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About Nipper1337

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  1. The perk restriction thing in Dance of Death simply unlocks more animations as you gain more perks in whatever tree the weapon you are using applies to. I don't think it alters the perks themselves. Could be wrong.
  2. Great news about NMM updates. Can't wait. I'm not really into the "feed" things though, reminds me too much of Facebook, which I won't use. On the whole though, I can see that this will please alot of people. :) Skyrim modding hasn't even peaked yet IMO, every time I come here I find a mod that has some uber potential, or something that is totally unexpected. I like being a part of all this. :)
  3. Use firewall to block Steam, update when you choose to. I'm staying on 1.5 til I finish atleast this playthrough, some of my mods screw with 1.6 so not worth the hassle.
  4. Well, they do talk about getting their hands on the Elder ScrollS. I thought it was common knowledge that there exists multiple Elder Scrolls. Unless I am remembering reading something I didn't read? Watched it a few more times since I last posted, and I feel I am getting pretty close to what the story is, and got a few possible events in my head already. Love the shots, so it's definitely Odahviing eh, well, looks like they expect you to complete the MQ then. Unless somehow you get him elsewhere?
  5. Yeah I know what you mean, I am actually pretty good at guessing at storylines and picking up little hints that are obviously placed there for people to pick up on. I think it's a great feature of me, my GF... Well let's just say, she watches movies she wants to watch by herself, just so I won't ruin the ending 15 minutes into the film. Even worse if you're at the cinema and essentially wasting money from that point on. :P It's not just Beth that struggle to write good, original stories with twists and turns that the audience didn't actually expect. I put it down to the instant gratification people desire these days. :( Don't tempt fate. ;P What little there is, could well be redundant soon. Even Vanilla Skyrim screwed up the Volkihar. (If that is indeed how you spell it) Anyway, looking forward to scanning your images for cool things, Imperistan.
  6. Can't say it impressed me that much. Just more vampire stuff. I was never into vampires, nor vampire hunting. Could be good for a Twilight spin off. Now I was excited for crossbows, but after having seen them in action I am just "meh" with them now. Storyline looks pretty obvious to me, I won't post what I think will happen in case it is true and I don't want to spoiler anything for people who are into vampires. I for one would not like to be spoilered too much about storyline but when the trailer has explained the story to me, I already kinda know what's going to happen. Just hoping there is a ton of content outside of vampires to delve into though. (On another note, I wonder how much they are going to butcher the current lore surrounding vampires to make it all fit in. Retcon?) Edit: Just noticed, REAL LIGHTNING!!! Hopefully it's going to update the storms to have lightning strike instead of the sky just flashing.
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