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Everything posted by bodieinsd

  1. I have an idea that I think would be advantageous to mod users, without being too much of a burden to the mod creators and uploaders. When posting a new weapon or armor mod, how about including a screenshot of the Pip-boy displaying the new item's stats? It would give the prospective user a pretty good idea if the weapon (or armor) is similar to the vanilla waeapons (or armor) in strength (DAM/DPS for weapons, DT/DR for armor) and an idea of when the weapon would be best used (i.e. the skill and strength requirements). Most mods (esp. weapon and armor mods) include several screenshots to display their work. One more shot (or at least one per added weapon or suit of armor) isn't a lot, but would be very helpful for people to decide if the mod is their 'cup of tea'. It also might be easier (or at least clearer) to the many fine modders who do not speak English very well. I'd love to see this happen with all the fine modders on this site, if for no other reason than to keep from bloating my load order with "God" mods. Just an idea, and I thought I'd share it...
  2. How about making Nuka-Cola or Sunset Sasparilla crate available for purchase , for use as storage on player homes? Or for that matter crate, footlockers. or ammo boxes. Many great homes lack the numerous containers I prefer (like 15 or so) to separate everything by use. As for as I can see, they would simply need to be made able to be picked up and/or be able to be carried through doors. I assume that this is much more difficult that it sounds, or it would already be done. The idea is too simple not to have been thought of before...
  3. In response to post #63210111. #63212446, #63214811, #63215036, #63215366, #63224841, #63228141, #63232081, #63233426, #63233611, #63233651 are all replies on the same post. re: Requirements to play FNC - I have asked on their Facebook page and was told that if you can run New Vegas, you will have enough to run New California. My setup is NOT a gaming computer and they told me mine should run it with minimal frame-rate slowdowns in only a place or two. In other words (this is NOT a guarantee), you should be fine for FNC.
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