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Everything posted by KiraTsukasa

  1. That isn't a mod. That's vanilla Imperial Heavy Armor. That is a mod! But which? That mod is maybe removed from nexus! Please helppp Are you serious right now? http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_Armor_%28Skyrim%29
  2. That isn't a mod. That's vanilla Imperial Heavy Armor.
  3. This came to mind. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26446/? Erm, no... That is much, much different than what I'm looking for. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough, I'm looking for an armor mod (or multiple mods) with similar armor (gauntlets, boots, body). I'm not necessarily looking for the Nevermore Mask, because I'm pretty sure there isn't one. I'd have to make that myself, even though I tried to make stuff before and couldn't figure out what I was doing (and I probably don't have the needed software for it anyway). The lack of RWBY mods is rather disturbing, in all honesty.
  4. I was hoping someone could point me in the direction of an armor mod with a look similar to this: http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Kira_Tsukasa/RWBY/raven1_zps66da221c.png From another angle: http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Kira_Tsukasa/RWBY/raven2_zps9d39c065.png I've tried looking at samurai armor, but nothing there really strikes my fancy. I'm not sure what else to look for.
  5. I was hoping to do it with just console commands, but I'll dig around and see if there is a mod that can work for me. Thanks.
  6. I have this mod for a player hideout that has a mannequin in it. The mannequin is a male build, but I'm playing a female character and would like to have a female mannequin. Targeting it and using the sexchange command only changes my player gender. Is there a way to change the gender of the mannequin at all?
  7. Higher quality weapons and armor for higher levels. It makes it so that you can't have end game gear at level 1. Why is that bad?
  8. Yeah, there's a bug where two of the same weapon with the same enchantments with different names will eventually be called the same thing. I haven't heard of anything to fix the problem. As for your other question, it would probably be beneficial to change, at least, the fire damage to storm or ice damage. Things that are resistant to fire won't take the fire damage at all so hitting with a different element would give you the extra damage. But that's just my opinion.
  9. You know, things like this help prepare people that want to get into game design. Someone playing around the CK could end up making the next big game. What would happen if it didn't come out? He'd probably end up working at Walmart instead.
  10. I'm guessing your computer won't run Skyrim because you don't have enough RAM?
  11. I kinda agree. I guess. The quests aren't very difficult, and neither are the enemies. I'm only at level 27 and I can wipe out Draugr Warlords (the main enemy I run into at this point) with a bow at 100 yards and blindfolded. And there's just SO MANY of these quests. There's so many and they're so easy that they become monotonous after doing four or five. I actually have a harder time finding a path through the landscape to get to the cave or whatever I'm going to. On the other hand, though, at least all the maps are different. Unlike Mass Effect 1. Great game, but every sidequest map was EXACTLY the same, except for placement of boxes and the occasional door that didn't open. I'm REALLY glad that there was SOME creativity to the maps in Skyrim.
  12. I'm not so sure that two or three lines repeated over and over constitutes a language. In KOTOR, it was nice hearing it the first time or two, but it just got repetitive hearing the same couple lines again and again from every Rodian and Twi'lek that you came across.
  13. RIP Generic Horse When I jumped off you to save that Generic Farmer from a Sabre Cat attack I didn't realize that Generic Horses were Sabre Cat delicacies. Our long journey of five minutes ended in mere seconds as you were mauled. I thought Skyrim horses were more durable. Er... right. I used your hide to make a fine hat. Which I promptly sold in order to try to make the 1000 gold worth it. Didn't work. I also didn't use the resurrect code on you. I mean, I only bought you five minutes ago. That's quite a commitment, resurrecting you and all. Although, I did revive that one girl after the dragon attack in Dawnstar. What? She was pregnant. I felt bad. Anyway, I should wrap this up. I'm holding a banquet in your honor. We're having horse mea...oh. Whiterun Stable owes me 1000 gold.
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