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About malonn

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  1. No, but thanks. That mod uses a separate mesh for the needle and it just moves it via SetPos.
  2. I'm working with meshes that animate. I'm wondering if you can check the current state of a mesh via script? Specifically, I'm working with Harvest Containers and I'm curious if you can check to see which state the mesh is in--opened or closed? All via script.
  3. What is the latest version of Python you all have used that supports the PyFFI 2.2.4 dev branch without errors?
  4. I figured it out. It was missing files. Not normal maps, but .hl and something else.
  5. What causes hair to be able to change color in the race gen menu or via the CS? I'm having a few hairs that are deep black and won't change color. Is it a mesh thing?
  6. Is anyone running PyFFI version 2.2.3? It's the version you download via Python's pip utility. If so, have they installed it recently (like today)? I'm wondering if all is smooth for people or do you get errors? I get an error for every nif saying ERROR FAILED <on the mesh> EXPT MSG : Use Recurse. In all my years using PyFFI I have never had this error. I'm wondering if I need to report it to the devs.
  7. Born sinner, the opposite of a winner. What's that from, young bucks?
  8. This is a good interview; well chosen interviewee. Nexus was formed for the Elder Scrolls and Arthmoor is a cornerstone in ES modding. Thanks for the read, Nexus staff. Was good.
  9. I had this problem too, with NO mods, not even official DLC's. What fixed it for me was setting the refresh rate of the monitor to 60Hz. I have a high refresh rate monitor, and apparently it doesn't play nice with Skyrim. Skyrim requires 60Hz, no more than that.
  10. Yes, the merged ESP will then be in the Bashed Patch. You can then deactivate the original. Yep, improting helps to solve conflicts. The best way to tell if there a conflict with two or more plugins is to load them in TES4Edit. You can then solve most conflicts manually, or let Bash solve some of then auto-magically. Bash will not solve all conflicts though. For example if there are 2 mods that add a script to the same NPC, and both mods have the "import scripts" bash tag, the later loading mod will "win" out, and that script is the one that will be imported into the Bashed Patch. That's when manual tweaking is required to get the best of both mods in that case.
  11. Yeah. OOO adds a script to every container in the game. Merging the two scripts will work, but you need to be familiar with scripting. Most of the time, merging is not a simple cut and paste.
  12. I hate to say it, but you may have to strip down your load order and do the good ol' 1 by 1, step by step mod activating procedure. Strip down to just Oblivion.esm, and activate and load 1 at a time. Also, you don't need the Quiest Award leveling mods with Maskar's. Maskar's handles that itself. Quest Award leveling is deprecated.
  13. As long as you didn't load the game and save again over the recovered save, Bash will show you all the mods that were in that game. Off the top of my head, it sounds like some mod is missing from your load order. Or perhaps an OBSE plugin is acting wonky. I've had issues with OSR and it's heap replacement algorithms. But I don't know about your issue with any certainty.
  14. Yep. I highly recommend installing Oblivion outside of the "Program Files" directory. You don't have to right-click it every time. You could set it to run as an administrator via the "Properties" windows. "properties --> Compatibility". But you'd be doing yourself a favor to install Oblivion outside of the Program Files directory.
  15. Have a look at the OBSE 20 function "PlayIdle". It's handy. When working with idles, note the restrictions. PickIdle is the only vanilla command if you don't like OBSE (though God only knows why you wouldn't like it). So for the engine to narrow down idles tro play, they devs set in conditions for which the idle will play. The conditions have to be met.
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