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Posts posted by jumarbye

  1. Great chat!


    I have used almost all of the GamerPoet tutorials and find they are exceptionally made and extremely helpful.


    I only started modding in August, and some of the important modding topics, such as using TES5Edit to make a merged patch and WryeBash for leveled lists, were a little scary for me to tackle. His videos got me through those topics and more.


    Thank you for talking to to my favorite tutorial author!


  2. Oh thank you for asking that question! and thanks to IsharaMeradin for the answer! I had the same problem and had no idea what to do. I went as far as reinstalling everything, which I needed to anyway; that was just the straw that broke the camel's back).


    I will try it when it happens again. Copying this thread to notepad so I can save it in my "modding practices" folder - if that's not breaking any rules, that is.


    Thanks again!

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