Hey guys, As you all know, Melee Combat in Skyrim is not that challenging. Actually, I cannot think of any game where is a real challenging melee combat. So I often thought of an new concept for melee combat in Computer Games, and then I found a Mod called: Magic Duel; well, of course this is a mod for Magic Duels in Skyrim, but the concept behind this one vs one duel gave me an idea how to improve Skyrim's Melee Combat as well. Unfortunatly, I have no clue how to do anything like that, but I'm sure that there are some great modders that could realize such a mod. So here is my general concept: It's a one vs one Melee duel. Atm, I'm thinking of how such a duel could start, but that's not the important thing, but how would it proceed: The duel starts with a left/right fencing (left/right mousebutton) until an indicator is completely filled up. You must hit the left/right mousebutton in turn, left/right/left/right/left (think you get the concept); if you failed (maybe hit left/left or needed to long to hit the button), you will stagger. So what will happen if the indicator is full: to explain it more easy, we will think as if the npc filled it up first he will do a strong attack with right mousebutton and another button; then, you will have a-c time to dodge/block this. (the screen would show the button you need to press to block/dodge, it will change between some buttons randomly). if you fail the block/dodge, you will stagger and the npc has the change to instant kill you (killmove will be played) If you succeed dodging you can make a strong attack yourself and make the opponent stagger and have a change for an instant kill (button will tell you, again randomly and in a time a-c) if you succed blocking there will be another situation: you and your opponent will push your blades against each others and you need to fast press left/right/left/right etc to bring an indicator on the npc side. if its on his side, battle will start over again (fencing) if its on your side the npc will disarm you and has a chance for an instant kill ( if he fail, you get your weapon again and battle starts over again) So this is the general concept. What must be thought of is: which values do you need to fill up the indicator while fencing faster, which one to decide how much time you have for attacking/blocking/dodging, and which value is needed to decide how fast the indicator while pushing/blocking the blades against each other will go to the right or the left. Also it's important to think of when and how you will dodge or block. And of course how to start such a duel. As I said before, I have no clue how to mod a game. So I have only the idea, and there would be people needed that can handle it. (Animations, values, positions in fight etc) I really really hope that there is such a person around who likes this idea and brings it to life. If you don't understand my worse english, just ask and I will try to explain it with other words =) So cheers, xPr0