I'm working on a little quest mod to bring the Konahrik dragon priest into the world of Skyrim. I've got the mod pretty much completed at this point, but there's one rather annoying bug I can't seem to figure out that still stands in my way. As part of the mod, I've given the Konahrik dragon priest the Konahrik mask to wear. I know next to nothing about 3D programs or modeling but I've nonetheless somehow managed to get the mask to actually show up on the priest's face in-game (I used the dragonhelm_ultra_0.nif mesh as the base, for the record). The problem now though is that the mask seems to react very strangely whenever a shader effect is applied to the priest, and I have no idea how to fix it. For example, if Konahrik casts the flame cloak spell the mask starts glowing bright orange. Some other spell he casts (ebonyflesh I think) makes it glow dark blue. If I hit him with an electricity spell, the mask gets covered in miniature lightning sparks of its own. When I open the mask in Nifskope it just looks pure white with no shading present whatsoever, so I think this might be related to the aforementioned issue. So yeah, anyone with some modeling knowledge know what's wrong with it, and what I can do to fix it? This whole thing is way out of my forte. here's some screenshots of what I mean. When there's no shader being applied, the mask looks completely normal in-game, as you can see in the last screenshot. https://imgur.com/a/QSBjk UPDATE: I figured it out, the problem was that the mesh didn't export with normals (even though the normal map still appeared in the texture list in Nifskope) because that option is disabled by default. I re-imported it back into 3DSMax, then re-exported it exactly as it was but this time I ticked the "normals" checkbox on the window that popped up and sure enough it's working exactly as intended now.