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About HatlessHorseMan

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  1. Okay, I don't know where to start so I'll just show you (see attached) Basically, I downloaded a bunch of mods last night. I carefully went through each one, making sure all the .esp/.esm files were there, making sure the load order was correct, validating the archive, playing the game a little in between mods to make sure everything was fine, the usual. After a few hours, I finished and started a game up. Everything went fine. After about 5-10 minutes, stuff started going wrong. I went into the Goodsprings general store. The texture of the loading icon (the roulette spinner) broke. Then those red missing texture icons started to pop up. Then I went back outside and everything was f**ked (pic related). I've been modding NV for the better part of a decade and I've never run into this. Does anyone have any idea what's happening? P.S. At first I was horrified, then I bursted out laughing. Really, I was floored by the experience.
  2. *ATTENTION* I know this is a rather touchy subject, but I think you guys are mature enough to handle it. I want to establish right now that I don't want any flaming, trolling, or raging in the discussion. Please establish your position and its contentions in your first post and argue for it, as if it were a debate you'd participate in a speak/debate team. *ATTENTION* For quite some time now, I've been neutral on abortion. Both sides of the argument pose valid points, but none seem to be a break through. Here's basically what I've heard from each side: PRO CHOICE: +Right of the woman to decide +Unplanned pregnancies can derail the futures' of the parents +Children born from unplanned pregnancies are often mistreated, forsaken, and/or born into destitution +Killing is not murder if it is the result of choosing not to provide for something; I can refuse to give a dying man my blood even though only I can save him. I have no obligation to him. (Argument from David Boonin) PRO LIFE: +A human is endowed with a soul at the moment of conception, therefor entitled to human rights +Abortions have a lasting, negative impact on the woman in question +Adoption is a preferable option to abortion +Whether or not you can prove their is a soul present in an unborn child, it is in a way criminally negligent to terminate a pregnancy because you can't be sure there isn't one; if a hunter shoots a moving bush, thinking an animal is hiding there, and kills a fellow hunter, he was criminally negligent. He should have never fired because he wasn't sure. (Argument from Peter Kreeft) A good debate, featuring Boonin and Kreeft: ww.youtube.com/watch?v=9QcQGi1Wet8 Unable to make up my mind, I support the status quo - Let the people of each state decide whether or not abortion should be legal, which I suppose makes me pro-choice. So, why should I join your side? Play ball!
  3. Retook the test. Here's my results. Rather congruent with my old test that I took about a year ago (I think): http://www.politicaltest.net/test/graphic2/445407_eng.jpg Here's a better link: http://www.politicaltest.net/test/
  4. Terrible test. Barely goes into detail and only covers hot button issues with only a few personality/temperament questions. Here's a better test: http://politicaltest.net/. This test puts you on a wide array of different ideologies (anarchist/authoritarian, nationalist/cosmopolitan, etc) instead of this over simplified Left/Right spectrum. I consider myself a Libertarian, and the Esquire test put me under "Talk Radio Head", even though I answered many of the questions liberally. Does a talk radio head consider gay marriage an issue of civil rights? Are they atheists that believe strongly in separation of church and state?
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