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Everything posted by Scribblesix

  1. I generally dislike levelling items (excepting potions perhaps), particularly for quest rewards. Getting 1200 gold for delivering a sword to someone 15 feet away is daft. I think Vegas handled this better you got a (generally) small physical reward but you really did quests for the xp and more importantly faction benefits. Now Skyrim has neither 'xp' nor factions so this is difficult but then most of the people who give you quests like this are merchants. replacing 'levelled sum of gold' with a discount is just as effective and less immersion breaking. Regarding the aforementioned Thane gifted weaponry that is generally neither used nor particularly wanted. Replacing them with something with equal value but greater utility would seem smart; a horse from Balgruff, a chest of silver ingots in Markarth [sic], free board at the in in Winterhold ect.
  2. Killing ulfric (was/is/will be) a very inflammatory act. It enrages a great deal of sentiment against the executing partner and prevents his use as a bargaining chip. taking him as a captive to the capitol to live as an 'honoured guest would be far more advantageous and might actually quell the rebellion, killing him might well only stoke it. the empire where fighting a limited war of conquest so to speak, they simply wanted to change the leader (ie Ulfric) of a province, they weren't having a Roman style campaign of killing the men, enslaving the women and looting the gold. To make that work you need to have the local thanes and powerbrokers on side. Alienate them and the whole process is likely to repeat itself. Keeping Ulfric alive means that those who are tied to him by ties of blood or friendship are much less likely to dipose your new jarl, especially when he starts redirecting established wealth to the newly arrived Dumner.
  3. .Paarthurnax Ulfric: despite the incessant character assassination he was actually a good man. Furthermore he respected your character and was rather fun esp with the cool nicknames. Vilkas: total bro, my Girlfriend even married him in her play through. Niranye: She's fun. Mjoll: the consummate Lawful Good adventurer. Balgruuf the Greater. Best and dare I say only good jarl in the game. However I would like to once again vent my frustration on the cardboard cutoutness of the NPC's in Skyrim. I feel that the metaplot of the game is great and the setting fantastic but the people that populate it empty. For instance Ulfric has a fantastic background and is a very interesting character. He was an abandoned son who became a war hero in a loosing cause, he was captured, tortured and tricked into believing himself instrumental in loosing a battle that resulted in not only the destruction of his nation but also the crushing of his religion. a man of action he fought back against these outrages by rebelling against the same empire he loved viewing it as a now cancerous abomination that throttles and blasphemes god. yet there is almost no free dialogue with this. Wouldn't it have been great to have been able to convince him to assist the dark elves in exchange for assistance in the war, get him to join the greybeards (kings becoming monks has a long history) get him to purge non nords ect ect. there was a lot of potential here and NON of it was realised. very sad.
  4. Who and how? Skyrim is on the opposite side of the world to the Summerset Isles It's pretty much impossible for the Aldermeri to attack Skyrim without first taking Cyrodiil or Hammerfell.
  5. Some thoughts: you are always going to have trouble in Skyrim with rebellious natives, either through monetary (empire taking silver ect) or religious unrest. So the Empire will always have to station a large army there, that is very expensive. If Skyrim ceded that need is revoked, though the empire might potentially have to station significant forces along skyrims borders these might well be cheaper than an occupying force.
  6. I feel that the emphasis should be on steps rather than rolls; I know it's a fantasy game and everything So fantastical moves like combat rolls have their place. But the protagonist (DBorn) often wears pretty heavy armour, even the high end light stuff looks far too inflexible to be rolling around in, particularly when pared with dual/large weapons.
  7. What I'd like to see is an exponential fall off when stacking 'enchantment' effects. ie. two 20% cold resist rings give 30% resistance, 3 give 35%.
  8. Thanks for the heads up, Living in the Parties Republc of China, the fastest speeds I've ever achieved where 70 kbps. Downloading Jasus' sword mod was an overnight job :rolleyes: . As the DLC is free is it possible to torrent or is it best just giving up on the thing?
  9. But the empire are already beaten, the empire is crawling with Thalmor agents and they seem to dictate a great deal of it's policy, I'm very puzzled by the constant 'the empire will beat them soon refrain'.
  10. The Companions questline imo only really makes sence as a Nord or other human. Beast race werewolves is odd. A man that looks like a Cat turning into a wolf that looks like a man is just silly.
  11. why don't you do something in the Dovic rune language; Quethhe Naak (the eater of bones) or HokoronTu (Foe Hammer) ect
  12. Sorry, I'v got to call you on that; skyrim's gameplay and storyline are both pretty weak. What was done well was creating an immersive and vibrant background environment.
  13. It would have been nice if there had been a Talmor faction to the civil war. Wear Stormcloak armour and raid imperial caravans, Imperial armour and attack farms. Turn in the blades get the use of dragons reach by uncoving whiterun yarls Talos worship ect. Maybe a few radial quests where you get to hunt down Talos worshipers and shrines sow racial discord and the like. Would have been fun...
  14. Heh, I live in Red China and I've almost never seen them use foreign actors to play foreigners, all TV shows are filled with (obviously) Chinese Japanese, Chinese Indians, Chinese Iranians, Chinese Greeks with the odd terriffied looking white foriegn exchange student lip syncing to a Chinese voice actor. Always makes me smile. re OP: are you trying to circumvent the need for voice actors? ie loop 'spoken gibberish" on top of "subtitles" if so I really wouldn't bother. All languages use intonation. Even if you don't understand you will know that something isn't right and be distracted and annoyed by it. Best to use nothing,
  15. I really Like it, but I'm a big fan of 'real world' weapons and armour. I also like that you've used a tabard I sometimes feel tat people focus on making armour a little too 'shiny' which doesn't always fit with the skyrim environment. One suggestion; rather than having weapon bandoleers perhaps stick on religious icons (Akatosh perhaps) waterskins ect.
  16. ..Just a thought many of the posters are asking for HUGE buffs in vampire form. The game is already very easy I don't really see how making it even less challenging will make it any more fun. I wouldn't add in any buffs that are not more than countered by a disadvantage.
  17. One thought, the game designers went out of their way to make them evil. (heads on spikes torture rooms ect) will you try to reverse that design choice or roll with it. making them very fanatical? Also what are your ideas on why the silver hate the four or so generally honourable werewolves more than the host of far more despicable vampire clans that dot skyrim
  18. One thought, the game designers went out of their way to make them evil. (heads on spikes torture rooms ect) will you try to reverse that design choice or roll with it. making them very fanatical?
  19. But what else will you spend your money on?
  20. The only unique styles I can can think of are pacifist, brawler/monk (no magic no armour no weapons just fists). if you used one of the mods to upgrade shouts it might be interesting to use a Dovah Dovakiin (ony shouts for combat) Skyrim sadly isn't vegas and you are definately railroaded into combat.
  21. Yes, though the skyrim NPC's are generally poorly written Ulfric and paarthurnax have at least a sembilance of character. What I do feel was done poorely was the NPC coments on Ulfric, without exceptional they are all 'he's a self serving upstart'. I think the game would have been better served by making them more balanced and nuanced. Have people talk about what a great__warrior/Nord/hero___ he was but how he changed after the war (I'm guessing his capture by the thalmor is not common knowledge). I suppose one problem is that a lot of people wrote the dialogue regarding one character so a lot of it doesn't quite fit.
  22. Glad to see you mentioned this often-overlooked fact. A lot of people bemoan being forced to join the thieves' guild, but that only happens if you ignore the dialogue and blindly follow your quest journal. Delphine actually tells you that Esbern is somewhere in the Ratway, so you don't need to speak to anyone in Riften to advance that quest - just head straight down to the tunnels and through the Ragged Flagon. My two hander can pump out an obscene amount of damage, if I get silly and use enchanted items and weaponry I can usually kill deathlords in one hit. Honestly I would wait for a decent balancing mod.
  23. As said making 'skimpy' armour is very easy and has a high payoff, many people wil like, and download your mod. It's very understandable.
  24. In fairness skyrim is so linear that one is sometimes afraid to avoid the map arrows, one is always nervous that unless one does as is told the quest will be unfinishable (a locked door or similiar) personally I just drank a potion of glibness to get the speech required for the persuade check.
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