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    Testing like every MMO there is out there atm

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  1. Trying out a new mod "Player Headtracking" a totally sweet mod for those ho love immersion, it realy give life to your character! bee able to look on NPC's ho talk to you or looking down on the corpse you just beheaded! :D even diffrent face exspreations on friend or foe, happy/angry so lovley :D
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shadiva


      haha yeah it sure would my friend, it works so nice and realy makes the character come to life! sweet mod :)
    3. zyg0tic


      I kept following where my character's head was turned to and got led to things that weren't there or weren't that interesting. I found it too distracting. I'm running my character to some place, but they are always looking somewhere else, which seems odd.
    4. Shadiva


      Your char is a curious one! :P try the set HeadtrackingRange to #

      Sets headtracking range to # in feet. Default is 14. Very high values can cost performance. try 5 to see if it works "set HeadtrackingRange to 5" working like a charm on my system, to bad it dident fully do so on yours mate

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