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  1. My dialogue menu file changes the Speech pop up animation to be Vault Girl. For some reason Bethesda embedded the animation within the dialogue menu as well as having it in the folder with the perks and special animations. Full dialogue interface is another mod I want to make a patch for. Ahh, weird! Makes sense, but weird. Thanks for clearing that up and please keep up the amazing work! Edit: One more thing, if you don't mind my harassing you. I use DEF_UI, mostly for the ability to see components of junk without having to pick them up. I noticed your Hudmenu.swf file overwrites DEF_UI's and I end up losing this feature. Not a problem at all, I can live without it, just wondering if I could ask you to take a peek at DEF_UI's file and see if it's possible to make the two compatible? Thanks again for all your help :)
  2. I noticed this changes the dialoguemenu file that full dialogue interface uses, I know it's been addressed already but just curious what your dialogue menu file is adding? Or what's lost by removing it?
  3. Do I need to do something different to change my profile picture on the Nexus website? I changed it on the forums and figured the change would carry over but it didn't. When I go to user area on the nexus site and click change photo it just brings me back to the forums to change the picture there. Which I've already done, just wondering if I'm missing something or if it takes time to update, though it's been about a day or two now.
  4. Not sure where to post this so I'm just posting in both troubleshooting areas to be sure. I'm completely stumped on this one. I've installed Robco certified and Roberts for New Vegas, I'm also using Project Beauty (TTW). I've examined all the file paths and the meshes and textures are where they should be, but for some reason I'm getting this: http://i.imgur.com/VbxWGOM.jpg Now that looks like I just don't have Archive Invalidation working, but I do. I have MO set to automatically invalidate. The bsa is where it should be and is checked off. What's even more odd is that this only seems to be affecting raiders, and only *certain* raiders at that. I'm in the Super Duper Mart currently and came across this: http://i.imgur.com/JwLvALm.jpg Then, came across her friend: http://i.imgur.com/wq7HNJP.jpg How is it possible that one model isn't validated, but the other is? I checked the race records in FNVedit and they're all pointing to the same places. As far as I could tell there isn't a second caucasiain raider race. What is going on here? Lastly, I have no idea what this is, but Marts Mutant mod added new meshes and textures which all look fine outside of the game, but once I reactivated the robot in the Super Duper Mart he looks like this http://i.imgur.com/0Lgwyss.jpg I should point out I have bloadfacegen set to 1 already in prefs and the fallout ini. I also have binvalidateolderfiles set to 1 as well. I've also modified the sarchivelist to load fallout - invalidation.bsa first on both ini's. The only thing I'm noticing that's not working that I think has something to do with it is the fact that I can't uncheck Fallout - Invalidation.bsa, the dummy bsa that comes with MO to do archive invaldation. Even when I go to my profile and unselect "automatically invalidate" it just rechecks itself and isn't generating a new invalidation.bsa. If anyone could offer any help with where to start on this I'd be super thankful. I've tried everything I can think of so far with no luck. Load order: http://textuploader.com/xn4l
  5. Haha well you've done excellent work on Roberts. If the issue is something that needs gimp/photoshop I'll just have to take it as is as that's a bit out of my league, but thanks again for all your help and work!
  6. Hey thanks for the replies in both of my recent threads! I'm using the textures that come included with Roberts. I am using the hairy variant that looks a shade off from the included head texture but not so much that it's causing the issue (I think anyway, I don't know much at all about this stuff) If I made it into an ESM and would I just be using the head texture part to change the tone of the whole body? Is there anyway I could copy these changes into an esp? The mod I'm trying to change is New Vegas Redesigned 3. It's an esp and sits really low in my order because it overwrites quite a few esps. If I flag it as an esm it'll be overwrtitten quite a bit.
  7. I'm wondering if there's an option to change the color of the texture of the body way, the same way you can change the color of the head. I'm running into a problem where some of the black guys in my game look really light skinned on their body, but not their heads. I already have bfloat set to 1 in both ini's and I definitely know it's NOT a problem with archive invalidation as I'm not having texture issues with things that I've added well after New Vegas Redesigned. Here's a picture: http://i.imgur.com/rNylO56.jpg I'm wondering if I can just adjust the tone in the GECK but I can't seem to find any such option.
  8. I don't see how that's possible considering I'm using the T6M body and the outfits are from the T6M equipment replacer.
  9. I tried posting on Reddit to get some help but didn't have much luck so I figured I'd ask you guys for some help. Here are some pictures. http://i.imgur.com/FIA44UF.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Wws3YJf.jpg http://i.imgur.com/XWjo1Mj.jpg The weird thing is that it's not from a specific armor pack or clothing replacer, as I've done some testing and outfits added by the same mod have cases where this doesn't happen at all. I've read somewhere it could be because I'm replacing the idle animations but even when I try others I get a similar effect. The gap doesn't show at all in nifskope so I know the meshes are fine, just totally at a loss as to what's causing this. Even googling "shoulder gap" with all sorts of new vegas variations yielded nothing. I'm using a BNB T6M base body, and the naked body has no seams at all. If anyone had an idea or two I'd appreciate hearing it.
  10. So I recently decided to play through New Vegas again and wanted to try it using MO. All was fine until I got to around 90 mods and it stopped loading all together. As in it wouldn't even load the game. MO would do its thing as normal then the progress bar would disappear and it'd just go right back to MO. After some research I found this has might have something to do with BSAs and sure enough once I extracted the BSA of the last few mods and deleted them all was fine. After rearranging project nevada and mtui and mcm I kept getting errors in game and just started over. I figured I'd just unpack all the bsas and make it easier on myself but certain BSAs are greyed out and I cant unpack them. It returns an error "invalid origin name" Does anyone know what's causing this? Or why it was crashing before even running? I want to keep MO but its giving me so.many problems. Also I tried upgrading to 1.33 but every time I run the 1'33 I get an error before it runs saying could not ordinal 4430 for libeay32. Is that just a bug with 1.33? What's the order to correctly install project nevada mtui and mcm? Thanks for taking the time to read this wall of text and I really appreciate any help offered
  11. I use Mod Organizer and I switch between profiles, if that helps explain the game opening differently. For this profile though I don't even have any earlier saves. I'll start a new game and just save once I'm out of the opening area of Alternate Start and test to see if I can load the game. Most times I can't except one or two fluke chances where it will manage to load.
  12. Here's my load order http://modwat.ch/krok87 I've tried everything I can think of from editing the enblocal ini to allow borderless full screen to disabling certain mods and re enabl ing them I've tried searching TesVedit for errors but it loads fine. I use loot and make adjustments to my load order only if the mod authors say to do so. Despite all that I can't load a save game consistently. What's frustrating is that it works some times (I'd say about 20 percent of the time) I can load the game other time it'll hang in the loading screen (usually preceded by a white flash) and then just exit to the desktop. This makes troubleshooting so much harder because I can't get the game to behave consistently. If it was just a matter of something conflicting or not uninstalled correctly it should just never work, but it does. I re-ran FNIS and everything is updated (to my knowledge). I'm at a loss as to what to do besides starting over from scratch, but I'm convinced I'll just run into the same problem. I'm tapped for ideas and could really use someone, anyone to take a look and see if I'm just missing something obvious.
  13. UNP Mashup Original mod that the necklace came from: Expanded Jewelry Crafting BUT WHERE IS THE GIRL FROM ARGH. Also, if you use the original mod and a body mod you'll have weird floating necklace syndrome. Just a heads up.
  14. Where's the girl from? ....For research purposes.
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