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  1. Just wanted to pipe in and say I've subscribed as Lifetime Premium. I've been freeloading off of this site since it was the tesnexus. I've likely downloaded thousands of files over the past however many years, and this was the least that I could do. So, thanks for all the years of painless Bethesda game modding.
  2. Some day 3D Printers will be cheap enough that we can just plop the .nif files into them and 5 minutes later have our very own real life toys.
  3. The problem with that is that the packaging is tacky. The original Toy Shoppe mod was just plain unadorned versions of the various creatures of Morrowind that you could display.
  4. Playing around with this in my spare time, is there a way to easily use the collision data from something rather generic like a candlestick as the template for the various figures? Just taking the original .nif of something like a Giant or a Spriggan and shrinking them down presents the proper visual effects, but not they can't be interacted with properly or fall to the ground like an object would. All of them sharing a very similar collision mesh would make them easier to stack on a display case without bumping arms and other accessories into each other. Or am I approaching this the wrong way? Sorry that I am asking so many questions, its been years since I even attempted to play with Nifskope and even then I was never a master. But I'd like to at least get this mod up and running.
  5. Alternatively, if I had a better grasp of what was required in terms of setting up new smaller version of various nifs I'd be happy to take a stab at it myself. Apparently its not as easy as grabbing an existing nif file into Nifskope, changing the scale to something like 0.2 and then re-importing this saved nif because even though I changed nothing but the size I end up with red markers. If someone could post some streamlined steps that I can follow to take an existing mesh, change the item size and then re-import it as something that can be picked up and dropped in the world I'll go to work :)
  6. Considering how heavily whales play into the lore (whale bones in Sovengarde, whales as part of every single puzzle in every single Nordic dungeon) there's a distinct lack of whale. Skyrim needs whales in the oceans. And whaling stations. And drunken whalers.
  7. One of my favourite mod experiences in Morrowind was loading up the Toy Shoppe mod. Essentially it made a small "static" model of every creature or important figure in the entire game (as well as "props" such as thrones, boats/ships, furniture, forges etc) and added them to the random loot tables. Some could only be found in very specific places (the only Silt Strider I could ever find was on sale for 3000g in Seyda Neen, for example) and the rest were just out in the world. The joy of the mod was the collecting them all (there were over 160) and displaying them around the player house. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=1776 I would love if someone could do something similar with Skyrim. There are some absolutely gorgeous creature models that I would love to admire in pint-size form on my shelves in whatever house my character is living in.
  8. Please, please, please if anyone knows. Even if there's a way I can fix it in the Creation Kit, or if someone else has a fix. I've tried with 4 different brand-new characters and 2 existing characters and nothing happens after "Under Saarthal" is finished, ever.
  9. I've attempted to turn off all mods that aren't texture/model replacements, and I'm still coming across this. Is this a bug introduced in 1.6 or 1.7? I literally can not do the College quests no matter how hard I try
  10. I am stuck on this bug right now, I've tried two brand new fresh starts and I absolutely can not get Hitting The Books to start. Tried console commands, tried every dialogue option, still nothing.
  11. This is a rough start, no textures or anything, but it's a prototype for the Tower of Art. Obviously not quite finished yet as there is a lot of structure on the very top that I need to add. I'm trying to give it a very crooked, scattered appearance as it is described in the books, with a mish-mash of cultures ranging from traditional European to Oriental - as the building has been repaired piecemeal throughout its history, it seems that different cultural fads would inspire it. A lot of the detail in the middle is not likely to be seen up close so I'm keeping it fairly low-poly, though it would be pretty easy to build high detail versions of the viewing platforms if the player wants to step out for a view of Ankh-Morpork. I've got basic models for the Unseen University boat house and Modo's hut/shed as well, which are more traditional European. The boat house has some very basic materials thrown on as more a proof of concept than anything final. It's a start - if anyone can post building pictures they think are good inspirations for the Ankh-Morpork style, I'd love to see 'em.
  12. Try not to get any hopes up because I have a hugely busy work schedule until the winter, but I figured as a way to get back in to modeling I'd play around with Skyrim. I'm tinkering with a Solstheim mod idea on the side, but being a huge fan of Terry Pratchett's work I thought I might take a stab at this. I'm going to play around with the Unseen University exterior as a modeling project - using the papercraft model as my inspiration. If anyone can find a site that has good quality scans of the entire Papercraft book, it would hugely assist, but as of now I'm working off of Google image search stuff. :)
  13. Hello modding community! I'm somewhat familiar with the Nif file structure, having done a bit of modding as far back as Morrowind and Oblivion. However, I'm having a bit of problem editing some existing models in Skyrim. The meshes in question are from the Nordic dungeons\nordic\catacombs\smhalls collection. All of these pieces have skeletons stowed away in the various cubby holes, and I'm looking to remove them. When I open the model in Nifskope, however, they are not present. In fact, the only NiTriShapes are the walls, ceiling and floor - the exact pieces I want to work with. No skeletons or rotting leather pieces are present. So, where did the rest of the TriShapes data containing the skeletons, rotting leather, etc disappear to?
  14. This is coming along quite nicely! I've been playing around with an idea for a mod taking place on Solstheim immediately following the An-Xileel uprising throughout Morrowind. The Nords of Skyrim have just given the Morrowind survivors permission to re-settle on Solstheim. The Dunmer would largely be living in refugee camps, trying to rebuild their lives. I think setting the quest in this time period would have a fairly large emotional impact, and could flesh out a very interesting portion of Tamriel history that has currently only been alluded to briefly in novels. Not quite sure how to integrate it into Skyrim's gameplay, but I love that you've come so far along in fleshing this continent out! Edit: Would you be opposed to me using the work you've completed on the landmass to play around with?
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