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  1. In response to post #25824664. #25824914, #25825809, #25825919, #25826019, #25826209, #25826354, #25826574, #25828999, #25830289, #25830979, #25831614, #25832299, #25832644, #25850134 are all replies on the same post. But gamebryo sucks. Look at all the problems with 32bit/64bit issues and limited RAM availibility and no x64 .EXE and the game not using more than 4 gbs of ram and a whole host of bugs, limitations and all sorts. I for one hope it's on a brand new engine if it's really been in development for so long...I am hoping for UE4 but that's a long shot. the gamebryo engine is dead, dated and limiting, i really really hope it's not a tweaked skyrim engine or we'll suffer all the same issues as last time, but even worse. People have 4-12gb GPUs now and 8-24GBs of RAM in there machines these days and rely on x64 a lot, if they are using a tweaked Skyrim engine well the game is crippled to x32 straight away unless they figured out how to make it x64 this time. Time will tell. Also that "leak" is so full of guess work, don't believe a thing.
  2. Here is an idea yet i have yet to see anywhere yet. We already have ultimate HD fire effects mod...so i was wondering, do you think you could retexture the lightning and frost effects too? It's always amazed me that there has been no attempts at this yet, the amount of purple in the lightning is something that bugs me a bit, but it would be nice if it had a different textures/higher quality and was different colours too. Plus with frost, it could just be made a little better too, more "frosty" lol.
  3. Yeah, just noticed this a month or so ago been busy since, is there a mod possible to stop the sun from setting and rising whenever you "move"? it was really weird, i was gambling in the day and must of been there for ages and step outside its still day...so i walked around a bit and all of a sudden i see the sun setting really fast so i stop to go "ugh what?" but when i do im like "wtf?!" the sun stopped setting...it was just, looking at me so i moved forward again, set a bit more, moved backwards, set more, until eventually making it back to camp it was night time :S, how bizzare... So, any way to possibly mod this? Love the game otherwise, this was just a weird one not seen it mentioned even in reviews so, guess people havent noticed or just dont care lol.
  4. Wait, the mod has been banned? why? Let me guess...the diablo style creatures. Well surely he can just remove them and re-upload the mod? Or is there more too it than this?
  5. Posting here in nexus forums too, just to maximise responses. I'll explain. Two mods, SkyRe and the brilliant SkyMo Necromancy Mod by PsiKotics. Psi's necro mod adds a a branching set of NEW perks to the vanilla conjuration perk tree, spanning off the left hand side, and AFAIK doesn't seem to interefere with the vanilla perk tree, i think...from what i can gather in TES5Edit anyway. SkyRe as we all(mostly) know, adds a completely new ENTIRE conjuration tree. Now my question is, as Psi's perk are "new" perks and don't appear to interfere with the vanilla perks, they therefore, have no excuse or issue to interefere with the SkyRe's perks, as i said before, because they just branch off to the left totally seperately, is there any way i can could therefore simply "addon" the set of perks he created, to the perk tree in SkyRe? As i say i would guess this wouldnt be too hard, as they simply stem off from "novice conjuration" to the far left and go from there, and all the perks only affect the spells you get from his mod too so joy to all. I've tried my self to do this, but probably need to do a lot more work than simply trying to add specific overrides to the perks i want to add... So what would i need to do, and can anyone help? I'll do it my self ofc, and go from there, im sure this is possible as it doesnt override anything, just adds to the tree, but atm it must obviously be referencing the "vanilla" tree because it doesnt matter where in the load order both mods are, one just completely overrides the other. Thanks in advance .
  6. Yeah, im currently using skyrim visual immersion (III as its the new version, dont think that would be my issue using older version) ENB and trying to create the effects of this trailer: Especially 33-36 riverwood bits and especiall 1:10-1.20 snow effect but really dont get why its not working right. How on earth he got the colours that vibrant is beyond me, just doesnt work! using enb v 119 removes the letterbox effect but i get even weaker colours lol. For starters, im using the right mod, im even using the right version on the ENB it was made with 0.102 and ofc has the bfloat thingy set in skyrim prefabs, but i cant figure out how to tweak what i need, will i need ssao on im not sure? Also i cant for the life of me figure out how to remove the "film borders" letterbox effect, it says to comment out #define hd6_vigette part, but it is commented out! this is what my effect file looks like at that part: as you can see, it is commented out so...wtf? Any help would be great, cheers!
  7. Good find :). Although tbh im really hoping for much deeper content addons rather than just soldiers, such as the ability to use more of the alien tech to be honest! How i'd love a sectopod of my own nom nom!
  8. Great fix Bman, does this now allow all current mods to function in "online" mode?
  9. Just chiming in to say this is awesome :D, and goodluck with it, feel free to bounce ideas of us all, would love to contribute anyway i can if you want it :).
  10. Yep...i can TOTALLY imagine a tree-ent walking around those forests...or laying in slumber as a lonesome traveller disturbs it, and it erupts in all of natures wrath at your insolence... Fantasising aside, looks to be incredible :), goodluck and kick ass and if you want an english voice acter, by all means i'd love to help :), just as soon as i get an even better mic lol.
  11. Doing the following INI changes allows you to install custom texture mods as normal :). Just think of it as the HD BSAs are now default, and anything different you add is just overwritten the normal way in the loose files I.E. the "Textures" or "Meshes" folders. With ESP's, ESP's can still be used, and usually are used when you need something to take first are foremost priority, with for example if you were making FACIAL changes, but wanted say different eyes and different hair, just makes it less of a fiddle and more "streamlined" so to speak :).
  12. Then i have no idea...:S. So your saying your standard INI files dont have voices either? Are you completely vanilla? Do y ou have anything mods wise that may touch NPC's in any way?
  13. Have you done it for both "Skyrim_Default" in common/skyrim AND "Skyrim.ini" in mygames/skyrim? I had this problem too until i found you needed to add both. EDIT You have copied it wrong lol, it's meant to be like this in BOTH files: [Archive] sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa, HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa, HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa EDIT @Jore, you missed adding it so "sResourceArchiveList2" see above :).
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