus on the important parts being displayed, for some reason. New Design also doesn't separate very well between different sections of the site e.g. Top mods, More Mods, Media - which makes it really hard to focus on the part you want. A more visible line between sections would already be a huge improvement. The sections having their own background would be appreciated. Overall, I know people don't adapt easily to new things, but so far I don't really see how the new design improves the User Experience.
  2. In response to post #56107121. #56107916 is also a reply to the same post. I totally get your point bchick3 but I also think you underestimate the work that goes into the initial mod making. It's like letting someone build a house and then asking for 3/4 of the rent this person earns just because you do maintenance on it. Maybe a bit exaggerated but you get my point. Also pretty sure the port would have never happened, if there was no mod to port in the first place :p
  3. In which order do we load the mod exactly? Using MO2 - so I can obviously decide which mod overwrites which... Do I let this mod overwrite... HUDFramework? DEF_UI? Full Dialogue Interface? ...or does one of these mods need to overwrite your 'Vault Girl' mod? I noticed for example that the "Sarcastic Hidden" option doesn't work if I let your mod overwrite 'Full Dialogue Interface' Could be an issue with the mod itself. Haven't played for a while and just updated everything today. Dunno if there are any issues with FDI in general. Trying out XDI now. So the FDI issue might be negligible anyway. Also.. are we gonna see an MCM implementation in the future? *Note - dialoguemenu.swf from this mod needs to be deleted in order for XDI to work!
  4. I got this weird issue with some of my textures.. or maybe all of them, i dont know. Its more visible on some than on others. Especially Armor and Clothes textures seem to have those strange "artifacts" - which i personally only know from really heavy compressing the textures. Im pretty sure they are not tho.. or at least not that bad. I see none of the issues on images from the mod page - so there must be something going on in my game. Here are some screenshots: I don't think it has something to do with the ENB - i turned it off ingame and still had those texture issues. Also turned off the ESP files that come with KONAN ENB. No luck. Load Order [LOOT]: ModList (remember to read it from bottom to top): You can ignore those 3 Mods: - RUSTIC CLOTHING- Bethesda Performance Textures - Armor - Clothes - Weapons- Nerevars - Cloaks of Skyrim Ultra HD v2 I already had the issue before installing them. I was hoping to fix it with those 3 mods.. but no luck.They do apply better textures (as you can see in the screenshot), but they still have those issues. (Vanilla textures have the same issues) Compression in ENBLocal is turned off aswell. Hope somebody here can help me. Thanks
  5. That's the Tracer Butt controversy all over again.. Givin' in on some ridiculous sexist complains - ignoring and betraying those who have been with you from the start and accepted your initial creative vision of this mod and its origin. Also quoting my post, to show me you have won is kinda childish. This here is the very reason why i hate the intolerant and hypersensitive nexus community.. and why i prefer the adult and open-minded modding-community like LL.
  6. I admit.. i tend to do that.. and it's unfair to unleash all my frustration and anger about this "sexist" movement on her. However.. silly is silly. Doesn't matter when or why you write it. And although the chances for a alternative version are at this point very slim - IF he is ever gonna do one then after the mod is fully done and released how he imagined it. Which might take a while. Nevermind the fact that people have a lot of different requests for his mod. I think after he is done he kinda just wants to play the game for a while tho.
  7. She said she is dissapointed.. and even called his work silly. Sounds pretty rude to me. I know that words like these can make one feel pretty demotivated.. and in general bad. -- *Im just so sick of all those "this is sexiest" kind of comments on mods. Seen too many of them in the past months. BigC might have a different view.. and i already said in a post a few pages earlier that my opinions are mine and not his. But i doubt he is gonna change it. He said he wont do any special versions when i asked him about a skimpy one... so i doubt he is gonna go the other direction and make a "less" sexy version.
  8. This is just rude. Talking bad about his hard work. BigC is the creator and has every right to make it look like he wants. We have a simple rule here. If you don't like something, move along. BigC spends a lot of time and effort on this mod - talking bad about it and making him feel bad is just f-ing rude and unacceptable in my book. Do it yourself then..
  9. Massive bouncing chest? Are you f-ing serious? You wanna know what makes me frustrated? This kind of feminism. 1. It's a freaking game 2. Bewbs bounce.. that's what they do. Maybe you should look down more often while walking. 3. BigC can do with his Mod whatever he wants.. and if i recall correctly he even made a statement about the bewbs a while ago. Who ever told you.. does either know more than me (not that i know everything) or lied to you. Now how about you take your feminism to some place where its more important like mutilation, young girls being married to old guys or unfair treatment at workplaces. I would gladly assist you against stuff like that. You might hate me for saying that.. heck i might even get a (un)friendly knock from a mod. But it doesnt change the truth. And before you start writing me a book long reply to this.. let me remind you that this is a Development Thread. Let's stop here and don't go too much Off-Topic.
  10. No - not yet. Workaround so far is to delete the hudmenu.swf - this will ofc remove parts of the mod.
  11. Please read before you post something. Those post are all from the last 4 pages. Not very helpful to post the same thing over and over again...
  12. We established that already a few days ago... a couple of times actually.
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