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About shiron222

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  1. Completely true. But then their response to someone like me -- who tries to do something constructive like getting Bethesda to make an SKSE64, or set up a crowd funding site to pay a computer engineer -- open mockery and contempt. *rolls eyes sarcastically* Pft, don't you know anything? We're entitled to having everything handed to us on a silver platter! If we want something badly enough and there's an obstacle in the way it's not our job to work towards a solution. Problem solvers are losers who end up getting what they want even if it takes effort and a bit of time. How dare you do something other than b&@*$ and moan on the internet. Why can't you be a whiny neckbearded underachiever like us? Jokes aside I actually wish I could justify donating to a crowdfunding campaign for SKSE, seeing as that's an unexpected and novel idea. Joys of being poor af and living on disability while you work to make something of your life, am I right? As for optimism being stupid? Well I can't entirely agree. I'm not holding my breath or anything, but there's nothing wrong with a bit of guarded hope. Until then I'll stick with my subpar menu designs and severe lack of Burning Skies. Oh the horror! Have fun and DFTBA.
  2. A perfectly valid and understandable stance, one which I agree with. That said, I like getting a progress update every month or so (more if they want to be generous) saying what's done and what still needs to be completed. I like to think of myself as patient, or at the very least capable of expressing my impatience in private without whining in the forums. As it is I haven't seen any kind of progress update since that one video in December, and I'm kind of worried. All the sites I've seen have said "Mid-March" for a beta. Mid-March is almost over (if you count "Mid-March" as the 10th day of a month to the 19th) and still no sign from the devs. If it's delayed that's fine, but it would be nice to know what's going on.
  3. Hell yeah! But a release is still a release! Even if the release has bugs it will still be usable.
  4. Your observation on chickens was not fowl. It helped elevate this discussion. My good sir or madam that was some groan inducing wordplay. You must be PUNished. Also I'm kinda curious the percentage of completeness the Devs are at.
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