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  1. Are you running as an admin? It looks like it doesn't have the permission to overwrite the file.
  2. TBH, and as a former admin (Darth333) of Lucasforums (not to be confused with Lucas Arts) and more particularly of the KotOR forum which was the primary KotOR modding place at the time, Lucas Arts never had such a formal and official policy to my knowledge. Lucasforums (LF) adopted a very conservative "no porting" policy at the time that may have stuck on the KotOR modding scene. That policy was adopted due to confusing signals sent by the three entities involved (and the lack of clarification thereof): - Lucas Arts, with whom LF was in close contact back then, had links to our site and did not discourage modding ; - Bioware (despite LA linking to our LF site and entertaining other communication channels and Bioware having a link to Starwarsknights.com at the time) deleting anything mod related on their forums; and - Obsidian not discouraging modding (Feargus even posted on LF shortly after Obsidian started working on TSL). We tried to get clarification but always hit closed doors with Bioware (just a wild guess but maybe something in their contract with LA?). Anyway, given the lack of answers, we played it safe not to upset anyone and keep doors open for the future.
  3. It is available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/103/
  4. Thanks, I'll start experimenting and see how I fare...(and I think I still have a Blender 2.49 installed on an old PC back at home). Goodbye real life...
  5. Well I am late to the party as I just got Fallout 4 last week...and now I can't refrain from modding it and tweak it to my taste (and for fun). I've modded TES games since Morrowind and Fo3 in the now semi-distant past so it's just a matter of refreshing/updating my knowledge. I was reading this blender tutorial and came across this note: "Blender 2.7x: Important: If you want to use a newer version of Blender, don't use version 2.76b, as the copy weights between meshes doesn't work properly. Install version 2.75 instead. Then you should install the Blender Nif Plugin 2.6.0a0.dev4. Take into account that this is not a official release but that it is still under development."The latest version of Blender is now 2.79 and I was wondering if it was still and issue or if there are other reasons to use another version. What about the latest experimental build? Thanks
  6. Pretty much everything has been said but here is an easy hanging fruit: add an "advanced search" button on the main page of a game that leads, in the case of Fo4, to this page: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/search/ I only noticed it after clicking "refine search" which appeared only after a failed search that returned a single result...and the "refine search" function wasn't obvious to find (or even logical to use with only one search result). The current search bar will only search titles and not the description. People sometimes give fantasy names to their mods and right now if you search an expression using the visible search bar it will only return mods that have that that expression in their title (such as curtain for example...the search only return one result https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22485 while there are several other mods that contain curtains such as this one: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15588/ ). Search description is probably the best search function as it allows us to search more precisely (such as mods containing a certain item - and not just let's say "crafting - home settlement" or doing a certain thing) by keywords in a proper mod description (serious modders are pretty good with descriptions and tagging their mods). As for the loading speed, i take it from the initial post that it is due to testing? Loading a page listing the mods with the pictures can take several minutes (yet downloading them is ok). It's kind of a pain to browse through several pages atm.
  7. It's written above: df496.enable df497.enable (although untested, it seems that getting the windhelm housecarl fixes this)
  8. No problem: the ref ids were in the files ready to be taken. Glad I could help :)
  9. Just remove the "god dammed" amulet. My char puts it on only when he/she sees someone he/she wants to marry. Ohhhh! This give me the idea of a joke mod! Too bad the CS isn't out yet: I'd give a mixed threesome to the op :P Err..this is not accurate: npcs don't hit on you when you wear the amulet, it's the other way around: you can ask them to marry you. It's an option you chose to use or not, just like in real life! Now you're contradicting yourself as the game reacts the same to both genders... The anwser is in the question...I shouldn't have to explain this to you. This option does not take anything away from you either. If meant from a game point of view: this is already in the game. I completed the Dibella quest and now get a 10% extra damage on opposite sex, much like in FO3...I still fail to see the educational part of it though.
  10. I see. However, contrary to the markfordelete, you can always re-enable items with the enable command. It is not permanent and thus much safer. But to reassure you, the dialog with Jorleif does exactly this: disable the parent when you chose to clean the bloody mess.
  11. Did you read my post? The reason why some items can't be deleted is that they have a parent item controlling them: disable the parent item and you delete all the children (in some cases an item can have a script attached to it but that is not the case here: the principle is the same as the house furniture in Oblivion and Fallout - it's a group thing). All the codes are in my post. There is no need to use the markfordelete command in this case (there are also several refs that you can't delete with this command unless you know the exact id as things like the mist in the house are not selectable with the mouse). The markfordelete is good if you want to delete only one child item and not the others but for fixing this house it's pointless.
  12. Using the markfordelete command is a pain in the lower back side. To remove the mess easily, just type df492.disable in the console. For a temporary fix for those who purchased the house via console, here is a copy of my post on the official forums (there's more to remove than just the bloody mess):
  13. I asked for the same question here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/492967-search-function-suggestion/ i.e. don't use quotation marks: they dont work but you can use: male -female @ nexus people: seriously, a "help" guide or button pointing out to the useable operators would be helpful and save a lot of frustration for the average user trying to navigate to the thousands of mods.
  14. Yay! Thank you it works but the word "male" must be used without quotes: male -female or something -whatever seems to work! I just realized how little I use the "-" when searching on the web as usually there are other options. Goodbye double melons and pineapples! (these mods should at least start with a penalty to the inventory: as a female I can just imagine the weight, even though it is often tentatively balanced by an economy made on fabric :P )
  15. @ Pushkatu Thanks for the links. I'll have a look at them if I play Oblivion again...but they are not much help for other games such as Skyrim... :sad: Also, "male" is not the only keyword I've searched for that was included in another word. It was just an example but a major one as clothing/armour is a very popular mod category. It would be really nice to be able to make more precise keyword searches.
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