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  1. nevermind I figured it out myself... all I had to do was tick the "Recover" flag on the Magic Effect
  2. your best bet to keep things lightweight would probably be a Start Game Enabled quest with an attached script that has the "OnMagicEffectApply" Event; have it check for all the alchemy magic effects, and boost alchemy experience slightly when it detects that such an effect has been applied. this would probably end up giving you a few false positives though when other spells and magic things have alchemy effects attached.
  3. part of a mod I'm working on involves giving the player a Constant Effect debuff that's supposed to lower the player's maximum magicka by 50 points. However, it seems any "Detrimental" MGEF that has "Magicka" as its associated item treats the magnitude as a per second drain rather than a flat decrease. In other words, when I cast the spell on the player with a magnitude of 50, it takes away 50 points of magicka per second instead of decreasing the player's maximum magicka by 50. It does this regardless of whether I set the effect archetype to "Value Modifier" or "Peak Value Modifier". Anyone have any workaround suggestions? the only thing I can think of is creating a script that stores the player's magicka as a variable and adjusts it accordingly while the effect is active, but I hope there's a simpler way because this would probably cause all sorts of problems with enchantments and leveling up and whatnot.
  4. That did it, thanks! Although I had to assign it to the spell rather than the magic effect to get it to function for some reason (for the record though GetKeywordDataFromCurrentLocation works on neither the spell nor the magic effect)
  5. I'm trying to make a magic effect script that applies a constant effect to the player if they enter a specific cell type, like a draugr lair for example GetKeywordDataForCurrentLocation would be the perfect condition to accomplish this... if it actually worked According to the Creation Kit website, the condition is non-functional outside of perhaps the story manager. I tested it extensively myself applying it to a magic effect, and it does indeed seem to have no effect (or rather, it always comes back negative, except if I set to == 0 in which case it essentially does nothing) So does anyone know any alternatives I could use? Either to get this condition to function, or if there's any other methods for checking location keywords?
  6. go through this creation kit questing tutorial, it has the answer to all three of your questions. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Bethesda_Tutorial_Planning_the_Quest
  7. I'm working on a little quest mod to bring the Konahrik dragon priest into the world of Skyrim. I've got the mod pretty much completed at this point, but there's one rather annoying bug I can't seem to figure out that still stands in my way. As part of the mod, I've given the Konahrik dragon priest the Konahrik mask to wear. I know next to nothing about 3D programs or modeling but I've nonetheless somehow managed to get the mask to actually show up on the priest's face in-game (I used the dragonhelm_ultra_0.nif mesh as the base, for the record). The problem now though is that the mask seems to react very strangely whenever a shader effect is applied to the priest, and I have no idea how to fix it. For example, if Konahrik casts the flame cloak spell the mask starts glowing bright orange. Some other spell he casts (ebonyflesh I think) makes it glow dark blue. If I hit him with an electricity spell, the mask gets covered in miniature lightning sparks of its own. When I open the mask in Nifskope it just looks pure white with no shading present whatsoever, so I think this might be related to the aforementioned issue. So yeah, anyone with some modeling knowledge know what's wrong with it, and what I can do to fix it? This whole thing is way out of my forte. here's some screenshots of what I mean. When there's no shader being applied, the mask looks completely normal in-game, as you can see in the last screenshot. https://imgur.com/a/QSBjk UPDATE: I figured it out, the problem was that the mesh didn't export with normals (even though the normal map still appeared in the texture list in Nifskope) because that option is disabled by default. I re-imported it back into 3DSMax, then re-exported it exactly as it was but this time I ticked the "normals" checkbox on the window that popped up and sure enough it's working exactly as intended now.
  8. Basically this mod but for the full body, and for male DD soldiers too I hate the player blood textures in this game, it looks like Snake tripped and landed on a jam sandwich or two whenever he gets shot Another benefit of this would be removing the blood from Demon Mode, so you can bypass mods that remove Demon altogether and you get to keep the kickass full-length shrapnel horn
  9. It's hardly even supporting the modder; Valve takes 75% of the earnings from selling the mods. We'd be better off with a donate button that gives the author every penny we think they deserve instead of having to pay for user created content. This is going to set a bad precedent for future modders.
  10. So what exactly do you need help with? Like, what would you be able to do on your own and what would the partner need to do?
  11. Hm, this sounds like an interesting idea. I've actually been thinking of making something like this myself after playing Morrowind recently.
  12. I've made some dragon textures that I'd like to implement in an "automatic variants" type file. However, I have no idea how to make one, as the instructions are far from clear and I keep getting errors that crash the .jar whenever I try to do it. Basically, would anyone care to explain the steps to me, or do it for me? I can give you the textures and everything. if you want.
  13. Just a simple question: Can you ride Paarthurnax using the bend will shout like you can with Odahviing? That would be cool :D
  14. I've been trying to figure this one out for a while: What happens if someone performs the black sacrament on a Dark Brotherhood member? On an unrelated note, if Nords go to Sovngarde after they die, where do the other races go?
  15. I agree. Skyrim being my first TES game, I think the elves look fine.
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