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About heeroyuy79

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    United Kingdom

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  1. is there any plans to allow people to organise mods into collections on the website? for example i play fallout 4 and i mod the crap out of it i can then put all those mods into one place on the website so if i nuke my entire computer i can just go to the collection on the website and start downloading all those mods from there without having to go through previous downloads (that includes mods for other games and mods i might not have actually used in the end) like with steam workshop me and my friends have a collection that we put all the mods we are using in our online games so if someone new joins the push a button and they have mods or if someone has to re-install they just push a button to receive mods (i also use it to separate different mods for different single player games) if there is a way i can organise mods on the website so i can easily re-download them if i clean house can someone tell me because i cannot see how to do it if you can
  2. so i was trying to find some mods for mass effect andromeda today and i realised that the search function was only searching the title of the mods not the description so mods i was looking for did not show up how do i get it to search the description?
  3. i have a race mod (it adds the elin from tera) (not a mod that is on the nexus but i'm guessing it's a universal problem) and whenever i click to draw my weapon and start fighting and stuff while on horse back my character just stands up straight floating over the horse no noises happen with melee weapons but with bows i hear the arrow noise but nothing appears to get damaged is this a problem with the race mod (or the racial compatability mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10165) or if neither i have found a mod that puts the same race in but dont by someone else is it possible to install that and then swap over to the new mod from the old one without losing all my levels and stats and xp (if you want the links to the mods i can pm you i dont know if the mods will let me link in this thread so i have decided not to and if it is a good idea to try swapping the races can i have instructions please :o?)
  4. that picture is my character btw i been told by someone to just try one of the race mods (ashen cherry etc but last time i tried race change all my levels and stuff got messed up that was through the showracemenu thing and i have since heard of a setplayerrace or something command) :( anyone got a way of changing player race without levels and stuff going all over the place? cause things that i spent ages getting up to 100 get put lower (how to train armour: sit still and let someone hit you for an hour or two you heal yourself with a healing spell - you will need a lot of magica pots)
  5. my main character is a female nord and she looks kinda old to me (the shape of the face just makes her look old and is anoying :( ) could someone help me fix the face so it dosent look so old? like sugest some mods or download my save from here change bits and re-upload (posting a link ofc) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13894
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