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  1. Armor that needs texture(s) (Multiple choices would be cool) and the guy will credit you. I'd love you forever if you'd help him out, though I think he needs to make his models downloadable... Probably have to pm him. Please take a look! P.S. Possible texture?: xXXx Hope I'm not considered nagging, more like updating ^.^;
  2. Shweet B] (I've been looking for someone to do this armor for awhile because I'm a daredevil samurai at heart), have you ever played soul caliber 3? If so I was thinking Mitsurugi-esk with you're own add ons and thoughts? :D
  3. First and simple: Change regular combat (not boss/dragon) music to: Second: Dwemer Hover craft and or motorcycle mounts (I understand if it's impossible) Third: Revolver, just for funsies B] here's a resource: REVOLVER Fourth: Whips! I'd like to whip some people <3 Last but not least: A male samurai armor which features baggy pants, choice of boots or sandals, half armored torso (right arm not not armored and the chest plate cuts off towards the left part of the chest.) If I had a scanner, I'd draw something up for you. Thanks for listening, I know it may not be done B]
  4. Okay so this request is more so for the whip than the clothes, (Though it'd be nice to have more regal looking attire in the game) and I believe that this is a hard request, seeing as how animations are difficult to do (it seems). Though many people have been creating animations for people, so maybe this would be good practice (not to mention getting a lot of endorsements I feel) in the item field. Whips could be as simple as one, leather whip or be ranged from iron -> daedric, I don't care I just really would like a whip! For those asking how it could be iron -> daedric, well use your imagination, maybe it's a spiked whip, bladed whip, chain whip, so on and so forth. Okay so for the clothes, I have a picture for you (Though don't make it 100% like it, I don't want copyright infringement and I want you to get credit for awesome clothes!) http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch&tbnid=suFktaTZNapGJM:&imgrefurl=http://castlevania.wikia.com/wiki/Juste_Belmont&imgurl=http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb58377/castlevania/images/a/a4/Justefull.gif&w=286&h=436&ei=QIw8UPWBO8Pr0gHsqoHoCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=173&vpy=238&dur=1438&hovh=277&hovw=182&tx=143&ty=148&sig=104874413269868798303&page=1&tbnh=134&tbnw=87&start=0&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:142 My ideas for how to make this your own clothing would be turn down both boots (so they look like the right boot) or to make them both that long (Seems odd because then you wouldn't need a boot item), make the sleeves not so baggy on the upper arms, and insert your own pattern on the jacket or remove the patterns entirely. Also perhaps cut a ^ into the coat. The idea for the clothing is entirely yours, that's just some of my ideas. P.S. By the way, anyone know of any good samurai armors OR who to contact to do a set. I'm not talking like fully armored or just hakama'd. I mean like, baggy pants, sandals, armor on top kind of thing! I think that would get some praise! Maybe I'll have to request that too...
  5. Revolver Resource. So I'm totally looking to get a colt-like revolver (Though it may be lore breaking, whatever). I would be so happy if someone would do this for the community/myself, I've enjoyed the flintlocks but I find the soul gem idea weird for them... As well as the insta kill version (only one that works for me for some reason). So... pwease? :3
  6. It think it would be interesting, seeing all these different mount mods, to see a Dwemer motorcycle contraption or (because it may be sized too small for easy transition. That or a giant motorcycle) a hover craft that looks similar to a motorcycle. This probably won't be made, but what the heck, may as well say my mind. For all of you that took time to read this, thank you.
  7. Tell that to the rest of the music replacing modders.
  8. As in the description, I would like to replace the battle music with Rob Zombie's "Dragula" just because I think smashing something's face in with: /Burn through the witches and..." would be just amazing. So... simple, probably easy. Pretty please do eet? I'd do it myself but I haven't the slightest clue about modding.
  9. Thank you for the reply, I edited my post. I should have added that in the first place so I'm glad you stated this, thank you. Feel free to post armors/weapons you would like as mods.
  10. Hello modders of Skyrim and beyond. I've been modding my Skyrim like crazy lately, and I'm getting close to contempt with it but I'm missing something. That something would be epic samurai armor, none of that Blades nonsense. The armor I'm looking for is the style of Heishiro Mitsurugi. Or better known as Mitsurugi the epic badass samurai from Soul Calibur! You may be saying to yourself: There has been so many Soul Calibur games, each with unique looks for its characters, thus the question is: Which Mitsurugi armor are you asking for? Simply the armor from Soul Calibur 3, where half of the top is missing. I've seen one sided banded iron armors but those don't cut it, for barbarians looks it's great. It cannot be used for samurai want-to-bes. So I'm asking, more like begging, for someone to help me with my dream of being like Heishiro Mitsurugi in the way of samurai, and even more: the way of badassliness. I know there is a lot of great modders out there, the talent I've seen is extrordinary. Along with this forum request I will be going to individuals I think could do a fantastic job and private message them (hopefully not being a bother). I do realize this sounds like I want to copyright the Soul Calibur franchise, I do not. I just would like armor similar to this, colors do not need to be the same and the patterns do not need, nor should be the same. Thank you for taking time to read my plee for this, I think it would be an excellent contribution to the Nexus community. Edit* Multiple pieces for the armor would be fantastic, and armor rating close to ebony-dragon with temperment. Edit* As it has been declared, and as I forgot to mention prior: I do not wish for Over Powered and Over Powerful armor and weapons. Multi-gender would be nice, but I will not make it a requirement. P.S. -If you have any questions do message me. -Oh and another thing, I think I have a lot of great ideas (trying to learn how to mod myself), so if anyone wants to hear more ideas and maybe partner up and/or teach me that would be fantastic! -I will be posting other armors/weapon concepts in the future, either as I discover them or as I draw them. Message me if you would like more information, or post on the forum. Others should also feel free to request weapons/armors here as it is a WIP thread for wanted items.
  11. This seems like a great idea, though what of a skin slider color? Do we go from greens, blues, and reds? Also, would you want the Berserk power renamed to something else? The horns could be modeled off of the Daedra race, or, with permission, from the horns volvaga0 made: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=11005 In any case, I hope this is created.
  12. Severly disappointed that no one has even replied to this...
  13. I do not know about the whole metal armor look but I think a retexture of the Scout armor plus a new mesh modded helmet could get you the new carbon-fiber look in the newest Batman movie.
  14. I have been informed that I should change a title for my last request, because it was apparently unfitting. So here is just a repost (I do not believe it spam when I'm just trying to correct an issue). Please help create this armor, I believe many would enjoy it and most likely endorse it. Of course I do not wish for Copyright issues so changing of color/designs on armor and a little of the style may work better, though I would wish for the upper armor to stay how it is in the picture: half missing. Hello modders of Skyrim and beyond. I've been modding my Skyrim like crazy lately, and I'm getting close to contempt with it but I'm missing something. That something would be epic samurai armor, none of that Blades nonsense. The armor I'm looking for is the style of Heishiro Mitsurugi. Or better known as Mitsurugi the epic badass samurai from Soul Calibur! You may be saying to yourself: There has been so many Soul Calibur games, each with unique looks for its characters, thus the question is: Which Mitsurugi armor are you asking for? Simply the armor from Soul Calibur 3, where half of the top is missing. I've seen one sided banded iron armors but those don't cut it, for barbarians looks it's great. It cannot be used for samurai want-to-bes. So I'm asking, more like begging, for someone to help me with my dream of being like Heishiro Mitsurugi in the way of samurai, and even more: the way of badassliness. I know there is a lot of great modders out there, the talent I've seen is extrordinary. Along with this forum request I will be going to individuals I think could do a fantastic job and private message them (hopefully not being a bother). I do realize this sounds like I want to copyright the Soul Calibur franchise, I do not. I just would like armor similar to this, colors do not need to be the same and the patterns do not need, nor should be the same. Thank you for taking time to read my plee for this, I think it would be an excellent contribution to the Nexus community. P.S. -If you have any questions do message me. -Also I will be bumping this as I think it is important! -Oh and another thing, I think I have a lot of great ideas (trying to learn how to mod myself), so if anyone wants to hear more ideas and maybe partner up and/or teach me that would be fantastic!
  15. Thank you for the support Thalmor, I do think this would be grand armor to have. And Sn, I would say that as a title but then it would be misleading because I don't just want to import the armor. If I did, it would be taken down. I would just like something similar, and I think a lot of people would appreciate this mod and endorse it. At least that's what I hope will happen. I'm sure hoping this turns out!
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