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  1. Thanks for the tip on qBittorrent, @baloney8sammich. Gonna keep it in mind if I ever decide to go that route for the particular case of MEUITM! No, I haven't tried any download managers, in all truth... I don't have any that I can use and I don't know of any that are free/open source that I could get... I was mostly asking if someone knew one that could work with the Nexus downloads links. Do you know of any? Problem is, I don't know if any of the standard download manager would be able to download from premium servers, without opening a session with our Nexus authentication data, or something like that? There could be probably/maybe some Chrome extensions that could be installed into the browser that could manage the downloads better than the bare bones download tool Vivaldi provides, but I haven't searched for any either... I've been bitten by chrome extensions in the past, and I was hesitant to check without getting a recommendation either. Thanks for your reply :) Best wishes.
  2. Heyas o/ I wanted to pose a question about that (see thread title): is there any download manager that supports multi-thread download on premium servers for games that don't have Vortex/NMM support? I'm trying to download MEUITM for Mass Effect (doesn't have manager download option) which is a ~3GB file, and I'm only getting about 60KB/s download speed from the premium servers... I know it's an ever present issue that has been happening since some time now, and from what I seen it seems it's unsolvable, because it's probably caused by throttling at the backbone level (i.e. in the trunk connections from my region to the rest of the world... don't know how I'd even go about trying to fight that.) Evidence on that fact is the clue that downloading a Steam game/update keeps a reasonable speed around 1MB/s to 1.4MB/s for me, while at the same time trying to download any file from Nexus that's bigger than ~400MB causes extreme slow speeds. But the problem is compounded bu the fact that the download doesn't seem to be "continuable" or restarteable for me at all... i.e. if the connection is interrupted or lost, or I stop the download for the night, I can't simply restart it when I come back so it continues from where it left off... for me, it always fails and the servers return an HTML error response if I use the continue option of my browser (I use Vivaldi.) For games like Skyrim, I tend to use NMM as a kind of download manager (and only for that) when I'm in need of such a thing, because it supports restart and also is able to use/download multiple streams for a single file (or it used to? I don't remember now... it's been some time since I downloaded anything significant where I had to use it...) Since at the speed I'm currently getting, my download says it'd take me between ~12hs to a day to download MEUITM, that's a long time to invest when at any time I could lose connection or have a hiccup and lose several hours of progress only to have to restart the download from scratch. Hence my question... it'd be nice if there was a tool for downloading files that allowed restart/continue even for games that don't have Vortex/API suport yet... is there something like that anywhere that we can use? ((I know that in the particular case of MEUITM, a torrent download is provided... but, since some years ago, most torrent clients have become a vector of infection, or heavily ad infected, to be safe to use IMO. So I'd prefer not to have to rely on that option myself... perhaps if I had a Linux box I'd be more inclined to give that a try, but from what I saw most if not all current offered torrent clients for Windows have some kind of adware/bloat included.)) Also, I know that I could bypass the throttling by using a VPN... sadly, my current financial situation is not as good as it used to be, and VPNs are a bit outside my current budget (mostly due to the current currency conversion to dollars being a bit steep for my country atm.) Thanks in advance for any tip/help! Best regards to all, and take care of yourselves! ~Leandro.
  3. Yeah, true... I also look at the tracking centre quite a lot, but you can't endorse from there... and also, there are a lots of mods that I'm tracking that I'm not particularly interested in updating yet, since I'm not using them in the current play-through. Also, the Download History *seems* implemented in a more responsive way, i.e. in the sense that it doesn't require you to do a reload to see next pages and move around, or even change the sorting criteria... that's why I thought (admittedly, with very little knowledge to support my guess, granted...) that it could be probably extended to do what I wanted with not much work!
  4. Yeah, thank you! Forgot to mention that... But that works in the context of the forums though... you can't switch from there to mod comment sections and land precisely at your post. And answering post from there is weird and doesn't match the way you usually format stuff in the comment sections (i.e. no embedded replies, and such.) I mean, you're right in the sense that you can actually find your old posts in mod's sections, but you don't have a way to go back and reply/browse the actual mod sites from there. In all honesty, I'm not a heavy forum user myself... and I'd prefer to stay in the mod's site context for handling mod's comments, but perhaps I'm alone in that? IMO at least is something missing there, and that can be enhanced a bit... again IMO. Thank for the replies!
  5. Heya, I'm not sure where this belongs to, sorry if it's misplaced. I wanted to make a couple of requests/suggestions/improvements, that I'd wanna see made in the site, specifically regarding mod downloading and managing for the end user (i.e. not from the modder's point of view.) 1. First thing is the Download History... the way it's handled now it's awesome, thank you for making the changes you did in the past. I'd want to ask for an extra feature, though. Could you add a check box, or something to the list, that would allow you to filter (i.e. remove from view) or at least dim mods for whom the last uploaded > last download time? I don't like to use the mod tracker because that list is actually less functional than the download history view... i.e. no sorting by arbitrary columns, no way to endorse mods, not search filter bar... etc. OTOH, you can actually be tracking mods that you didn't actually download yet too, which makes that view even more less functional for this particular purpose. Reason: As a person that doesn't use Vortex and doesn't wanna use it (I prefer to use a different mod manager,) I mostly keep up to date with mods by using that list (the one accessible via Mods -> Download History) and sorting the list by Upload Date, and then slowly scrolling through it checking visually for when that mentioned condition applies... it would be awesome if the site would allow us to just filter the list, or at least highlight the mods that need to be re-downloaded! It doesn't seem as something that would be too difficult to implement! 2. W.r.t. to endorsements... I often review my download history for mods that I haven't endorsed yet (due to me downloading them but not actually installing them yet...) and so I use the endorsement status in that list to mentally check: did I actually install this mod yet? -> did I play the game with it installed? -> did it work well? -> endorse. But, there are mods for which the mod author disabled endorsements, and I have quite a few of them in my list... it would be awesome if those could either be marked as 'not endorsable' by the site, or at least have a way for them to dismiss the endorse mark so they don't always keep me tripping me into trying to endorse them just to get the error again. 3. It would be awesome if there was a comment tracker... at least a 'recent' comment tracker! I.e. each time you make a comment in a mod's comment section, have a way to see and remember where it was, and see if it was responded to, or if the comment section received more comments since then, etc. Or at least some way to be reminded of *where* you posted (i.e. in which mod's comment sections you actually posted comments... I'm not sure if there's even something like that that you can use atm!) and when, and a way to quickly jump back there. Also, perhaps a way to see if the mod where you posted did actually receive an update since your post, even if no one commented or responded, etc. (Could be useful for mods where you posted in the past, but which the authors closed the mod's comment section since then.) Reason: Currently, even with all notification options turned on, I get no notification when someone replies to me. Unless maybe there are a different option somewhere that I haven't seen, or that I didn't interpret as pertaining to mod's comment section posts? But even if that worked, that would actually only apply to direct replies, and not to checking for new posts for other users in the same mod you already posted. 4. I know this is probably out of scope for the site... but, I'd like to see some sort of personal tag customization system even if it's just a few tags, as long as they're 'user defined' and private (not requiring other users to confirm them and that they are just visible to you,) for the fact that I'd like to apply tags to a mod that only make sense to me. I.e. imagine tagging mods according to interest (looks interesting, needs review, for next play-through, etc. there could be a ton of different reasons to tag a mod for personal use) or to mark some mods as not visible for a certain criteria so you can keep them out of your searches and main lists. Perhaps it could be an extension of the current mod tracker, in the sense that you're tracking the mods but just need to add a qualification(s) or label(s) to the tracking. I.e. I'd like to see all my tracked mods that I still haven't downloaded, for example... I know I have lots, since I mostly track mods for the reason that they look interesting to me, even if they aren't appropriate to my current install. If I had a track tag applied to those mods, I could find that just using the tag search system. The only objection I have with the current tag system is the fact that the actual tags are not user defined (i.e. you can't input your own tag name in the system and have a mod tagged with that.) That's all! In any case, these are just raw and very crude ideas, and nothing more... I'm just as happy in using the site even if they were never implemented! If something here can be used or adapted to the site in the future, I'll be glad and grateful. Thank you for your continuous hard work in keeping this vast mod library working! Best regards, Leandro.
  6. Well, I was finally in need to download a big file again, and as it happens... still capped at ~300KB/s Here's a screen of the download including the URL... had to switch to Chrome for this since Vivaldi hides the real download URLs and I couldn't find how to disable that, if it's even possible, Speed Tests, local first as baseline: Then speedtest targetting miami and singapore: Not sure if any of this is useful or not, but I just wanted to add it in case it helps to track any issue (if there's an issue that can be tracked at all...) EDIT: Just edit to add that meanwhile, at the same time that I'm downloading the big 2GB file, while downloading a smaller, around ~400MB file: I'm getting the full speed. Thanks!
  7. Thank you Pickysaurus... I didn't have the need to download a big file again yet, next time I do I'll be sure to follow to post back the URL. Though, to be up front, I'm using Vivaldi as browser, and for some reason it hides the actual download URLs from the active downloads UI now... I'll have to check how I can enable them, before I can post that info. And yeah, I thought about trying different servers too... next time I get to download a big file, I'll try that too. BTW, I'm not in Brazil myself, but I'm in the area... I'm from Argentina, which is close to Brazil geographically, and perhaps share much of the same routes too. No sure on current network topology. Thank you again!
  8. I'm having the same issue... trying to download Beyond Skyrim Bruma SE which is a 2.5GB file and it's being capped at 230KB/s at most... I was downloading stuff yesterday and didn't have any issues, but today downloads seems to be being limited somehow. Just checked my SpeedTest and my connection can reach up to 12Mb/s (~1.5 MB/s max) even while I'm downloading the file. Here's the ping stats: Pinging files.nexus-cdn.com [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=145ms TTL=53 Request timed out. Reply from bytes=32 time=144ms TTL=53 Request timed out. Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 2, Lost = 2 (50% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 144ms, Maximum = 145ms, Average = 144ms
  9. Will the 8 limit will be raised at some point? I'd like to have Enderal as favorite, but I'm full and I don't want to remove any of the games I already have added in my list. EDIT: typo EDIT2: In order to make the post a bit more productive, even if this is anecdotic... I already have several games from before that I would have liked to add there and couldn't... if I had to guess, that total count would be around ~10 games, or maybe 15 games in all. I'd hazard a guess that, if most people is like me, a total favorites size of around ~25 to 30 should suffice... just trying to give an upper bound I think it's reasonable. Here's the list of games I'd like to add personally: Skyrim Second Edition (I have old Skyrim only) Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2 (possible also the EE version... but I still don't own it) Dragon Ages (at least 1 and 2) Mass Effects (1, 2 and 3) Dark Souls 2 That's off the top of my head atm.
  10. I'm having the same issue, cannot download. Request to file server just timeouts and redirects to the page about the passwords issue. I already changed my password back when it first was reported. EDIT: I've change my password again now, and I keep getting redirected to the announcement, no matter what section of the site I try to view. It seems to me the redirection trumps anything you want to do, and it's a bit broken, as the site is unusable as it is. EDIT2: I've just cleared all cookies related to nexus sites, and I was able to enter the site's main page while being unautenthicated, but as soon as I logged in again, the redirection keeps interfering with anything I wanted to do. Conclusion, the site is currently totally borked and there's no point in trying to use it any further... I hope you can solve this issue before this holiday weekend ends.
  11. Hey there, I'm finding that for me the best speed always delivered by the normal servers ~300KB/s constant (I use DC server) while as you see above the CDS fluctuates too much giving half the download rate in average. This are my results: Location: Campana, Argentina Speed test (to Phoenix, AZ server): http://www.speedtest.net/result/3907816568.png This is the traceroute to the CDS server:
  12. I'm getting about 30KB/s right now on a 17MB file .... These, compared with the speeds I've been getting last week with the old server, is an improvement of about 5 times here ... but it varies with time ... some times much better some times a bit slower. For me this is great news ... Thanks for all the hard work, Dark0ne. I do not have a way to transfer money to my PayPal account from my country (I live in Argentina) ... but when I found some way I will become a supporter for sure! Regards, leus.
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