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Nexus Mods Profile

About DFAMCB1986

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    United States
  1. For the pyromancer in me. Incinerate - Adept destruction 1 hand - Shoots a ball of flame that explodes turning the target to ash and sets the area around it ablaze burning everything and dealing 15 fire damage per second for 8 seconds. Like a slightly overpowered fireball. Downside is it cost 25% of your magika. Lava axe - Adept destruction 1 hand - Bound war axe that deals 200% more damage to targets that are on fire. Instead of purple bound weapon make it look like flames. Daedric quality. When equipped you become enraged and regenerate 10 stamina per second. Cost 50% of your magika CIrcle of flame - Adept destruction 2 hand - Creates a circle of fire. Magika regenerates 10 points per second while inside the circle. Enemies that enter the circle burn and take 15 damage per second for 8 seconds. Enemies within the circle become 50% weaker to fire. If you leave the circle during combat it will collapse and kill you. Flame wave - Adept destruction 2 hand - Engulfes enemies that are standing in your way with a growing wave of molten earth that turn all enemies to ash and consumes all your magika. Worldfire - Adept destruction 2 hand - Creates a powerful explosion that ignites all enemies in the current cell. Burns enemies for 15 damage per second. Reduces your max hp to 1 until you change cell. The burning affect wears off when you change cells. Give it the flame cloak visuals with a firey screen blur. You become detected by all nearby enemies when you cast this spell. Spell cost 75% of your magika.These are all just ideas of course and i know nothing about how well some of these would actually work in game. Values for damage and stuff can be adjusted. I would like them to be balanced in terms of their damage and mana cost. Something that sticks with me from playing mtg for so long... I feel like flames should be overpowered but costly. I decided the % mana cost would be more fitting and balanced.I don't plan on dabbling in alchemy or enchanting. Currently my destruction spells seem pretty weak with the shear volume of enemies i have in mey game. More treasures, artifacts, modified artifacts. Atleast double the enemies normally and more variety and bosses. I have it on novice and get my ass whooped. I want the monsters mod and the dungeons mod but i wouldn't stand a chance. I am a planeswalker named Chandra Nalaar. During a battle with another planeswalker I was chaos warped and ended up in Skyrim. I am in search of powerful artifacts to further grow my flames. A demon that called himself Sherogoth told me of many powerful artifacts in Skyrim. The life on this plane is so basic and their knowledge of the arcane is laughable. Sherogoth tells me he is a God to that he takes delight in causing chaos. He tells me of the other Gods and that they all have powerful artifacts that I would find useful. He says that nothing would be more chaotic than setting me loose in skyrim. So he gave me a map and told me to come see him if i get bored. Something about a fishstick and turning me into a pile of septims. I don't know what he meant. Wabbajack?
  2. Someone please make a secret cow portal for skyrim. Make it appear at helgen after finding Wirt's leg(actually a scroll) in helgen and using it. Cows spawn in groups of 3-5 all over the area. They walk upright and wield 2 handed weapons. The area is very open with a few cow pens, fencing, trees, rocks, boulders, corpses, chests, skeletons, logs scattered around. Not sure how i would set up their stats but i think they should be pretty strong.
  3. Can someone make me a Genie Race for male and female. Make them look human with a flat shaded skin texture and give them some sort of glow. Maybe a skill with a pop-up color changer for it. Also need to fix a cool looking lamp for them to call home. Have them spawn with a magic lamp they can either equip to use or fix the lamp to the body and make a spell to go into your lamp. Make a nice cozy insanely colorful interior to spawn into. Your new player home right in your hands! Please someone do this for me. Seems simple and really fun. 1 load screen 1 click and you are home. I would love a racial ability to turn all hostile enemies into sweet rolls long-taffy treats and tarts. Racial bonuses immunity to physical damage (fall/combat/thrown/traps) Immune to most forms of magic and absorb 20% of elemental magic(shouts/spells/enchantments). Make fire frost and shock damage give him a stun effect that causes him to perform a (shivering animation with ice crystal forming on him), (burning animation of him jumping and flailing around on fire(, shocked animation making him shake and body covered in static discharge. See this is a good idea for a parody playthrough. If someone could go all out and do this with a genie lail like from Aladdin i would love it. Edit: Could also make physical immunity optional for players that would also like to play this mod. Extra options and features are always great. Edit: Idea is, he is a being made of pure magic so he is immune to anything but. However this gives him a sever disadvantage towards magic. Edit: Would say add flight but other mods can cover that. Edit: IN THE MEANTIME ((((((((((((a mod that lets me go into an area set a area as home and another spell that instantly teleports you to your home.))))))))))))
  4. YOu know the house near the ruined watchtower? In the back of that house by the rock off to the side of the road. The road between the fort and the ruined house.
  5. Anyone have alot of mods and ever find something strange that made you wonder what "it means?" I play with a bunch of mod and have no idea where this note came from. FOund on a bandit leader outside the ruined house near the watch tower, between the house and the road between the fort.4 bandits where coming for me and I am thinking maybe just mistaken identity? The message on the leader said "not time to sleep, look good and walk fast. We want here before the midnight. R~
  6. Any modders on here want to toy with some fire and effects and make me a mod. I play alot of MTG and I was wondering if someone could make a a mod that adds a new ability that turns my hair into flames and adds 50% to fire spells. I would love if someone could make a badass flaming hair mod at minimum. An ability would be prefered but if you could just make a flaming hair style that would be great also. Let me know.
  7. Thanks I didn't see any updates when i posted this. There is an update now however hope it fixes the issue. I'll post back if it does
  8. Anyone else having this problem. I went to bed after going through a reinstall and reloading mods and getting everything working. Everything was great and functioning perfect aside from Ysolda having a grey face =/ Work up and Windows 10 updated has a long wait and it said something like "Getting things ready, do not shut of the PC" So I waited, and waited, then finally my PC loaded up. I first noticed the Admin Permission popup for SKSE looked very different. I clicked yes to run as usual and Skyrim started up. Once the Imperial seal was on screen and the menu popped up I noticed the FPS dropped immediately, So I click to load the game I started before bed. Left my Wood elf in Whiterun at The Drunken Huntsmen. The loading screen popped up and the smoke was rolling in the screen as usual but the FPS were really low and it took maybe 15 + minutes to load. Once loaded the game was so slow I couldn't even play. Quit the game though maybe make a new game. Same problem thought maybe it was a mod but it was working just fine before bed. I am assuming its the Windows 10 update after googling and finding some people playing other games having similar problems. I havent found a fix or a reason for this yet. Anyone have any ideas or solutions let me know. Running a PC with pretty descent specs Geforce GT 730 Game usually runs very smooth and no lag at all. This fps drop is insane
  9. Is there anyway to make it so items found with enchantments have a chance of having multiple enchantments. Like without adding a mod that adds new enchantments and crap. Or a way to just increase the rate at which enchantments are found from looting enemies and containers? I tried World's dawn and loved it, but it just seemed to be a bit much. End up spending more time augmenting and absorbing than actually playing the game. It's a great mod but I just want something more simple. Either finding multiple vanilla enchantments on items, finding more items with vanilla enchantments, or both. I think the WD mod is great and it kinda takes me back to the days of diablo 2. Maybe I'll just have to get used to it more. If anyone has any suggestions or could do this I would appreciate it.
  10. I saw a mod that changed Krosis to the older style MH mask. Would love if someone could do a full replacer mod for each of them. Maybe with the more modern masks http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/3812019b-c9cc-45c9-9d00-acbc05e4038d/e4eaff65-fac0-4a76-b749-ef6845eb5d89.jpg
  11. Does anyone know of a mod to improve unarmed combat that just extends skills off the heavy armor "fists of steel" perk? I keep seeing all of these unarmed combat mods that are all based off light armor skills.... Heavy armor does in fact have a skill for unarmed combat though. Hasn't anyone just made a simple mod that adds perks to the heavy armor skill tree on top of the one that is already there? Or could someone please make one for me that is lore friendly and balanced? I think just adding another perk off the fists of steel perk that increases unarmored damage by a percentage a with maybe 3 or 4 levels. Would also be neat if there was a was to make unarmed attacks while using fists of steel perk lvl heavy armor. Maybe someone could point me in the right direction, or explain to me why none of these mods seems to use the heavy armor skill tree... Just drives me nuts
  12. Might have to do this. I looked at all the spells and some are similar and would be great. Seems the creator was torn between diablo 2 and MTG. Anyone else get that sense also? Cyclonic rift and frozen orb.
  13. I looked but just seems to be too many spells. watched some vids and some seem to be buggy or too overpowered.
  14. Anyone think about adding in some spells for the various magic types based off diablo 2. I would especially love to see some auras(buffs) and curses. If someone familiar with diablo 2 could make a diablo 2 themed spell mod I would appreciate it. I was actually surprised this wasn't already a mod. Spells I would love to see Frozen orb, Glacial spike, Frozen armors, Meteor, blaze, hydra, Enchant, Warmth, static field, charged bolts, energy shield, teleport, might, concentrate, fantasism, thorns, sanctuary, salvation, resist fire, lightning, cold, defiance, conviction, vigor, battle orders, shout, warcry, weaken, amplify damage, lower resist, iron maiden, descreptify, slow missles. Not sure how many of these could actually work in skyrim but would be cool to see.
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