Hey there guys, so I was making some Ebony Armor and Dragonbone Gauntlets and Boots for the new Empire appointed High King, and I was going to use the openactorcontainer 1 console command to give him those items and a Gold Circlet, you know, so he would look like a king. But to my dismay, he did not equip them, instead staying in his lame unkingly outfit. So it got me thinking, is there a mod that lets you altar what NPC's are using? And if not, why not? There was an old Fallout 3 mod a while ago that gave you a perk called the INvetoryfier or something, which let you toggle an actors "box" while in sneak mode to let you add/remove from an NPC's inventory, and they would equip what you gave them. I used this mod to dress up/equip the denizens of the Capitol Wastes because I was sick of everyone either being underequiped or wearing the same rags or such. So, my question is this. Would anyone be willing to give a mod that lets you altar an NPC's equipment? As in, what you give them, they equip and use? And I dont mean cmpanions, I mean everyone, like the good new High King.