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Everything posted by Nsinger998

  1. I found a post on a forum which said that the FE team had made building sea walls and stuff in an earlier build and then removed the feature and it made me wonder: Could the data still be there? After all, Definitive edition had distinct art and data for sea fortifications, and lo and behold: The data was still there! Using 'Advanced Genie Editor' I found it easy to make the sea fortifications buildable from a fishing boat but was stymed by a problem: While I could go thru the motions of building, I could not establish a building foundation or make the fishing ship build anything except fish traps. Any ideas on what the problem could be?
  2. I enter ustengrav and its just a blue void with all npcs falling into the nothingness. if I save and restart the game then ustengrav will load fine but then the ustengrav depths will suffer a similar problem with missing sections of the cell. I also experienced a similar problem at the helgren dungeon. my mod list:
  3. from what I've determined, it would require some script reworking to make the peaceful solution work. namely: 1. making the guard lead you to thorald. 2. Not be attacked by the thalmor 3. and not failing objectives that shouldn't be failing. I've added my file incase anybody wants to use it as a base for the finished product just make sure to credit me.
  4. alright: I got it so tullius will give you the letter and the justicar will accept it(.lip and voice also) but the associated script for the justicar doesn't fire. basically, Your added to the MS09PlayerAllyFaction and stage is set from 40 to 55 but nothing happens. The guard doesn't lead you to Thorald and the enemy attacks you(thus failing the objective). the dialogue for giving the order has this in the "begin" box: The script that's being called by the above:
  5. "The reason you can’t give the order from Tullius to the guard at Northwatch is because the dialogue is in the wrong order. The dialogue option that checks for possession of the order (000524D3) is below the standard “now move along” dialogue (000524D2). I’m guessing that if they were inverted, this bit would work." This has promis although I don't really understand it. I did however figure out that you can't touch the objectives or stages otherwise the scripts don't work.
  6. sorry to bump it, but theres so many new topics daily.
  7. I tried that. I created a new quest stage and objective stage for tullius handing over the letter. I get the letter and it switchs to the quest stage I added earlier. I made the guard dialogue conditional on the new quest stage but it didn't show up. here is my my esp:
  8. the guard has the dialogue but no matter what I do, It won't be available in game. I have rigged the working dialogue to switch to the "got the order" dialogue but sound doesn't play, lips don't move, and they are still hostile.
  9. I'm having a little trouble. using the newly released skyrim creation kit; I was able to get a look at the quest. I nailed the problem with general tullius and made it so you have to simply join the legion for him to give you the letter provided you opted to look for a peaceful solution. But I can't figure out how to make the thalmor guard recognize that I have the letter and give me the option of giving it to him. any ideas?
  10. actually, I used boss for load order and wrye bash to make a bashed patch. my save trick works suprisingly well; I can load up the save and be in a cell that I crashed trying to get into. Also, It doesn't happen a lot. I think it might have something to with changing cells and reloading visor options. anyway, its running pretty smoothly right now.
  11. I have a stable load order(at last) except when I use certain helmets which cause a crash when changing cells sometimes. sometimes I get lucky and will be able to press "esc" in the split second before a crash on cell load and make a save. I then load the save and hunky dory. But sometimes I'm not so lucky but with a few tries(and my helmet off) I get thru. However, this seems to be only when I wear helmets with visor overlay support. any idea why this may happen? my load order is below: Active Mod Files:
  12. ah, I figured out my problem: the ncr visor overlay isn't being mapped to the texture properly. unfortunately, I'm not sure how to fix but looking at the comments for the current spetsnaz visor mod, it looks like something was broken in the code.
  13. I've been trying to give the gas mask a visor from project nevada but nothing seems to happen. I used the script method and I know the script is working because of the slight delay when I put the mask on. So basically what I'd like to know is this: is there a prerequisite a mask/helmet needs inorder for visors to show up? because otherwise I am at a loss.
  14. alright, I got the script to work: 1. used fnv to tick the "esm" flag for the vault tec power armor mod. 2. editing the geck ini to allow multiple master files 3. reverted the script to one usng the project nevada modder's guide 4. saved however, the quest does not start on startup. I have manually started the quest with my helmet off and everything works fine. [edit: Got it to load on start. I had used "if getGameRestarted == 0" but after changing it to "if getGameLoaded == 0" and everything works!]
  15. still doesn't work. it worked the one time and continues to not work. I tried a different style patch where I overwrote the formlists with one containing my desired item as laid out in the modder's guide but that doesn't seem to work either... I am now convinced something is conflicting. my load order: I used your previous suggestion of checking the references and nvamp is referenced in a couple lists. but otherwise I'm stumped. [edit: after play testing both patches I've come to realize that something is messing with the scripting for the visor overlay itself because atleast effect08, nightlist, and emlist are updated successfully.] [edit #2: hmm, continued testing of the patch that overwrites form lists has shown further proof of interference in that I get heat vision at start when I wanted night vision. ]
  16. finally got my script working. I did 2 things: I used a variation of a script found in nvamp "Art of war" module that ended with a stopquest command. I then used wryeflash to add vault tec armor as a master since it kept getting left out. thanks for the help, girbbles. :)
  17. hmm, you were right about something conflicting. I see references for project nevada ofcourse but also nvamp core and nvamp dlcs. whats confusing to me is why its blocking my changes.
  18. yes, I can see other mods use it. but they also use scripts. I'm I mentioned it, but I use nvamp and it uses scripts to add to the form lists. I've tried using modified versions of their scripts and it still won't work.
  19. I placed it after everything including the bashed patch. also, I think I may have been wrong about the nightvision and em working. I get them on startup but if I take off my helmet I lose them.
  20. I'm using project nevada 2.0a with nvamp. as for the lists, I used the ones provided in the 2.0a version. edit: I got it working but it only adds to the nightvision and em lists.
  21. I tried following the script instructions on the project new vegas modder's guide but it won't active. my script: scn VaultVisorSetupSCRIPT BEGIN GameMode if getGameRestarted == 0 return endif ;Vault Tec Helmet listAddForm PNxCVisorOverlay13VaultTec ArmorPowerVaultTecHelmet listAddForm PNxCVisorConditionVisualsList ArmorPowerVaultTecHelmet listAddForm PNxCVisorVisionEffect01List ArmorPowerVaultTecHelmet listAddForm PNxCVisorVisionEffect08List ArmorPowerVaultTecHelmet listAddForm PNxCVisionModeNightList ArmorPowerVaultTecHelmet listAddForm PNxCVisionModeEMList ArmorPowerVaultTecHelmet ; Refresh main script set PNxCVisorMain.update to 1 END I attached the script to a quest following the directions: start game enabled and a quest delay of 1.0 suggestions please?
  22. wasn't active wasteland, was a new vegas bounties 2. gonna see if there is a fix before I proceed with that mod.
  23. okay, I got it to work. I was using an old version of active wasteland.
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