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Everything posted by jumarbye

  1. Great chat! I have used almost all of the GamerPoet tutorials and find they are exceptionally made and extremely helpful. I only started modding in August, and some of the important modding topics, such as using TES5Edit to make a merged patch and WryeBash for leveled lists, were a little scary for me to tackle. His videos got me through those topics and more. Thank you for talking to to my favorite tutorial author!
  2. I really enjoyed the interview - it is interesting and can be inspiring to know more about the person behind the name.
  3. Oh thank you for asking that question! and thanks to IsharaMeradin for the answer! I had the same problem and had no idea what to do. I went as far as reinstalling everything, which I needed to anyway; that was just the straw that broke the camel's back). I will try it when it happens again. Copying this thread to notepad so I can save it in my "modding practices" folder - if that's not breaking any rules, that is. Thanks again!
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