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  1. Hi, I wanna do an additional playthrough some time in the future but what always bothered me were the wolves. First of all it seems they wait around every corner to annoy you and second they do not behave as wolves would do. I don't know why wolves are that aggressive in every video game but I would love to see a mod that makes them either neutral ( so they only attack when the witcher attacks them ) or even make them run away if you get too close.
  2. Yes. For potions you will need the substances ( rebis , vitriol ... ) For example Swallow: 2x rebis 1x aether 1x vitriol Every plant contains two substances. I'm no scripter, so in the first version of the mod you will get those substances by dismantling plants/monster extracts at a blacksmith (armorer ). Perhaps I'll find a way so that you can dismanlte plants @herbalists or in the field. I will change durations and effects a little bit as well. Vanilla durations are too short for this system, it would end up being a grindfest I think ^^ That's the plan so far.
  3. thank you. I was able to deactivate it now. Other mods I had installed simply overrid my changes in the scripts and so they never applied xD note to myself: don't test your changes with other mods installed xD
  4. Ok, it seems I worked my way around the limitations of the singletonitems. Not in an elegant way, but it works. Now I only need to find out how to disable the auto-refill. Someone knows that ?
  5. Hello, so I am no friend of the new alchemy system introduced with the Witcher 3 and decided to try to make a mod that changes the system so that it is more like in the first witcher game. ( e.g. for swallow you need 2xrebis, 1xvitriol, 1x aether. You get those out of differents plants. e.g Celandine/ Crows Eye... contain rebis etc etc. ) But because I am no coder I have no idea about scripts/code and it did not take long for me to reach my limits. Perhaps someone here can help me with this problem: I can't figure out how to disable autorefill and to disable the restriction that you can only make potions once. What seems to be responsible for this restriction is the tag "singletonitem" which probably activates a bunch of scripts. If I delete this tag in ~\gameplay\items\def_item_alchemy_potion.xml from the various potions I can make as many potions as I want, but I'm no longer able to consume them. I then tried to add the tag "edible" and was able to make as many potions as I want and to consume them, but they didn't trigger the potion effects. Which means they are useless. I then tried to add the cat effect to bread, just to see if it works. I did that by adding the lines <highlightObjectsRange type="add" min="3"/> <highlightEnemiesRange type="add" min="25"/> as found in ~\gameplay\abilities\effects_potions.xml under cat to the "WellFedEffect_Level1" <ability name="WellFedEffect_Level1"> <duration type="add" min="5" max="5" /> <vitalityRegen type="add" min="50" max="50" /> <vitalityCombatRegen type="add" min="50" max="50" /> <highlightObjectsRange type="add" min="3"/> <highlightEnemiesRange type="add" min="25"/> <level type="add" min="1" /> </ability> which is triggered if you consume bread ingame. The result: nothing, just the normal Vitality regen, but no cat effect. I think the key is the "singletonitem" tag but I have no idea what goes on in this scripts. Here are the scripts that contain the string "singletonitem": "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\cooked.redscripts "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\cookedfinal.redscripts "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\x64.final.redscripts "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\definitionsManager.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\gameParams.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\temp.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\components\inventoryComponent.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\gameplay\alchemy\alchemyManager.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutagens\mutagen03.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\gameplay\interactive\monsterNestEntity.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\gameplay\items\throwables\petards\petard.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\gui\inventoryContext.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\gui\hud\modules\hudModuleItemInfo.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\gui\hud\modules\hudModuleLootPopup.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\gui\menus\preparationBombsAndPotionsMenu.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\gui\menus\preparationMutagensMenu.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\gui\popups\LootPopup.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\gui\_old\components\guiBaseInventoryComponent.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\player\playerInput.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\player\playerWitcher.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\player\r4Player.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\player\states\vehicles\useVehicle.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\quests\quest_function.ws "~\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\content\content0\scripts\game\quests\conditions\questItemAmmo.ws Perhaps someone wants to take a look at it ? Thanks for your help.
  6. Decided to take a look into modding and simply started out with your request: http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/507/? I hope you don't mind that I used your screenshot :D
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