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Everything posted by ThomasCovenant

  1. I'd like to be able to find power armor that looks like new brushed steel, new brass fittings, black hoses, gold(spacesuit-look) lenses. the empty frames could look like brushed aluminum or titanium. I don't care if it's been out in the weather. There are, already, a lot of things in the Fallout series that break real world logic. If someone does this, thanks.
  2. I'm not asking anyone to actually place Skyrim files into Fallout 3. I'm asking for water that behaves like that of Skyrim, but in Fallout 3. I realize that the Potomac River in the Wasteland doesn't flow, or does it? When swimming in the river, the river seems to have a current that flows toward the Atlantic Ocean. The thing is, where is the water flowing from? There's no source. [OT] In my opinion, James(player's dad) had an over-complicated idea. Why didn't they just desalinate ocean water? It wouldn't have cost them anything because a. there's no power company, and b. the generators seen in large buildings and infrastructure are Small Form Fission Power Generators, and could provide all the power that they could ever need. So no need to send you(the player) on a life-threatening journey to get a device that may or may not be still functional. But, I digress.
  3. This is a Non-Lore request. I regularly use Real Time Settler, and now the Zap Gun mods. What I want to know is how to disable the shadow buildings that show up afer the actual buildings have been disabled. When I say "shadow building", I mean it looks like a smeared version of the building. As an example the ruined houses, not the ranch houses, in Springvale. Afer disabling the building and entering and then leaving a cell the shadow building is where the actual building was, but there's no collision. I'd like to disable or delete in GECK all of the shadow buildings associated with the game and all the DLCs, except MSZ(I've never had any desire to disable/delete anything in MSZ.) Thank You.
  4. Can some make a mod that forces all raiders to wear prewar spring clothes? It's not lore. I don't expect the girls to wear dresses. Girl raiders are "rebelling". So it'd be great if the girls wore pants as well. How do raiders make their armor? Do they use Wonderglue to "sew" things together? Thanx!
  5. What would it take to remove all radiation from the game? I'm not interested in lore. Real life realism would be good in this case, imo. I don't want to argue about what the game developer had in mind for this game. I just want to know how someone could make there be no radiation anywhere in Fallout 3. I know it would mess up certain quests, nonetheless, I would like to see this happen. Someone do it or tell me how to do it. Thank you.
  6. Ok so the player has practiced shooting with a spring-loaded, lever-action(?), BB Rifle for 9 years. Can we, safely, assume that the player has learned to repair his weapon? For the sake of the game, no matter what Special the player chooses and no matter what weapons the player uses, if any, the player's Small Guns and Repair Skills should be maxed out. My main problem with the people of the Waseland is that there is no one teaching anyone about firearms. No one. There isn't any trust nor loyalty in the raiders. You never see them practicing, so what?are they all born with perfect aim?with full maxed perception?the raiders in Vanilla aren't selfish enough. You kill one, the response should be "more for me!". The mods FWE and FOOK do not make things "realistic". I thought that raiders were supposed to be about sadism and selfishness. You shoot one and "they all come running"? knowing exactly where the player is, stealth or not. BS. IF the player's father was an MD, then why does the overseer say "We need a doctor, not a dentist." in one of the white-out time transitions? Except that the player's father isn't an MD, he's an experimental civil engineer. What he ends up doing proves this theory. The player's Medicine skill would probably be First Aid or like level 25. How many people are supposed to be in vault 101? Aren't the vault security people supposed to be elite? The security that the player confronts seem untrained or "Keystone Cops." The overseer doesn't trust anyone, not even his daughter. Amata has learned from her father that might makes right. This is set in "the future", how is it that they don't know that torture doesn't work? The player's father isn't as smart as Bethesda makes him out to be. He makes no contingency plans. Does not plan for his childs future, just makes an assumption. Not everyone "forgot" how the player and his/her father came to be in the vault. From the player's conversation with James just before taking the GOAT, which is a real test in real life, the player learns that what the overseer says is pure crap. "You are born in the vault, you will die in the vault." James, Catherine, and the player are from Rivet City....or are they from The Commonwealth? There are problems: where did James and Catherine "go to school"? In real life can just anyone just choose to become an experimental civil engineer without any specialized schooling? Is it possible that they were taught by Pinkerton? Vault 101 is too small. The atrium cannot be used for sports events, there is no space. Vault-Tek supposedly planned for Vault 101 to be sealed forever. Why does it still have a funtioning entrance door? How are the radroaches getting in? Why are they aggressive? RL roaches run at any movement or light. Recently read that the food in FO3 is presented incorrectly. It wouldn't be radioactive, as that's not possible, it would be irradiated. So it would be possible to be eating 200 year old food as irradiation would make it impossible to rot. The "rad" animals should be rad-resistant if not rad-immune making their flesh rad-free. There have been many discussions on here about radiation, so I won't go there beyond where I've already gone. Why aren't women protected in the Wasteland?If you don't keep them safe, then you lose you source of population growth. Raiders "sadism" doesn't work. Shouldn't the women be held in the raider base camps and not "on patrol"? Same for the men, actually. Raider-type activity is too risky. 220 years after the war...the Wasteland, including DC, would be picked clean of everything. No ruins would still exist in original form. If the player has to pick a lock to get into a room, that room should be prewar pristine. imo. The BOS scribes should be collecting blank paper and writing instruments. Even at the FO3 level of tech, it's not paperless. If it was there would be no books, paper, paper trash, pencils, chalk boards, etc. There would only be holotapes and holotape players. What the heck is with the microfische readers in the library? H O L O T A P E S! Speaking of holotapes, why are they audio only? What does "holo" mean in FO3? The computer consoles seem to be network consoles with just keyboard input. Output is text only. Last thing: Once the player stops the president from his ambivalent plan shouldn't the following happen: no eyebots, no enclave soldiers, no vertibirds, no enclave radio signal. Ok, there might be still enclave soldiers in the field when you talk Eden out of his plan, and maybe some vertibirds, but maybe you get my point? Why are the outcasts stealing or buying tech?, they don't seem to be doing anything with it. When they buy weapons and armor that's better than what they have, they then do the Morrowind vendor thing. Yes, I do know that it is just a game, but my personal disbelief is not suspended while playing it.
  7. yes this is probably considered to be a whine. Only the player is affected by the weather, not NPCs. I was heading up the path toward Bleak Falls Barrow and, as is probably typical, I bow shot the bandits in/around that tower. The timescale is set at 1:2, so that 24 hours game time = 12 hours real time. I was "comfortable", then after combat had ceased I was suffering from exposure, "feeling chilled". That was when I noticed that the bandits had no fire and they have been in that tower for who knows how long with no ill effects. They are typically attired in such a way that parts of them are always exposed. I'm suffering from exposure after 10 minutes RT, but NPCs are totally unaffected. :( And not all of them are Nords. I go into the Barrow and... something totally unrealistic happens. I open the huge, heavy, creaky door and...1. the bandits inside don't realize that some one has opened the door, and 2. a huge blast of incredibly cold air has just entered the Barrow, and....wtf?...they act like no such thing has occurred.
  8. What I would like is to be able to do an alternate start away from Helgen. It doesn't matter where. Also I think it would be nice if you could use shouts even though you are not the Hero, just like Ulfrik Stormcloak whom also is not the Dovakin. I have Dawnguard and Hearthfire. if there is such a mod, it wouldn't come up on search.
  9. I look at PF from a hillside nearby and see what appears to be a shopping center/mall. However there are no other buildings around it. No Rocket Gas Station, no houses, nothing but a bunch of retail outlets. And,obviously, a "Bob's Big Boy" Restaurant sign. There are a lot of vehicles and, as others have probably tried and failed to do, you cannot pick them up and move them to create walls or whatever. THIS IS NOT A MOD REQUEST!!!! There isn't any parking areas either.Super Duper Mart's parking lot is still there after 200 years IMO Bethesda should have gone ahead and made the DC area full RL size.No,it wouldn't be boring.Consider ALL of the clutter,animals,NPC's, buildings, etc, that would be there. Some modders may have even made mods that reflect RL buildings, etc. Who knows? That's all I have to say about that. .
  10. When I type in the search for "local map" it comes up with 799 responses.Way too many to search through. Can someone please do this: I would like the local maps of interiors to be drafting-like accurate instead of the in-game smudge. Showing the obviously straight walls, doorways(with AND without doors) and "windows". I think that it would also be cool if you could mark the entrance to the building or floor that you're exploring with different colors or markers on the map. Getting lost in some of the "dungeons" is real easy to do. i.e. The Statesman Hotel. Well it is for me,anyway. O.T. and sure to anger the Lore-Addicted: Even though the game setting seems to be firmly stuck in the 1950's, with music from the 1930's, what stopped the scientists from developing things like "Gorilla" glass? (that which is the view screen of your RL phone.) There are, to me, incongruities. The water towers are not 1950's.Look it up on Google Image, or just Google it. The introduction says that "...in 2077.." things got real bad. So even their engineers stopped doing what they do best for ...127 YEARS! Before the poop hit the fan. The "holo tapes" seem like nonsense. They're just audio tapes, not holographic anything.Most of the "mainframes" are reel-to-reel, I say most because there is no way that Eden is a reel-to-reel supercomputer...but I digress.
  11. -- Colette Marence. LOL. Glad somebody caught it! Actually, I never said that I wanted Reality, I just pointed out things I thought about. If anyone doesn't agree, you don't have to answer.
  12. If a society has the ability to make and use full body leather armor, they usually have the ability to dye it multiple colors using natural pigments. In Skyrim everyone uses candles or lanterns, so solid black clothing would be possible with the use of lampblack. Certain activities in ES games remain oversimplified, as an example skinning, tanning, and leather making. 1. you would NOT want to have a tanner inside your town.Why not?The smell. 2. the actual process is time consuming. Mining is screwy too. It takes a lot more ore to make a single ingot of iron than what you could possibly carry in your pocket. Blacksmiths are probably deaf or very hard of hearing. They also have great upper body strength, and bad eyesight from squinting. The bad eyesight comes from making chainmail as described to me by a real life BS that attends the SCA here in Colorado. A typical real life vagabond/ex-criminal/"adventurer" would not be spending any time making things except like in the BOOK "The Hunger Games"(as opposed to the crappy movie by the same name) the main character used a bow to hunt animals with, knew about camouflage, sneaking, and learned to use traps and snares. As I see it, there are no tools to actually do anything except to obtain raw materials. Getting rich quick would require you to steal, but the idea is not to do that. If people from a town knew, somehow, that you had been stealing from their dead, you would have to hide all of the time as they would "hunt you down" for desecrating the resting places of their dead relatives. *spoiler* that merchant in Riverwood accuses you of "skimming" gold from his ornamental gold claw, when you give it back to him. LOL and then he puts it back in plain sight so that someone else will steal it. So, you want it to be more real?...no one "uses the bathroom". you eat, you drink, you sleep. No one bathes...ewwww...lol kill a mage by making her puke her guts out from your stink. Once you have had a disease, you should be immune to it. Unless it's like chicken pox, which can come back later in life as "the shingles". Here's an inconvenient reality check. According to history and to that real life blacksmith there is no way that a "lone wanderer" is going to put on full plate armor and then mount a horse. It's not physically possible to do that. That's why they always had btwn 2 to 4 squires and a winch. Trying to walk/run around in full plate mail is even worse. And don't even think about trying to fight effectively while wearing a full helm. If you fall into water more than 6 inches deep, you're dead. The weight of your armor restricts your movement. As some have said. If you want to win a fight, don't get into one. Quick fix potions should be unhealthy. A stamina recharge potion in RL is called...caffeine. Which is an odd substance in that you may FEEL more alert, awake, energized, except that systemically your body is feeling something negative/detrimental. An instant heal potion is impossible, seems to me to be liquid vitamins. Most of the vitamins that we consume that are not part of food are dumped out through urination. An instant "spiritual increase"/"spiritual replenisher" (mana/magicka) seems to me to actually be possible in the form of herbs like St. John's Wart which seems to cause some people to FEEL happy. The "potion" is sold at convenience stores under the Brand name Neuro and the beverage name is Bliss. Was just thinking.
  13. Look, I know that Skyrim and everything in it created by Bethesda belongs to Bethesda. I do get that. A while ago someone made a mod called "Build Your own Home", and now ta-dah...Bethesda announces an add-on that let's you...Build You Own Home. So, like so many other game producers they won't fix what's broken(please don't fixate on this opinion), but they'll take ideas that they didn't originate and call them their own. And, say they were going to do it all along. Bull. Hey, if they gave credit to the modder, then kudos. They protect their property with DRM and the like, but modders' ideas are not the property of Bethesda. Just saying.
  14. Rename, re-texture, and re-mesh. Red, purple, and blue mountain flowers to: [using Google Images.] Red = wild rose bush.[sp21747.jpg] Purple = wild periwinkle, no specific pic. Blue = wild violet flower, no specific pic. Just a little reality, even if it is just for the look.
  15. is this done already?I searched. On "death" I would like ALL undead, including vampires, to turn into a pile of ash and have bonemeal in their inventories. is this OP?how can that be?aren't they "dead"? ooh, unsightly piles of ash! [when I'm done with a dungeon, etc, I'm done with it and haven't returned.]
  16. Things like this have been done in Oblivion AND Fallout 3, so balking now is wasting time. 1. drink the wine or potion, receive an empty bottle. 2. make a new potion. 3. bottles are infinitely recyclable, until you do this: 4. create a throw-able potion i.e. fire/flame with splash damage, fire lasts 15 seconds(?). Also some minor physical damage due to the shattering glass of the bottle. while on fire NPCs do 2 different things. modern:try to put the fire out. or dark ages: run around while continuing to burn.(fear would make this realistic) while NPC is distracted by the effects of the splashed potion, the player can then attack in more conventional ways like archery or melee. Fire potion is probably made out of say troll fat and fire salts, and whatever ingredient makes you weak to fire. effects are person or thing on fire and fear. Ice potion is probably troll fat and ice salts. effects are slow and or paralysis(frozen). etc. please take this idea and run with it.
  17. OK so there I was at the Thalmar Ambassador's party and I get into the kitchen, but the chest is empty. My gear is not there. I'm already feeling betrayed. I look for evidence that the Thalmar are responsible for the appearance of the dragons.But...the Blade chick lied. Her accomplice, the wood elf, lied as well. Ulfric is an unwitting double agent. The Thalmar did not awaken the dragons, and the Stormcloaks are also innocent of the charge of collusion. just sayin'.
  18. If this has been done, kudos. Which mod is it? I would like to raise my crafting skills[cooking,woodcutting,mining, herbing,alchemy, etc.] independent of my combat skills [i.e. Casting, Archery, 1-H weapon, etc.] While leveling my crafting skills and combat skills, I do not want my overall toon level to rise. It would be nice if toon leveling were dependent on quests, only. Is that a "Yes We Can"? or is a hardcoded game engine no-no.
  19. I know that it somehow became a sacred cow to say that you can wear a full suit of iron or steel plate AND just walk down a dusty lane. Except that you CAN'T. You can't put it on all by yourself. You can't just mount a horse, you need help from strong people and a winch. It was extremely heavy. Now you can also carry a large backpack with who-knows how many pounds of other things and food...well, no you can't. Heavy armor is used to intimidate, not for actual fighting. You can't swim while wearing anything heavier than cloth "armor". ot. someone mentioned "what about frostbite?" well, what about hypothermia? Realistically you would avoid getting wet in an area where it seems to snow all of the time. I wrote this while tired. you wanna flame me...hey, it beats drowning and freezing to death in a lake while wearing full steel plate. Now don't get me wrong ,as soon as I bought this game, I played it for a total of 43 hours.
  20. You have to install it using the compatibility app. just right-click on the geck.exe icon and select the compatibility app, and just follow what it says. oh, and be prepared, because the esp you just made will go somewhere other than where you expect it to.
  21. [Lore] How long does it take to grow a Super Mutant from a typical wastelander or child?
  22. There are two such mods: Real Time Settler and Feng Shui. RTS lets you build a community and Feng Shui allows for precise placement but the learning curve, for me, is extreme.
  23. I would like this also. It would be like skeet shooting and you could call any such mod: Vertibird Hunter.
  24. how about a "new" mesh for the phone, just like someone did for the terminals? <now just thinking rhetorically> you eat some packaged food, what happened to the package? the economy is weird, guns aren't cheap nor are they rare. clean clothing, yes there are some clean clothes to be found, should be very expensive. flesh from whatever source should be cheap, while preserved foods should demand a premium. there is no schooling of any kind, yet everyone can use a firearm without injuring him/her self....and raiders can reprogram a turret to specifically target the lone wanderer. the true enemies of the indigenous wastelanders are the BoS, the Enclave, and the Outcasts. Those "people" are selfishly taking any hope of the return of civilization away from everyone else in their quest for tech. erase Karma, life is ambivalent. it ought to be more complicated than that. you do something that you, in the vault, learned was wrong, so you feel "sick" for having done it. Keep doing it over and over and you become desensitized to that action or anyone else 's response. "doing good" can give you a good rep, but when people come to rely on your efforts exclusively, then it's time to find a place to live far away from the sponges. the whole idea of a society based on the raider ethos is just crap. As does happen, someone will decide that that way of doing things just doesn't work in the long run. given enough raid failure and people will start banding together into communities where inward violence is forgotten or just replaced with laws.(yes, just like Rivet City, and Megaton.) ...heh....there are no pregnant women in the game, where are the Lamplighters coming from? if there are no replacements when the 2nd to last child becomes a teen, that program is dead right there.And if you really think about it, their days are already numbered. supermutants are confused and...stupid, they eat their only means of propagation...too stupid to know that the fat juicy man it just ate was a pregnant woman...oops. In Andale, you find strange meat, but after seeing what's going on there it should go from "strange meat" to being named for what it really is.Andale can't last much longer either. There are a lot of static electronic devices all over the wasteland, the wanderer should be able to call in the main benefactors of tech, they take the devices...consoles, pc parts, that electronics rack, and give the wanderer caps/food/medicine/ammo/safe haven for a week and/or trading contracts as a finder's fee. just a thought.
  25. Actually I think that a total conversion mod replete with 17th century weapons would be just the ticket, based on the Historical Fiction novel "1632" by Erik Flint. [you can find it on Amazon.com]
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