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About ButtonSmasher

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    Skyrim and Elder Scrolls Online
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    Skyrim, Fallout 4, Elder Scrolls Online

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  1. ENBs install Misc files. If those Files are left over in the Data Directory there could be a chance it will still try to load. I had that with Dual Sheath Redux once, There were still some left over files that were active but they actaully shouldn't to prevent the savefile to go corrupt the game closes itself. Try to type ENB or anything what the ENB was named after. If there are any files left delete them and see if it works then.
  2. Honestly make it easier for yourself and just install Vortex. It's a drag and drop or one click of a button and you're ready to go. If you're installing one mod you could even install it manually.
  3. Each affected NPC is given a token and game has to check them individually to assign the walking style. This means that Papyrus will create a check per female NPC in the area. This can become a problem, if multiply checks are being made. Which is why I have preferred using mods that change walking styles universally. Less "immersive", but also less stressful for Papyrus, if mods are causing game to create multiply extra checks on cells or NPCs. Hmm never had an issue with the FNIS Sexy Move. The only real problem i can see here is that he has 2 city overhauls. One that changes cells almost completely. JK's Skyrim as example just adds a few things but if it comes in contact with an item from the Town/City overhaul he installed it would probably crash. Even though it's weird he only sees static when he looks at his loadfile.
  4. I mean, if you read my post, you'd see I said I tested everything and LOOT isn't detecting errors... If you tested everything then why is it not working? When i test everything, I get a working functioning game.
  5. This is not much info to go on.. Give us some more details: Like what did you do before this happend. Did the game start before you installed SKSE? etc..
  6. Vortex is basically the new NMM. Download Vortex There is a whole Guide series on how to use Vortex, May take some time, but it will help you in the end :)
  7. JKs Skyrim.esp Palaces Castles Enhanced.espThe Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns.esp I checked again: Choose one... You WILL have to delete one and probably start over because this is the reason why you crash. Never EVER download multiple city overhauls
  8. 25 19 Palaces Castles Enhanced.esp 26 1a The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns.esp These 2 mods could also be the cause of you crashing. I think The great Cities also edits the Palaces/Castles in the game. Conflicts with each other and then crashes. You said on the save you could see only static, maybe you didn't install Minor Cities and Town well? Or you're missing meshes or something may be overwritten the mod. Remove UFO, as Suvanto said FNIS shouldn't really bring issue to your NPC's as it only changes the way they walk, but if installed incorrectly it could indeed break the game. (But it only happens in cities so i don't think this will be the issues) Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.espYou probably need a patch for Minor Cities and Towns here too.. Immersive Citizens change the paths they walk, which could cause conflicts.
  9. What do you mean by "cleaning" mods? By cleaning he means the usage of TES5EDIT. TES5EDIT finds files that clutter or are too much of the same and cleans it. With cleaning the files you have a smaller chance on crashing, if of course cleaned correctly. It's a pretty long process if you're new, but it's so WORTH it when you're finally done with the whole process. If you want i can explain it to you. I'd be happy to help :)
  10. Deleting mods mid-through gameplay is a bad idea. What could happen if you delete mods that are on a savefile Well, plain said it will crash on launch or it will crash when you come into that area. I had an edited Windhelm bridge which made it cooler, but it bugged out with my carriage mod. I deleted the bridge mod, but everytime i came close to that bridge i crashed, because it was missing files. What you could do is make profiles in your Mod manager and start those up everytime you switch your character. So as example: I like this sword for my Warrior, but my mage in my other world doesn't need it *CLOSE GAME* Select Profile for mage (That has the Sword mod disabled, NOT Uninstalled, but Disabled) *START GAME* Game starts up without that mod.
  11. Did you clean your game with SSEdit? Did you have LOOT and resolved all errors/dirty plugins? Did you blindly installed everything? If yes, You're an idiot. TESTING IS KEY This is what you need: LOOT (ORDER THE ESP/ESM) TES5Edit (READ THE GUIDE) Crash fix mods (Don't install too much, just pick one that fixes the big mass) Second note: Animations, if you have too much animations your game will crash no matter what. If you're planning on adding animations (which you already have in your modlist) just download them one by one. TEST THEM COMPLETELY then download the next one. I've had so many times that one animation doesn't work and instantly lets your game CTD. Example: I downloaded Dual Sheath Redux + Immersive Animations + XPMSE My swords were equipped on left and right hip. The moment i activated the Animation (unsheating the weapon) i CTD. I changed the Animation to a default and the game worked fine again.
  12. Whenever i play a new Bethesda game... I constantly come back here. #ModItUntilItBreaks
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