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Everything posted by FatherGuse
Just for the record .. for those of us (and maybe I am in the minority) who use a mifi or similar hotspot while traveling and trying to keep games updated, this error is particularly annoying .. nothing like trying to play a favorite game and can't get it to open due to an out of date mod file .. PLEASE get this fixed .. it is a very real pain in the fanny .. thanks.
In response to post #49045012. #49171482, #49191952 are all replies on the same post. .. simple mod that REALLY enhances the play of the game .. well done .. one of the best ..
In response to post #49162717. #49163002, #49181097, #49192312, #51068817 are all replies on the same post. .. absolutely awesome mod/companion .. VERY well done .. she'll be remaining in my game(s) .. thank you for Heather .. heckuva well-done companion .. imho, the best to date ..
In response to post #49015162. #49016337, #49016562, #49019317, #49020807, #49022562, #49023832, #49024342, #49026332, #49027617, #49028217, #49028247, #49033977, #49041757, #49044022, #49055282, #49057587, #49103087, #49156727, #49165927, #49192722, #49325112 are all replies on the same post. .. the worst gaff of and otherwise fantastic mod was the inclusion of the whole current political crap (Clinton/Trump) into a fantasy game where i come to escape all that .. after one complete play-through I'll be uninstalling this mod permanently for that one reason alone .. otherwise, this mod competes very well with the whole Fusion City add-on (arguably the best DLC-level Mod to date) .. .. it's heart-breaking really .. fantastic mod that breaks itself with an injection of reality ..
In response to post #49980317. #50001302, #50005337, #50007347, #50009232 are all replies on the same post. .. great discussion .. as far as "manual installs" .. as I understand the way it works now, when you install "MOD-B" that over-writes a part of your "MOD-A" and then you later uninstall MOD-B, you lose that part of MOD-A that was over-written .. "(I Think) Tannin's "Purge" solution (by way of using the virtualisation in Vortex) this is avoided .. and keep in mind, "MOD-B" may have also over-written parts of "MOD-E", "MOD-Q", and "MOD-#234", all of which just got "compromised" and may now cause "problems" .. .. it's the "I Think" part of my reply that lead to my questions .. I'm NOT a programmer/mod-author, I AM an "end-user" and sometimes just need to have "things" spelled out for me .. lol .. .. I'd like to see a system set up where I can install F4SKE and the "Unofficial Patch" and never look back (worry about if they will still be there, intact, when (not "if") I have to use that "Purge" feature .. .. my reasoning is that I have sat for hours, sometimes the better part of an entire day or two, uninstalling the entire game and re-installing it, and all of the DLCs/Add-ons, and then re-installing F4SKE (which is about as brave as I like to be when manually installing any MOD into a game), and then the Unofficial Patch .. over, and over, and over again .. .. those are followed by the AWK-Mods, not because I like them, but because they are required by some of the other MODs that I really like .. I actually would prefer not to have a "sorting MOD" or any "naming/classifying" MOD at all .. but I get the idea and applaud the work that went into them .. but, now the original MOD Author has moved onto other things, and some other folks have picked up the torch (with sometimes mixed results), which then requires patches .. all of which take up another slot on that valued "maximum number of MODs" list .. and the patches sometimes get "tangled up" with each other .. and then crashes .. and then uninstalls .. and then, finally, uninstalling the whole works and the process starts over again .. and then there's the whole slew of "Vanilla Bugs" (like the whole power armor/pip boy thing, and the whole "you killed the BOS before the meeting" thing) .. it's frustration bottled into a game .. I can't express my gratitude with/for Tannin and Nexus for taking the effort to create a program/system that, from the ground up, is designed to "enhance" the user-experience and make life easier for those of us who are not "program/MOD savvy" .. .. I also REALLY enjoy the discussions and ideas that roll out as a result .. good stuff ..
.. and another thought/question .. Will you guys ever be able to implement a "sort" feature, or better yet, a "blocking" feature on files so that we can exclude files (MODs) that have become obsolete/abandoned? I mean, it's really nice that "MOD X" is the all-time most-beloved MOD ever created for a game, but if it's not up-to-date with the current build of a game, or may have been made obsolete (or broken) by a Bethesda Update (cough cough) and the MOD Author has no intention of ever updating it, it would be nice to click a filter button/box and just never see that MOD. I know "veterans" and "experts" of some of these games instantly know this stuff and have memorized which MODs to avoid due to these issues, but for us "neophytes" and folks who are just getting into a particular game .. well .. that sort of "avoidance" makes life much more enjoyable and might even avoid having to use that "Purge" feature in the first place. .. you know, maybe make it a requirement for the MOD Author to specify the game release/build info or requirement (like DLCs) and/or release date/series on upload to Nexus (would provide that sorting criteria right up front).
.. that was/is one of the flat-out best "press releases" ever .. right to the point with very good (simple) explanations and examples .. well done, said, and presented .. I am REALLY looking forward to this next step .. so let me ask a couple of simple (I hope) questions .. well. one question broken down into two questions/scenarios .. Question: If I have a game (Fallout 4, for example) heavily modded and "something" breaks (and I get recurring CTDs), will I be able to "Purge" all of the MODs and return to a Vanilla Game without having to delete and reinstall the game itself? Question: Will the "Purge" Feature allow me to remove only certain MODs and keep "Core" MODs (like the Unofficial Patch and F4SKE, for example). It would seem like, with all the "inter-linking" of "Required MODs" between some of these MODs (authors) it would be much easier to "nuke" (pun intended) everything except "Core MODs" (for lack of a better term) and just re-build your game/MOD selection (rather than trying to keep track of who's MOD needs who's MOD). this would be at the "User" level and not something for the software/program to decide .. like little "Check Boxes" under a Purge Menu to select specific files to purge, or designated "Core Mods" to save .. or both. .. okay .. not so simple, and not so short questions .. my apologies.
In response to post #47376020. Movable Power Armor .. brilliant .. like .. "Beer in a Bottle" Brilliant .. almost ashamed I didn't think to search for it .. Bless You Kentington for making it (and TerrorFox for sharing i) ..
.. had the same issue .. you are running to many body mods (like a vanilla character upgrade and a cbbe body changer that are incompatible) .. I went back through and re-read all of the mod requirement and made some choices about which ones to run/delete and it solved the problem ..