Wow was my later comments taken down? SO for stating my own opinion, I get attacked saying that im a troll and given very dumb and childish excuses, not only from members BUT Dark0ne himself, then to make things better my comments are taken down? I'm here still because I love nexus, and I would LOVE to support this website, but people obviously have chosen to do things that have NOT benifited this website at all, they have spent money on certain things saying they have improved it and have NOTHING to show for it. You constantly warn and ban people for stupid things. Its a real shame. You make a website for people to download and upload mods, but you treat them like dirt when they complain about how its down most of the time, because they aren't giving you money. You constantly go after that person, "Why are you here" "Your not paying them you cant complain" "Your a daft prat" ect ect ect. And to the bans and warns yes, YES there is tons of evidence, you leave it out for everyone to take a damn look at it. Is this what Nexus really is? Sad as hell.