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Everything posted by BakedSnake

  1. Hi Not sure how to do this, but is it possible, or is anyone willing, to replace the Gwynbleidd model with that of Satori? Don't really like the straight sword look, whereas the traditional katana (none of that Arasaka polymer bs) look of the Satori is really cool. Alas, the changes to Satori make it more of a paired weapon with Neihan, but Gwynbleidd now fills the crit sword niche. So, if any kind soul is willing to, could you please make a mod that makes the Witcher sword look like Satori? Please and thank you Cheers
  2. Hi Is it possible to place the Aerondight Hilt and Crossguard onto the Cleaver or the Wild Hunt 4 Sword? Or the other way around, place the blade of those two (the sabreish blade with the two holes onto the Aerondight). I don't necessarily need the Aerondight runes either, just really like the look of the blade and the crossguard from the two. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  3. Hi I don't really know anything about modding but have used a bunch and greatly improved my Fallout 4 experience. I had a little request I was wondering if someone could help out with. The lever action rifle is one of my favourite weapons in the game. I've got some mods to make it better (better receivers, barrels etc) and was wondering if someone could make it possible to one hand the weapon instead of two handing (maybe when you have the short stock equipped or something). This, and if you could make it so that the Sole Survivor flip cocks it (Terminator style) after each shot. I play mostly in third person with the MGS aiming mod, so I guess it's for third person viewing. Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks, and cheers. Edit: Added more info Found this which is kinda similar: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16013/? a rifle pistol. If there were a way to add it to lever action with a flip cock animation there was even this: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20469/? which is a model of a rifle that could be used, has the mare's leg model too i believe with permission from respective authors i really don't know much about modding, would be a neat inclusion
  4. Hey Kinda off key, but I ran into a slight problem while trying out IGP. i was going to try some igp stuff, so i switched to windowed mode, now whenever the game starts the screen is white. i can still hear the background music and the menu is working cause i can hear the sounds as you ycle thru the menu, but screen is completely whited out so can't see anything. any advice? i deleted the igp changes i made too, no use. i'm using the newest IGP i believe, downloaded just a couple days ago. it was working fine before i swapped to windowed mode. there was a steam post that said temporarily switching to integrated graphics, changing the setting and going back to dedicated graphics would work. but if i start ds3 with integrated graphics, it doesn't start at all (screen turns white, then black, no sounds, no response). (If the formatting looks weird, i was just talking on discord about it and copy pasted my messages) It's not an IGP problem, rather a windowed mode problem Any advice would be great, thanks.
  5. This shouls help, late as the reply is haha: http://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls3/mods/94/?
  6. Hi New here, was wondering if anyone could mod Gael's Greatsword so it had the Exile Greatsword model (the curved one with the blood spatter and the bandages). That is, the weapon looks like another weapon. Or help me out as to how I can get this done. Thanks
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