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Everything posted by Sars99

  1. Probably a touch overkill but I wanted to have a little dabble in your eveningwear idea.
  2. I've been having similar issues with this type of behaviour. Looking to add aircraft strikes to my standalone call in fire support mod that's in development. What I found which may or may not be of use to people is that an objectreference placed in the CK has its 3D last longer if its placed in a worldspace persistent cell rather than an interior cell as a persistent object. Might not apply to your endeavours and you may have already explored this.
  3. Thanks, I’ll give that a go and report back. I feel like that will work as one of those timing issues that tends to pop up in papyrus. I’ve used it countless (pun intended) times too with no problem, though normally not on a script that extends refcollectionalias. I have thought of a clunky workaround to capture the collection in an array and then ‘overwrite’ GetCount() and GetAt(). Mainly because I don’t want to change all the lines that reference those functions to array style functions. UPDATE::: Did as you suggested and caputred that index as a variable. No change, calling GetCount() still gives the original RefCollection size and doesn't account for the two removed references. Is there a setting in the CK that I may need to check?
  4. This is the block of code I'm running on a script extending RefCollectionAlias of artillery pieces. int Function CheckArtyCanWorkCount() int index = GetCount() - 1 While index >= 0 if GetAt(index).CanProduceForWorkshop() == false debug.trace(self + " removing " + GetAt(index) + " - can't currently fire") RemoveRef(GetAt(index)) debug.trace(self + " New Count = " +GetCount()) Else (GetAt(index) as ArtyModule:ArtilleryDataScript).MsnAmmo = new Ammo [0] (GetAt(index) as ArtyModule:ArtilleryDataScript).bPatchLoad = bPatchLoad EndIf index -= 1 EndWhile WkspGunsGlobal.SetValue(GetCount()) GetOwningQuest().UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal(WkspGunsGlobal) debug.trace(self + " CheckArtyCanWorkCount complete. Count = " +GetCount()) return GetCount() EndFunction In my testing example I have a Collection of 4 artillery pieces, two are not crewed. The debug code saying they are being removed runs and the GetCount() after and at the end of the function still matches the initial GetCount() call I use on OnAliasInit(). In game using the sqv console command shows the RefCollection has 4 long but with two 'none' entries. I thought that GetCount() was supposed to expand and reduce as required by AddRef() or RemoveRef()? Anyone any ideas what's going on?
  5. That’s more like it thanks. Much better in the old style clearly organised by alphabet Does anyone know why this has happened?
  6. I normally go to creationkit.com to view the available papyrus functions etc. On Friday morning it looked like it always had and I could easily find the functions I wanted to learn about. Now it’s all jumbled nothing seems to be there and it’s “XWiki”. Any modder know anything about this? It’s awful.
  7. Shouldn't need to edit scripts for this. Create an overwrite plugin and change the property on the MinutemenCentralQuest.
  8. Thank you. I am very familiar with that mod and the method used. I was hoping to go a bit beyond how that mod tackles this issue which is just having a movable static object translate to a reference. When trying to apply that method over larger distances the aircraft seemingly got stuck on buildings and didn't really fly smoothly. But perhaps that's the only way to get anything like this working in game.
  9. That's frustrating then, so I guess this experiment of mine is futile? I'm unsure of what else I could tweak to get the ideal outcome if there's background code or whatever that we can't influence.
  10. Thanks for the pointers. I've removed the isVertibird keyword from the race. My issue isn't so much that it doesn't take off as much as it just hovers whilst in 'cruise speed'. from my debug code I know it has the correct package and the quest scene is playing. The aircraft is set to fly and flying state returns as 2 'cruising'. I tried adding in the PlayIdleAction(ActionflyStart) line in against the aircraft but it didn't work. I couldn't associate the action with the property.
  11. I've hit a stumbling block that I can't get past, hoping someone here might have an idea or some experience. My overall aim is to create a race based on the Stingray static object mesh. Using the Vertibird race as a template I have created the race, skin (armor and addon), a NPC, and bodypart data. I have a quest that runs when a player targets and activates an enemy. What I'm trying to achieve at this stage is to have the aircraft fly over the target area. Using an AI package based on the VertibirdTravelToLocation template which targets the player. The quest runs, the aircraft spawns in and gets enabled. The quest stage progresses and starts the scene, the aircraft gets the correct AI package. But it doesn't move/fly. Through debug tracing I know that its flying state is 2 (cruising), it has the correct package and the player/markers and aliases are filled. What have I missed? I knew this would be complex and take some tinkering but I'm out of ideas as to what I need to do to get it to actually fly. All pointers welcome, let me know if you need to see anything specific. Thanks in advance.
  12. I've searched the forums high and low returning nothing. I have having trouble expanding my project reinforcement radio. I have a controller quest that is start game enabled. Within its function is activated by an ingestible item to display a menu which selects the quest to run to spawn reinforcements. Everything works fine and dandy in the Commonwealth. However I want to expand it to work in NukaWorld. In Nukaworld the menus run as intended but the reinforcement quests will not start. I have the following code blocks both within the controller quest script. Function MinutemenReinforcementMenu() Int iButton = RadioMenu[1].Show() If (iButton == 0) kCurrentQuest = RadioQuestInf RadioQuestInf.Start() StartTimer(20, iTimerID_CheckReinforcementQuestRunning) ElseIf (iButton == 1) kCurrentQuest = RadioQuestRanger RadioQuestRanger.Start() StartTimer(20, iTimerID_CheckReinforcementQuestRunning) ElseIf (iButton == 2) kCurrentQuest = RadioQuestCdo RadioQuestCdo.Start() StartTimer(20, iTimerID_CheckReinforcementQuestRunning) ElseIf (iButton == 3) kCurrentQuest = RadioQuestMechInf RadioQuestMechInf.Start() StartTimer(20, iTimerID_CheckReinforcementQuestRunning) ElseIf (iButton == 4) kCurrentQuest = RadioQuestElite RadioQuestElite.Start() StartTimer(20, iTimerID_CheckReinforcementQuestRunning) ElseIf (iButton == 5) kCurrentQuest = RadioQuestGhost RadioQuestGhost.Start() StartTimer(20, iTimerID_CheckReinforcementQuestRunning) ElseIf (iButton == 6) kCurrentQuest = RadioQuestSFInfil RadioQuestSFInfil.Start() StartTimer(20, iTimerID_CheckReinforcementQuestRunning) ElseIf (iButton == 7) kCurrentQuest = RadioQuestMMSniper RadioQuestMMSniper.Start() StartTimer(20, iTimerID_CheckReinforcementQuestRunning) ElseIf (iButton == 8) ;the back button Self.ReinforcementMainMenu() EndIf EndFunction The timer event is: Event OnTimer(int aiTimerID) If (aiTimerID == iTimerID_CheckReinforcementQuestRunning) If (kCurrentQuest.IsRunning()) ; do nothing the quest is running. Else debug.trace(self as string + "The following reinforcement quest did not start " + kCurrentQuest as string) kCurrentQuest.Start() kCurrentQuest.SetCurrentStageID(10) debug.trace(self as string + "Attempted to set the quest stage to 10 of " + kCurrentQuest as string) If (kCurrentQuest.IsRunning() == False) debug.trace(self as string + "Despite the attempt the quest still did not start") EndIf RadioWarning[4].Show() If (PlayerRef.GetItemCount(RadioItem) < 1) ReplenRadio() EndIf EndIf EndIf EndEvent What am I missing to make this work whilst in the NukaWorldspace? Do I need certain properties within the 'sub-quests' themselves? From what I have read I am led to understand NukaWorld is a little borked in terms of its function which causes issues.
  13. Thanks, that debug stuff pointed me in the right direction once I figured some stuff out. I missed adding the quest to the script event part as I didn't think it was needed loosely trying to follow your original reply to me on reddit. I have the squad spawning in, I foolishly removed the keyword requirement from the conditions so will look to set that up tomorrow. Until my next snag...
  14. Thank you (again). I'm guessing the debug.trace stuff populates the file within Fallout4\Logs ?? Reading on .TryToEnable() seemed to suggest that you didn't need to use GetReference() I've changed the button press within the radio menu to RadioQuestInf.Start() Within the quest the first stage that runs on start points to the SpawnInfantry function which I've tweaked slightly. Edit: Seems the quest isn't launching off the button press on the menu.
  15. Apologies for not having the clearest of titles. I am wanting to create my own variation of the reinforcement flare but doing away with the flaregun. I have created an alchemy item to act as my radio, when used it applies a magic effect with an attached script to bring up a menu. Item script: Depending on the menu button pressed will spawn a different type of squad to move to and follow the player. I had originally placed the actor spawners within this script, which I was able to get a rough working model using: PlayerRef.PlaceActorAtMe(Commando1) This worked but with a pretty big side effect: https://i.redd.it/ja7cj9ppi2y51.jpg as they are affected by the orientation of the player when spawned. Those that could walk also didn't follow the player. That led me to create script event quests to manage the spawning of the squads, which can be seen through some of the code above in the "Item Script". I've watched several tutorial videos (I have been following seddon and Kinggath's youtube tutorials) and also searched through these forums to try and progress further. Currently the quest script that is called from the item script is as follows: Infantry Quest script: I ripped this from the MinFlareGunQuest script and removed the parts I think I didn't need as it referred to the flaregun. This does not work and does not spawn anything. I would be very grateful if someone could assist in making this work, my knowledge is very basic and I've become stuck.
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