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  1. Tricky to guess what we may see on E3, some guesses are: 1) Fallout 4 (not likely). Beth has said in the Rock, Paper, Shotgun interview to have no more intentions for a FO4 and to not have concepted for a new title in the franchise either, stating that if they ever will do a Fallout game again, it'll be a very long time from now. That interview was from februari 2014. One year ago is not a very long time. 2) Dishonored open-world (plausible). Beth made a whole new world, that of Dishonored and they have no reason to not expand on their own franchise. They have also stated before that they'd love to explore the Dishonored world through different games from a wider perspective. 3) TES 6 (not likely). Skyrim is quite fresh and while it's Zenimax who made TES Online, Zenimax is also the parent company of Bethesda. This means that Zenimax is the master licenseholder and can freeze any game development on any TES title if they simply want all the spotlights on TES Online for 2015, which is a stupid but not uncommon practise. 4) Doom/Wolfenstein related (plausible). They may have more to show for these franchises, even if they're only publishers for one of those two. 5) TES Online 2015 plan for Zenimax (plausible). Bethesda is a branch company of Zenimax, they may be told to show off Zenimax's work on TES Online during this opportunity. The whole going free-to-play thing is more reason for this. 6) A new title. Bethesda is due for a new franchise, it's time.
  2. That's all permitted. The only thing thats not permitted is putting an actual .NIF mesh with edited texture data in a .BSA package.
  3. You may not include DLC meshes in BSA files, because people could extract those meshes and use them, without having bought the DLC. This would make it piracy, as people can technically download one of the many retextures out there, while using creation kit to reapply the original stats of the item. Instead, use creation kit and open the Dragonborn ESM file. Add for example a new armour by duplicating an existing armour appearance. Now edit this duplicate and choose to browse for a mesh. You should now see the mesh in a preview window. Left of the preview are texture paths, which when double clicked will let you use a different texture. To create a new texture file for creation kit, go to the proper tab, create a new texture decal and givr it the right paths to your texture files. When done, select that texture data in the mesh preview window. This way, creation kit can apply retextures to mesh without needing an edited mesh. You won't even need to use NIFskope this way and you'll not overwrite the original mesh and its texture paths. This trick is not well known, if at all and saves you a lot of large mesh files too. Maybe I'll make a tutorial for this. If makes editing meshes in NIFskope obsolete as long as the mesh is identical to an existing one.
  4. My first guess would be that this problem happens for the exact same reason as all the problems with the other DLC's. The recurring problem of obsolete scripts. Skyrim often stores scripts in the data folder, which are then read and used instead of the scripts inside the .BSA data files. In short, scripts in the data folder always have priority, so the scripts in the .BSA file with the same name are ignored. The big problem is that those scripts in the data folder are often left-overs from old patches, so they are outdated and obsolete. Whenever a DLC is installed, there is a big .BSA file which holds a large number of scripts which are needed to play the DLC. Some of these scripts in the .BSA file are newer versions of Skyrim's own scripts, which the DLC needs. But because there are still old scripts in the data folder (which get priority like all scripts in the data folder) Skyrim tries to make the DLC run with scripts which are outdated and unsuited. As a result, funny things happen such as not being able to take certain actions, NPC's not reacting as they should, quests not finishing or plain simple crash-to-desktop issues. The best solution is to see which scripts are in the Dragonborn.BSA file, and to remove all scripts in the data folder ( ../Skyrim/data/scripts/ ) which have the same name. Since this is a time consuming process, some people just opt for the quick solution which is deleting the entire ..Skyrim/data/scripts folder. If you have advanced far in the game, this may alter minor game details, but it often solves more problems than it creates. If you use mods or your own adaptions however, these mods may cease to work. Be sure to back-up your scripts! So what causes these problems? Skyrim sometimes just likes to store scripts in the data folder. A more common reason is that when you install the Creation Kit, many scripts are dumped in the data folder for Creation Kit to use. Those scripts are then not updated and have become obsolete. It doesn't even take a mod to cause these issues! (Although mods can cause similar issues). A similar issue is that some people in Dawnguard could not bite and drink blood when standing, which was caused by an obsolete vampire script in the data folder that only knew how to drink blood when someone is asleep. Hearthfire had similar issues with marriage and moving, where it used obsolete marriage and spouse scripts, sometimes even crashing on load.
  5. Welcome. :) It's an ancient bug, this finally seems to solve it.
  6. Got yourself some broken bookshelves in one of your homes? You can place fewer books on the shelf than you should be able to? Here is how to fix that without mods or changed scripts: Step into the house where the broken bookshelves are. Activate each book shelf in the house and remove all the books through the menu. Empty ALL bookshelves, also the ones which aren't broken. NEVER take the books without using the bookshelf menu, that is what breaks the shelves in the first place. When all the shelves are empty, open the Command Console and type the code below that matches the house you're in. Press enter after each line. Your bookshelves should show the proper number of remaining spaces again. WHITERUN - Breezehome PRID 102a8f SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102a81 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102a6c SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102a59 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 WINDHELM - Hjerim PRID 10292b SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102939 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 10294e SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 10295c SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102970 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 10297e SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102993 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 1029a1 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 1029b6 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 1029c4 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 1029fd SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102a0b SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 SOLITUDE - Proudspire Manor PRID 102b6e SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102b60 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102b45 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102b37 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102b21 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102b13 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102ade SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102ad0 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102abb SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102aad SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 RIFTEN - Honeyside PRID 102bab SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102bc1 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102be9 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102bff SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 MARKARTH - Vlindrel Hall PRID 102c4e SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102c64 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102c64 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102c7e SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102c95 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102cab SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102cc5 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102cdc SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102cf2 SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 PRID 102d0c SETPV CurrentBookAmount 0 Q: Why was my bookshelf broken? A: The bookshelf silently counts how many books are inside it. Sometimes it gets bugged when you read a book and take it, instead of taking books through the book shelf menu. The shelf then thinks there's still books inside it while there aren't and when that happens, you get fewer empty spaces than you should. Q: My bookshelf only shows 11 books while I have put more than 11 books inside it. How come? A: You probably did not empty the bookshelf before using the commands written above. To properly empty it, make sure you USE the book shelf so that you get the menu to take or place books. Do not take the books one by one. Q: How do I fix the bookcases in my Hearthfire home? A: Go into creation kit and open HearthFires.esm. Find the scene of the house. Write down the ref code for any item called PlayerBookShelfContainer. You may have to see with what code the other items in that house start. Replace the first 2 digits of that ref code with the digits you see on the other items in your unofficial house. Q: I got an unofficial house from a mod with broken shelves. How do I fix those? A: Go into creation kit and open the file with the name of the mod, that ends with .ESP. Find the scene of the house. Write down the ref code for any item called PlayerBookShelfContainer. You may have to see with what code the other items in that house start. Replace the first 2 digits of that ref code with the digits you see on the other items in your unofficial house. Q: How do I use the Creation Kit? A: Please refer to the Creation Kit forum here on the Bethsoft forums.
  7. The category BUILDING MATERIALS simply uses one of the 10 reserved strings. They have been there since the game release. These 10 strings were kept in case the devs want to add new categories to the game later on, nothing more. Previously they were called: GADGETS, GIZMOS, WHOSE-ITS, WHAT-ITS, THINGAMABOBS, KNICKS, KNACKS, BITS, BOBS, LOST SOCKS. all just placeholders. Whenever the devs want to add a new material to the game, they for example simply change BOBS into STAHLRIM. LOST SOCKS for example became AETHERIUM with Dawnguard.
  8. Boo! *runs away*
  9. I don't think they won't release it. They have been very supportive to the modding comunity after all. They know that the Nexus gets administrated very well and the only other big channel, the workshop, is controlled by themselves. So there is actually no reason... It doesn't work that simple, that'd be far too naive. Nexus isn't the only Skyrim community on the web. There's a lot of other skyrim mod communities that don't have a check-first-then-approve system ran by moderators.
  10. Unfortunately this probably won't be released, because people can essentially copy Dawnguard that way. Dawnguard does not create a new .exe at all, all the stuff is in the .bsa, .esm and the scripts. Even the new skill trees are entirely scripted with a huge work-around.
  11. Here you go! Now both Ulfric and Tullius have the stock perks to take half damage, while having a perk for dealing 2,5 times the ordinary melee damage. Ulfric now uses a random enchanted Steel War Axe, while Tullius uses a random enchanted Imperial Sword, both fitting their faction. Both Ulfric and Tullius now are atleast level 30 and level along with you all the way up to level 80 when encountered. Just drop the CWbossbuff.esp in the zip into your .../Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim/Data folder.
  12. I'll look into it soon. But I'm not familiar with how that mod does what it does. edit: Just checked, it has its own Associated Item in the Magic Effects area, called Dragonrend. You can always do that as a self effect, but giving it a spherical projectile commonly used for shouts such as Kyne's peace etc.
  13. You cannot make spells that both benefit you and harm the opponent as far as I know. What is the spell supposed to do?
  14. Just don't overwrite any saves during the mod-testing. You don't want to corrupt the savegames. What also helps is to record what area crashes and to check the creation kit if anything strange happens in that area. If it tries to access, lets say an enchantment of resist magic, while your mod changes that enchantment to resist all elements, then it may crash on that too. It may safe some time, or then again it may help nothing or end up making things more confusing. :)
  15. Things that come to mind with castles and towers is that floor level rooms are always used for storage. This way the rats stay downstairs and the weight won't tear on the much thinner floors of the other levels. So I'd probably say barracks, quarters, a mess or whatever in the 1st level, with whoever is in charge staying on a second level. You could also put an armory in the first level and useful rooms on the second. I'd keep a basement or floor level for storage.
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