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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. These are two of Major WW2 machine guns. Actually, these two machine guns are totally different, but it look quite similiar. I think it can usable for upgrading. When you get the MG first, it is MG34. Fully upgraded one is MG42. I don't have skill to make some mods, so I asking to modders. How about this?
  2. I wait long time for this armor. And finally, Ghostfcs made this mod!(http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16476/?) However, I think it need little more texture improvement. If I can do this, I will do this. But sadly, I don't have any skill for this. Here are some images of this brilliant armor. Please somebody make better this armor! http://img02.deviantart.net/3c01/i/2011/077/c/d/panzer_cop_02_by_twohand-d1s7aws.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y267/Division6/Anime/JinRohShoot1.jpg http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c325/R_Deckard/Macross_SDF-1/Kerberos/DSCF3962.jpg
  3. MG 42 is a must have item mod on Fallout 3 and NV. And actually, I thought some mod makers made this one when last DLC released, but still no MG 42 in Fallout 4. Please somebody make this mod.
  4. http://pds16.egloos.com/pds/201004/07/94/d0045194_4bbc91146e2fc.jpg It calls Protect Gear of Kerberos Saga. I am a big fan of this franchise. In FO3 and NV, it finally made by some modders. Here is link. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/14349/? http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35081/? It is one of epic armor(Actually, it is not power armor.) in the animation and movie. I am not good at kinds of this work, so I sincerely hope someone made this mod for FO4. Several types of protect gear exist and only Type 92 was made. If you wanna more information about this, I suggest watch this links. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerberos_saga
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