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Everything posted by lamer7643

  1. I am not a mod author but a supporter. First I just want to say thank you to the mod authors for the excellent stuff that is available and for the time you put into it. I completely agree with this post, and after reading some of the responses it is obvious there are a lot of younger "give me give me give me i deserve everything" people. It is a very controversial topic and I can see the frustration from the authors. In the world of documentation it is called plagiarism. In other circles it is pretty close to copyright infringement although I'm aware there is no such copyright that exists on the mods, and in the general common sense circle it is called STEALING. But unfortunately we live in a world where everything is instant gratification and no thought to the people who make it possible to enjoy these works. It's always these people ( those who like to take other peoples works and pass them off as their own) who ruin it for everyone else and eventually for themselves as well ; either because the modding will become commercial or their will be some stricter enforcement of the content. But again I express my thanks to the authors and the operators of this site for the availability of everything.
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