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  1. Any idea which mod is colouring the magical items as per their properties? I though it was a MCP issue but ive looked through the options and its not there. Was ok at first but as I now have a player house I would like to have natural textures back. Thanks
  2. Just installed SKYRE and on first impression everything seems to have been installed correctly and the game hasnt imploded. I have two questions though. i had a mod that changed the guard outfits in each town to add variety as I hate those closed helms. Seems that after SKYRE they are all back to the default setting. Likewise the damage rating of weapons and the armour rating of armour have gone up. I am guessing that the latter is to do with SKYRE but I am somewhat confused with the former. Any ideas please Cheers
  3. Yes thanks. The mod author got back to me and in effect pressing Z will activate the commands
  4. Yep mod activated by looking at night sky and confirmed it via MCM
  5. Ive just installed Frostfall and all seems well except for the fact that nothing happens when I try to activate Survival Skills or Weathersense. I have the latest SkyUI (with MCM), the latest SKSE and I've read the readme's and FAQ's for FF. Im attaching my mod load order to see if anyone can help, or am I missing something incredibly simple and obvious? Thanks
  6. BOSS is an independent programme that sorts out load order. The way i do it is download and install mod via NMM, then run BOSS to sort out order and manually sort out the esps's. The I run Wyre Bash to update Bashed Patch if needed then I run the game via NMM using the SKSE option
  7. The Argonian Maid :blush: For me it has to be the Berenziah saga
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