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Everything posted by cybill

  1. headache now. just when i'm thinkin i am learnin my way around things it seems i am not. but then that is how we learn. i had made the merge patch after addin a couple of alternative radio mods. the sound on the radio was all odd...like a scratched cd - i took them out with NMM. then realised it was all messed up. GNR only played whatisname 2 dog and no music. it was late at night when i started messin with the merge patches and unistallin mods. why i do these thing when it was all so luvly i don't know but i guess that is the appeal with mods...always want one more. so possibly then the hassle has came from the added stations - i didn't think there could be much harm in them. i suppose once a cocktail of mods is added who knows what is happenin. will read up on wyrebash then...cheers for input.
  2. that has helped thanks. pretty obvious when textures are involved. some mods area little whacked still but i will sort them out over time. will have to make sure i know what i am doin before messin with a merged patch again. cheers!
  3. any thoughts would be appreciated. i have just recently got into moddin my fallout 3 game and was quite happy with the modded setup so decided to create a merged patch. after i noticed my main character's head was green so i turned off the merged patch. then all my plug-ins on NMM where unticked. so i went through them and got them back to order. I had NMM and FO3edit open at same time. i think this maybe was a mistake here is the problem. NMC's terxture pack is not workin. as far as i can see the entire game has gone back to vanilla textures. I have ran FO3edit again and noticed it is sayin this " [00:31] Background Loader: [ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [Fallout - Textures.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [Fallout - Meshes.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [Fallout - Voices.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [Fallout - Sound.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [Fallout - MenuVoices.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [Fallout - Misc.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [Anchorage - Main.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [Anchorage - Sounds.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [ThePitt - Main.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [ThePitt - Sounds.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [brokenSteel - Main.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [brokenSteel - Sounds.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [PointLookout - Main.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [PointLookout - Sounds.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [Zeta - Main.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [Zeta - Sounds.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [JHBCloverPlus - Assets.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [JHBCloverPlus - Textures.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [Owned! - Data.bsa] Skipped. [00:31] Background Loader: [C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\Data\] Setting Resource Path. [00:31] Background Loader: finished" i think this is significant? any help would be hugely appreciated
  4. thanks for the tips folks. that is sound advice for me to work with. i think gopher does the videos so well it makes it a little intimidatin when you decide to go out and take your own steps. i'll have to rewatch the FO3edit one and do a little research into BOSS. have tonnes of RL work just turned up so it will be a wee while till i can try it out but that means plenty of time to make sure i know what i'm at before i start experimentin. when i have solid results i'll post back here with the steps i take in case anyone in the future is ever curious. Lt Rhapthorne any tutorial videos are always very appreciated :) EDIT _ pretty much works with these mods. though the vats one i think caused a crash. not so bad though as prefer bullet time to vats anyways. cheers again folks
  5. Hi all, I was pretty new to moddin when i played skyrim and although i loved it much i was plagued by installin tonnes of mods and basically kept havin to reinstall my messed up game. fallout 3 was a big love of mine on the 360 at launch and after gettin up to so much mayhem in skyrim i couldn't help but eventually take the plunge for FO3 on PC. So followin Gopher's moddin FO3 youtube series i have managed to have a stable modded FO3. Even at this though i had a few issues includin a complete reinstall after a few hours work. second time i checked the game after each mod. with this method i managed to catch the route of CTD's and fix them. I have a much better understandin of load orders and cannot fathom how i stumbled around the mods of skyrim with as little hassle as i had. anyways what is the point of this? I would really like to install an ironsights mod. I currently have FWE, MMM, EVE and WMK. i have the compatibility patches for them sussed. I am lookin at some other weapon mods. apocalypse armoury looks great. and then there are a few smaller mods with just one or 2 guns (like the pulse rifle from aliens for example) is this the best ironsight mod? rh ironsights - fose with the apocolpyse armoury mod do i use this compatability patch ? and what is the best way for makin it work with FWE, MMM, EVE and WMK. sorry for noobishness but i really am wary of not messin this game up
  6. hi there, these are my essential mods, for your dark dungeons use http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=7654 a nice player home is http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=11803 and the ultimate followers mod is great - but best installed on a new game make sure to follow the instructions http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=14037 and then here is a list of ones i like http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=8814 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=11941 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=8003 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12798 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=2700 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9063 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10143 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=1690 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10905 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9782 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=15664 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5164 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5388 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=601 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13692 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13268 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9494 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13811 hope this helps...anythin else you need when playin the game just search for it...there is a wealth of material here edit - as far as steam goes i find it a little cumbersome and try just to stick with the nexus...maybe i'm wrong but i trust the mods here more than what is at steam double edit - check out this channel too. very helpful
  7. i was just thinkin the very same thing - this would be very handy. along with maybe a cease command when they start havin a rucus amongst themselves.
  8. often durin combat in skyrim there is a point when an enemy (just when their health is near its limit) crouch down to get a wee breather. only at this point for them to stand back up again about 5 seconds later to face more than likely their doom at you or a follower's weapon. i always thought it would be nice if instead of gettin off their knees instead they where to stay kneeled...as if they have admitted submission (as happens in the fist fights). at this point you could leave them or execute them as seen fit. i reckon if i had just been thrashed in a fight like so, what with all the blood loss...i'd probably stay down and hope for some mercy. but i got thinkin - wouldn't it be sweet if instead at this point you could give them an option to join your ranks and become a follower for your own personal militia. imagine havin followers includin skeletons,bears and maybe even bunnies (well i guess bunnies never get a chance to submit - one hit always kills them right?). or if that is not possible maybe just your regular ol' bandits - i think this would add a lot more depth to the game. would this be somethin possible to implement? cheers for the time readin this and sorry if it has been requested before. i had a wee gander but didn't see the equililent here.. EDIT - thinkin about this maybe if it didn't happen every time...just on occassion..or else it would get old pretty quick.
  9. well i don't know what anyone is on about but when i get to that point instead of feelin spoiled i'll probably go for an... aaaahhhhh :yes:
  10. thanks for the welcome back - it is so great there is such a community here. for a single player game i never feel alone. those are great mods to start with, last time i played i was like "must get this! must get that!" so it is not surprisin i ended up with issues. i'll be a bit calmer this time.
  11. thanks for the reply...i'll start followin this.
  12. hi all, i've given up skyrim for the past 2 months but am now ready to jump in again. i never had a solid approach to installin mods or the skse or any of that. basically when i went back to play discovered i had so haphazardly mucked around with it all i was gettin a CTD. now i know i could try to fix the whole situation, backtrack work out where the break is and sort it out. but have decided i want to do a clean fresh install and start all over. now i know guides have been put up for this but after half an hour searchin ain't got much that is the definate install guide for a noob. i have a pretty decent system so want to have the nicest lookin experience possible. right now i will state there are probably dozens of topics on this. so i apologise if this is a oft restated request. so - if anyone would be so good to point me in the direction of the cleanest route to installin and moddin skyrim for a very pretty adventure (i like the idea of havin my character all lookin fancy and maybe a nice exclusive house for them to call home) - and even maybe a direction so i have a good head around the best method of of settin it up so i don't end up with the laggy eventual CTD i ended up with -i'd be well appreciative sorry for bad english but i'm irish and i'm drunk
  13. i'm a male feminist and like havin a woman as a role model...its this roleplay element of games such as skyrim that draws me in so much. whenever i enter a dungeon and the bandit or "badguy" leader is a woman i always find myself thinkin..."good for you" - i kill them all the same but a part of me wants to join forces with them. sadly the game doesn't give me that option. i've reread the above sentences a few times - i'm sure it comes out wrong...i don't have the language to express what i really mean.
  14. i have a copy of morrowind ive never installed - don't think i will anytime soon either. oblivion seems to be well titled too i reckons...so many games...so many games. i have to learn to discipline myself - but i have such an addictive personality trait. it'd be like one of my reallife perks or somethin.
  15. indeed. a beautiful thing about forums is they are inclusive - i see no need for bringing any debate which excludes people here. these forums are about skyrim and where as there could be a very interestin conversation about its mythological routes in real world beliefs (even to as far to say its lore is a replacement religion) maybe that is somethin for another topic. it is interestin seein it spiral out of control but it would be a shame to see this get locked. i don't know what rights i have as bein the starter of the topic but i ask to leave that outside. i very much appreciate the feedback here. i am not really as lost a cause as i maybe made myself out to be. i have nipped it in the bud so to speak. i simply felt some impulse and need to disclose it to a skyrim community. what shocked me was that although i knew i would get sucked in i didn't realise how much i would actually treat the game as an addict. my girlfriend is equally shocked at how i lied - for example when i said i needed to stay in my town an extra night (we live in different towns you see) because i had work or some form of believable excuse the simple truth was because i was playin a game. as i am self-employed i have to do a self assessment for my taxes...i very very luckily got it in about 2 hours before receivin a £100 fine. my bedroom is a tip, physically and mentally so am i. my pets are fine so...i didn't ignore them too hard last night my dreams were simply me playin skyrim...no grandness to it...simply me playin skyrim. its like it has been branded into my brain.
  16. wow...thanks for all the responses. to be honest i am a little surprised at the amount of sympathy and well considered advice here. thanks dubnoman. everythin you say is very true - i am at my girlfriends now and we have discussed the issue...she is even surprised to discover the time i have lost here (which is miminal...one month maybe) and has told me stories from her forums of men bein chucked over skyrim. she didn't even realise i had gone so deep...it amazes how easy it is to hide somethin like this. i have always considered a druglike element to games (i have gamed since '84) but somethin i have always managed...sure i can poiny myfinger at goldeneye for failin my degree but really the finger is pointed at me. with skyrim i feel it is the first time an individual game can be described as havin drug like properties. this can be argued against, i am sure, with other games but at least for me it is the first time i have been so unbelievely lost. So my test will be sunday night when i am next at my computer. my mission will be to spend a whole day on monday workin on my business - my living. I hope i can somehow revisit skyrim someday...in a responsible manner...one quest a time. it really is beautiful EDIT - to Thompsonar. this is it...what i loved about FO3 and skyrim is just explorin...soon i'll be able to treat myself - do a paintin,play some skyrim, do some puppets,play some skyrim, do my...well won't go there
  17. a few years ago i lost 80 hours in Fallout 3 over a period of about 2 weeks. i was in an unhappy relationship, it was christmas time (which i hate) so not much work (i'm self employed) so losin it all to explorin the wasteland was heaven. then i kinda got bored and that was that. since then my gamin habits have been on battlefield...quick pleasure for a couple hours a day - not too disruptive. new year 2012 (so not the christmas addiction this time round) i had work this season and was kept very busy completin that. it was well paid too so have a little time with no financial stress afterwards and thought.. "sod it i'll get skyrim." in the game shop with my wonderful girlfriend who is sayin things like - "you deserve it...go on you've worked hard - you know...treat yourself..its only £30" i wonder if it starts the same for so many. one month later...2 characters. the first was a big big mess...said yes to everythin, fast travelled all over the place always emcumbered, obssessed with just doin everythin...100 hours. the second was a tighter story just followed one quest line at at a time...made myself up a nice mage/thief elf. 30 hours later hadn't even started the main quest line. and when 2 quests conflicted at whiterun discovered the main quest line would not start and that was that - sure i could just arse around doin other stuff but i'd never receive my dragon shout - i would never really see what else was in line for me - yet amazingly this game would still have 100's of hour of gameplay left for this character. OK i thought...maybe start a third character. really get it right this time...keep my eye on the mainquest line. look after my save files...pick what mods to use and not mess with them too much. this was last night at about 1 am. i had made this 2nd character in the past few days and yet had put in 30 plus hours. i have not worked in a fortnight, i have ignored my pets, i have ignored my (quite frankly very sexually frustrated) girlfriend. i have ignored my friends, my exercise, my diet. i have ignored my life. i was makin iron daggers to up my smithin and thinkin that this is what i should be doin in reallife...you know doin stuff to gain XP? i was lookin at my real life like it was the video game...because lets be honest. skyrim is safe and it is beautiful - RL is frightenin. i had just taken a pipe so decided go to bed, mull it over, watch a film get up next day and restart my life again. i type this while i wait for a bus to take me to the city for the weekend (RL's fast travel). so why do i type this? is it because my first reaction was " i wonder if their is a way to transport my character to a brand new virgin storyline?" (which i am still curious about though i am very aware at how dangerous this is...so if any have read this far and care enough to link me to a way to do that i'd be grateful) or is it because my second reaction was...sod it i'm just goin start all over again! i can't trust myself to just do one quest a day...to limit myself to 2 hours a day. have you any idea how long it would take to get anythin done? i am hopelessly addicted to skyrim. i was dreamin about it every night and playin it every day as much as i could get away with (although day and night became just a blur...sleep was just like pressin the T button) Thankyou sincerely to all the modders out there who make a beautiful game beautiful. i guess my question is this - is there any here who have successfully balanced skyrim into RL?
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