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Everything posted by rogelio11

  1. here you go. your own female deathclaw friend :) https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28313
  2. here are the mods that works for me in 1.10 version. Infinite Heaven mod, Snakebits mod manager , FultonExtraction3000 by NasaNhak and S plus plus Soldier Mod by Jarhad latest .mgsv files all works fine with no issues from the game.
  3. I found something better. with the Infinite Heaven mod. i convert all of the mother base npcs into females by using the mother base settings and i just automatically fulton them with the FultonExtraction3000 mod :smile: I made a youtube video about that lol
  4. that is awesome. your onto something. hopefully you find a command to spawn female soldiers or as prisoners.
  5. hopefully there is a mod or some way to spawn female enemy soldiers or as prisoners
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