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About zyg0tic

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    DayZ, Skyrim, XCOM, Torchlight II, Hitman
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  1. Yeah, using Survival Options is a good idea. It covers just about everything. Also I like being able to toggle on/off some difficulty things. I originally started playing with the Survival mode weight restriction, but decided to turn it off as it was just too harsh for a character with only 3 strength.
  2. Hi. I've been trying to figure out how to make a mod that applies the ammo weight feature of Survival into regular difficulty modes. Looking in the CK, I see that ammo already has weight levels assigned. However, in regular difficulty modes it is not applied (for some unknown reason). I cannot find a toggle or any such thing that Beth has used to stop ammo weight being counted for the player in regular difficulties. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to make my regular difficulty game more like Survival (but since I am roleplaying as a synth, not all of the Survival mode features).
  3. Whoops! Subject should be Enemies (raiders, mutants, gunners, etc) equipped with.. blahblah. Not weapons lol. Weapons equipped with weapons :D One of the things that makes the game too easy is that raiders use peashooter pipe pistols, with short range, even at high levels. I would like there to be a mod that gives stronger variants (modded with better receivers and increased range) pipe firearms, and also lower the level at which raiders start carrying modded hunting rifles (sniper rifles), combat rifles and other higher power weapons. This is also true of super mutants, and to a lesser extent Gunners. I've located entries in FO4Edit that may be relevant for editing, but I don't know how to actually make those edits.
  4. Hi. I've done some modding before, but with the official CK of other Bethesda games. I'm just wondering how to mod sounds? I want to remove the warning beep that occurs when the power armor has run out of energy.
  5. In response to post #22619219. Looking at my games library, I would tend to agree. I do hope people will give us some suggestions however!
  6. In response to post #22565039. #22567124, #22588299, #22596629, #22615569, #22622824, #22632929 are all replies on the same post. Rage SUCKED. They should get Carmack to make a new open-world RPG engine and get TES and Fallout guys to make the games.
  7. Please give us a new engine. No more mammoths dropping out of the sky please. And flickering mountains. And crap memory cap and CTDs unless you install SKSE and ENB.
  8. I have discovered a fix for this. It involves a little effort and ENB, but it fixes the issue for good! http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54335/?
  9. I would recommend a graphics card with 4gb or more of RAM. I have 3gb with mine, and even after optimising all the textures it still gets up to 2.5gb video card RAM usage on average. Once it hits the limit the game crashes. Every other game I can think of its not even an issue, they use hardly any video RAM compared to Skyrim (:
  10. Unmodded? I would say no. Mods are necessary as the vanilla game is lacking too much otherwise. The most enjoyment breaking thing for me in vanilla is enchanting and improving of weapons and armor. If you make uber items, then except no challenge. Then it is no longer about tactics and choosing the right tools for each job, but rather one-shotting everything. To prevent this, you have to use your own discretion. I just use perk and skill based item improvement, rather than boosting it further with potions and gear. Two other breaking things, a) how easy it is to sneak in vanilla b) instant heal potions. For difficulty I stick with Adept. But then I add increased spawns, High Level Enemies and Skyrim Immersive Creatures and OBIS. This improves difficulty not by simply boosting enemy hp, damage, stamina, but rather increasing the amount of enemies and their capabilities. As mentioned, unofficial patches are a must. I would also recommend the following: - ESSENTIAL - SKSE and SkyUI. Run the game through SKSE always. - To improve performance of the game, using the ENboost is a must. Basically it is ENB functionality in order to improve performance, whilst preserving vanilla look. Does wonders for framerate. - Dynamic Potions mod. Use this to make heal potions heal over time rather than instant. Configurable to your liking. - Stealth Skills Rebalanced - significant but not drastic change to stealth skills and combat. - Convenient Horses - Extensible Follower Framework - No Boring Sleep Wait Menu - No More Blocky Faces - Reactive Guards - Run For Your Lives - When Vampires Attack - Treebalance - Better Messagebox Controls - Superior Lore-Friendly Hair With installing most mods, I use Nexus Mod Manager (NMM). Manually downloaded files usually have instructions for how to install them, and are usually patches for NMM installed mods. Here's my process: 1. Manage/install/disable with NMM. Close NMM. 2. Auto-order with LOOT 3. Open Wrye Bash. Uncheck 'bashed patch' in list. Right click 'bashed patch', choose Rebuild Patch. Follow prompts, including unchecking mods that can be merged (it tells you which ones). Build patch, enable bashed patch. 4. Close all. 5. Run Skyrim through SKSE.
  11. So does anyone want a mod that allows you to make special potions that substitute for soul gems? I could make such a mod, but would like some input from others before I begin. I'm thinking of dragon bone marrow as being one of the ingredients required. Post any ideas/suggestions or PM me.
  12. I hate Master difficulty. Increasing enemy damage and decreasing player damage is such a stupid way to increase difficulty. But yes, survival on any difficulty comes down to doing something other than just being in melee range of every enemy and hitting them while they hit you. I would only use dual wield if my enemy was weak and I wanted to dispatch them quickly, focused on fighting a different thing, or paralyzed.
  13. It has always annoyed me that as you progress the seven thoursand steps you will find hunters sitting there who die in one hit from the animals that are on the way. How could those weak NPC hunters have possibly made it that far when you are forced to fight ice wolves and even snow bears because of the narrow path? Furthermore, the Jarl has a duty to protect pilgrims, and the way should have at least 2 guards posted - or the pilgrims/hunters should be much stronger and actually walk up the steps instead of just sitting down at a little shrine the whole time. Alternatively the player should be able to hire a guard to escort them up. Yes, I can handle a snow bear if Im prepared. But the point is that the pilgrims cannot. Every pilgrim must have a deathwish to try and go up those steps without a guard.
  14. I have published multiple mods now and everytime I added one I need to update the link list in every mod description and in my forums signature. When you click on the author's name on the mod page, it brings up the profile but their files are only accessible via a tab. Not everyone is savvy and they may have trouble finding that. It would be far more convenient for mod authors, and for people interested in their mods, if there was a direct link to a page which listed all their mods (without having to navigate to a tab within that page to find them). I tried to do this by putting my own author name in the advanced search, and try to get the link that is produced from searching (which is possible with most search engines), but the link it produces is just a cloaking link so that idea didnt work.
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