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Posts posted by Crabcakes56

  1. my understanding is the game will not spawn enemies higher than level 40 or 50. I think you can manually place higher level eneimies and customize their stats, but the game fizzles out early on with spawns.

    If that's true,then perhaps Beth was planning on having a higher level cap then 30 at some point but scrapped it and just had it at 30 with Broken Steel.

  2. FO3 is already unreasonably heavy on the CPU, filtering everything through a VM will probably be unpleasant.


    Have you considered creating RAM disk installinations that mount a drive to ram, copty the contents there, and then no changes are saved unless you tell it to (may also help with loose files). You'd need at least 16GB, preferably 32, to make it work though

    FO 3 is most certainly not heavy on the CPU.If it is,you must not have a decent PC.

  3. There are mods for increasing the level cap, which is useful if you feel like you missed a perk you want (or downloaded a mod that adds more perks). I'm not sure how the level scaling functions though, since I'm sure Bethesda only designed it in mind with the player reaching a max of 30.

    The level scaling doesnt work well.If you use a mod that increases the level cap past 30,you'll start seeing far more overlords,reavers and albino radscorpions.And because of how spongey they are,a mod that reduces their health may be needed.

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