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Evil Lord Proteus

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About Evil Lord Proteus

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  1. Hey there guys, so I was making some Ebony Armor and Dragonbone Gauntlets and Boots for the new Empire appointed High King, and I was going to use the openactorcontainer 1 console command to give him those items and a Gold Circlet, you know, so he would look like a king. But to my dismay, he did not equip them, instead staying in his lame unkingly outfit. So it got me thinking, is there a mod that lets you altar what NPC's are using? And if not, why not? There was an old Fallout 3 mod a while ago that gave you a perk called the INvetoryfier or something, which let you toggle an actors "box" while in sneak mode to let you add/remove from an NPC's inventory, and they would equip what you gave them. I used this mod to dress up/equip the denizens of the Capitol Wastes because I was sick of everyone either being underequiped or wearing the same rags or such. So, my question is this. Would anyone be willing to give a mod that lets you altar an NPC's equipment? As in, what you give them, they equip and use? And I dont mean cmpanions, I mean everyone, like the good new High King.
  2. New layout and style is terrible, and is also inconvenient to navigate. A revamp was not neccesary at all, It was fine how it was.
  3. I can enter the salloon right now using my current load order, but I did get a crash when trying to enter it one time. There is also an anomoloy with the building model for the salloon at the moment, where you cna see past the edges of the front window and see inside(which is empty/hollow). The Prospector Salloon is notorious since the games launch for having bugs ascociated with it.
  4. Sorry for the late replies, but the BOSS auto sort IS the FOMM one as far as I know. The only sort function in the FOMM Load Order tab is the BOSS Auto Sort. And yeah, I dont entirely trust it. According to BOSS, No Ash and Goo Piles and Wattz 1000 Replacer are not recognised, which is why they are at the bottom of the list when BOSS sorts the mods in FOMM.
  5. Just so you know, this is a "What do you think my load order should be?" thread, not a "my game is crashing, please fix my game." thread. All I wanted was an oppinion on what looks like a good load order, since I dont entirely trust the FOMM auto sorter. Sigh....
  6. Yes but I want to play with mods. I already did a vanilla playthrough and mods add extra replay value.
  7. Hey guys, I got a random crash after jumping on a table in the saloon in Goodsprings, so Im just checking yo see if my load order is alright. I used the FOMM load order sorter, but I'd like some human opinions to see if anyone can spot anything out of place. Below is my current mod setup and load order, I'd appreciate some input. FalloutNV.esm DeadMoney.esm HonestHearts.esm CaravanPack.esm Military NV Backpacks.esm NVR-Strip.esm rePopulated Wasteland.esm Project Nevada - Core.esm ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm Project Nevada - Equipment.esm DarNifiedUINV.esp Purge Cell Buffers.esp NVR-NPCs.esp Lucky 38 Suite Expansion Bed Option.esp NVR_rePopulated Wasteland_Patch.esp NVR-Version_10.esp NVR-ELECTRO-CTIY_Patch.esp Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp SecretStash80.esp No Ash and Goo.esp Bottlecaps Have Weight.esp Less Weight.esp Brotherhood Armor.esp Military NV Backpacks - BumBagUseSlot1.esp Military NV Backpacks - Vendor Script Replenish.esp w44Satchels - Lite.esp Companion Sandbox Mode.esp Max Followers 12.esp UnlimitedCompanions.esp Classic Wattz 1000 Laser Pistol (Replacer).esp Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp Nevada Skies.esp Interior Lighting Overhaul-Realistic Interiors-Full.esp BetterGamePerformanceV4.esp Clean Up New Vegas.esp AllCompanionsEssential 2.0b.esp Total active plugins: 39 Total plugins: 39
  8. Hey guys. I recently reinstalled Fallout 3 and im looking for a mod I used to have. I cant be 100% sure, but I think it was called Uber Perks or something. It added a computer outside the infirmary in Megaton which was used to add/remove 4 "Uber Perks" to/from the player. One of the perks was the Inventorifier which allows you to edit a NPC's inventory while sneaking, another Perk called Illusionist which allows you to create special effects, and two other perks that I forget. Does anyone know what mod Im talking about? And where I can find it? The only "uber perks" mod I can find has different perks, and not the ones I mentioned above. Or failing that, does anyone know a mod that allows me to edit an NPC's inventory that ISNT the Groovatron? Thanks in advance.
  9. Ah thanks. Also the website comes in English too. Click on the American flag to the right and the websites is presented in english. You need to have the website in german to download, though, as you run into a translation error when trying to download in english mode.
  10. Hi guys, just reinstalled Fallout 3 after a few years, and im looking for the GLobal Travel System Mod. It doesnt seem to be on the Nexus and Google doesnt yield any results. Has this mod vanished forever?
  11. I disabled all of them but the problem persisted. I havnt actually "uninstalled" any of them though.
  12. Do you think it may be possible, that perhaps one of those most recent mods I installed accidentally replaces the meshes for the building/doors? Project Nevada and CALIBER used omod's. Im always hesitant to use omods, because I dont trust anyone enough to just assume they couldnt possibly make mistakes with where the omods are told to install things, so I prefer to trust my own carefulness with manual instellations.
  13. Im getting this problem aswell. Goodsprings Salloon can now no longer be entered, the doors are just generic open/close doors that lead to the inside of the building model but not the actual Salloon worldspace. This happened after installing Deadmoney, while previously it was fine. All fingers point to the new DLC/Patch.
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