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Everything posted by tsi25grdn

  1. So this may be an unpopular opinion, and I have nothing against anyone who disagrees with this, but I HATE Peebee. Every time I'm forced to interact with her I feel like I'm getting raked through the coals. Its made worse from the fact that of all the NPCs in the game she has the most forced interactions. She has a specific skill tied to her, and her introduction is a super long ordeal that's drawn out over a couple different encounters. I even ignored/spurned her whenever possible and she still gave me the option to have sex with her in the escape pod (side note: why isn't there a 'no' option until uncomfortably far into that encounter?! your options for getting in the pod with her are 'hell yes' and 'I suppose so'). There needs to be a jettison passenger button. I would like a mod that allows me to dismiss Peebee after she is no longer actually critical to the game running without significant problems, and before that if at all possible. Maybe this can be done generically enough to allow disabling or enabling other NPCs, but for me everyone else is fine - or at least tolerable/ignorable enough that I don't feel like I'm forced to interact with them. Right now the fact that I'll have to deal with her is the main reason I haven't played the game a second time.
  2. Is there a config file to set who is on the ship, or even who is locked/unlocked for missions? for example (spoilers i guess) : can I get jaal to spawn on the ship or be used on missions before i encounter him on aya? can I disable peebee after I meet her on eos such that shes not on the ship and not available for missions? i don't really want to mess with anything as complicated as the dialogue system or changing cutscenes or anything like that, I just want to configure who is available when.
  3. Hello, I'm not new to modding but I am new to modding mass effect. Skyrim and Bethesda games in general have a pretty useful editor but I haven't been able to find any resources for modding Mass Effect Andromeda. I saw a thread somewhere in here asking about tools but it didn't seem like there was any real info. There are some tweaks I want to make to the game, and I'm willing to RTFM but I gotta find it first XD. I'm no stranger to coding either. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
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