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About Crabcakes56

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  1. If that's true,then perhaps Beth was planning on having a higher level cap then 30 at some point but scrapped it and just had it at 30 with Broken Steel.
  2. FO 3 is most certainly not heavy on the CPU.If it is,you must not have a decent PC.
  3. So what? Not everyone uses it. There are a few mods that does this.
  4. The level scaling doesnt work well.If you use a mod that increases the level cap past 30,you'll start seeing far more overlords,reavers and albino radscorpions.And because of how spongey they are,a mod that reduces their health may be needed.
  5. His load order is fine.IIRC,the pre-order packs dont matter in terms of where they should be. Remove MoMod,the project nevada equipement,rebalance and cyberware mods,remove better game performance.All of those are incompatible.Also,you should be asking this at the TTW website.
  6. Ask at their site,not here.The Fallout 3 nexus is mostly dead for one thing.For another,no one here use's TTW.So their site is your best bet.
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