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About Juxwel

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  1. Thx for the quick reply! Did what you suggested, couldnt find one dirty mod. Now heres where stuff gets strange: Since i couldnt find no dirty mod, i then activated all my previous ones again and started Skyrim - and it worked! No CTD, no infinite loading nothin. I even activated Diverse Dragons again and its still fine. Somehow posting this on the forum magically solved the issue. No idea what caused that. I did change a little thing tho, and thats deactivating the Official High Res Texture DLCs, cuz apparantly these only load in the matching BSAs and i have my archives handled by Mod Organizer (yes im using MO). It might be that this was the solution, cuz now my game doesnt load in as many esps as previously but i highly doubt that. All these three esps do is load in is textures and meshes. I have currently only 136 mods active, thats far from what ive seen other people do. Who knows... I dont think defragging did the trick either, since my OS is WIN 10 and i have auto defrag activated. Btw can anyone post a link for cleanmem here? The one i found is from 2014 and according to the description not compatible with WIN 10, if there even is one more recent. Thx again for the help
  2. Hey everyone! I keep getting CTDs at the end of loading screen and i rlly have no clue why this keeps happening. I have the same exact modlist that i played with for more than 40 hours now (character level 80). Only thing i did was install one new mod and then immediatly uninstalling it since this problem showed up. I've no savegame thats actually affected by this new mod, not even an autosave. To clarify here's what i did in detail: The mod i downloaded and installed into my existing and workin (as i said my char is lvl 80) modlist is "Diverse Dragons". Ran LOOT and Wrye Bash after, made a bashed patch and then started the game. Didnt clean it with TES5edit cuz LOOT didnt tell me to. I could load my latest safe (was in Belethors Shop) and all was fine until i try to exict the cell. At the end of the loading screen my game crashed. Tried older safes - same exact deal, anytime you enter a different cell it crashes at the end of loading. So i uninstalled the mod again, ran LOOT, Wrye Bash etc basicly restored my old modlist but the problem stays the same. Keep getting crashes when loading a new cell/worldspace. None of my savegames is effected by Diverse Dragons, since the game crashes before the autosaves are overwritten. So i have no clue what causes that. The only thing that might be different is the mod load order, because some of my mods have to be sorted differently than LOOT does (e.g. RDO and CACO) and i might have forgotten one. But neither LOOT nor Wrye Bash seem to have a problem with my loadorder. Im still reading through the forum, but i havent found the right topic yet. So if anyone had the same or a similar problem and knows a solution - help is apreciated. Thx for now
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