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Everything posted by BlakkPhoenixx

  1. Welcome home, Willow! Today is a day of celebration :)

    Btw, thank you for adding me to your friends list.. gladly accepted :)

  2. i've already re-uploaded some of my older shots with new ones. i call them "random Images". and if it's worth it, i'll continue doing this. by the way, i've sent you a friend request about an hour ago, so i'm more than ok with being on your friendlist :)
  3. thank you so much for the kind words :) actually i've deleted my gallery about two weeks ago and started a new one.. thought nobody cares for my older shots anymore.. i'm starting to regret it :/ anyway.. have a nice weekend and thank you again ;)
  4. It feels good to have you back, Sir. You're like the soul of the Nexus, at least for me. Did you enjoy your vacation?
  5. Jelly is back? Please, tell me that it's true! Please! Please!
  6. Just dropping by to say ...mooooohh ;)
  7. No bugs, no glory :(
  8. Looks like there`s an eleventh commandment: "no nudity allowed" Seriously, reading all this "rules are rules" stuff makes me very sad...
  9. Funny thing.. I visited a Magritte vernissage about 2 month ago and said to my girlfriend that most of his art reminds me of Dali. Now I`m mixing them up once again..
  10. Don`t spoil! I hate that! :D

    Time to go to bed now.. it`s 5am in Austria ;) Have a good one, Blaine

  11. Oh! I`m so looking forward to the 2nd chapter. You`re my new favorite author!
  12. Nice new face, Salvador Jelly
  13. yeah.. me too.. shame on both of us :-(
  14. hm.. tried some cool faces.. no chance..
  15. no no no no.. YOU are awesome!
  16. Also not as cool as I was hoping.. I don`t look younger.. :(
  17. How does it feel to write with the future? xD
  18. Thank you, SGM! I don`t know what day or time you have, but for me it`s the 20th 8:30am and you`re my first congratulant. So, thank you once again! xD You`re awesome!
  19. Yeah! You could add the whole nexus to your friends list and they wouldn`t even notice.. :D
  20. Thanks, SGM! I put you on my friends list about a week ago. Hope you`re okay with that :)
  21. Point 1: Why should I mind to be on your friends list? Honestly! :D

    Point 2: Thank you for uploading new screenshots! Amazing, as usual ;)

  22. I feel relieved ;)
  23. I`m starting to miss some new, brilliant screenshots from you..
  24. I want to say thanks to you, too ;) Of course you can also add me to your friends list if you want. Kudos already given to you.. ;)
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