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Everything posted by jasksks

  1. I did that, but then it started creating very visible screen tears for me. I'm on a Samsung 60htz 1080 display with FreeSync on. Forcing it through AMD Crimson and my frame rate drops intermittently again and according to the Reddit thread on Polaris GPUs, a lot of AMD Rx users are experiencing the same. :sad: Totally agree. I can run Skyrim SE on my MSI Laptop with a Nvidia 765m GPU and I7 2.4Ghz no issues. But on a more advanced AMD Rx 470 it's a different story. Skyrim's still made for older gen pc setups and I was hoping that SKyrim SE would have updated core framework for modern setups. Alas, it's back to the drawing board, especially for AMD Rx users I noticed.
  2. Disabling Vsyn in skyrim.ini resolves the framerate drop issue but creates screen tears instead. Forcing V-Sync on my AMD Crimson settings but to no avail. :(
  3. I did that, but then it started creating very visible screen tears for me. I'm on a Samsung 60htz 1080 display with FreeSync on. Forcing it through AMD Crimson and my frame rate drops intermittently again and according to the Reddit thread on Polaris GPUs, a lot of AMD Rx users are experiencing the same. :(
  4. Hell no... you should be getting smooth 60 fps! Sry i mean in 4k Res? Even in 4K res. Unless you're running a slow processor, but with a GTX 1080 you should be running it at a smooth 60fps. The game default settings really screwed it up for modern GPU's. You can try disabling Vsync under the ini file.
  5. Hell no... you should be getting smooth 60 fps!
  6. I have the same FPS issue. I'm running a Intel® Core i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz with 8GB ram and an AMD RX470 4GB. The game auto detects graphic settings as ULTRA and I haven't tweaked any settings on AMD Crimson but still suffer frame rate drops from 60 to 30 especially when there're rock textures for some reason. I run a modded Skyrim leg edition with no issues.
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