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About azino

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  1. Thank you again for your replies. This problem apears a couple of days after I had started to play. I started on a specefic computer and then transfered my saves to another after a couple a hours, the problem apears. I put the saves back and still. I think that if I load an other save, the problem is gone. Also, can you tell me wath ingredient or potion is doing this thing normally. PS : I don't have any nekless on : (
  2. there is nothing ! (but thank you) I'm depressed !
  3. Hi, Recently, I noticed that my character's body was enchanted. In order to see what was causing that, I removed every armour and items I had (also magic spells) and looked at my (all most) neked character... He was Purple AGAIN (like he was enchanted!) I want to mention that I'm not using any retexturing mods or any mods at all. How can I turn this off? (I only have the Warrior stone and the Breton spells in my active effects) (you can look at the screenshots) Please, help me. Thank you PS: Sorry for my bad English I'm from Quebec xD
  4. Thank you very much for your replies. I'm sorry but I'm not using any texturepacks or any mods. Also, I have taken 2 other screenshots to prove you it's a real problem. In addition, I forget to mention that the purple "thing" was moving (like an enchantment). If you have any ideas of what's my problem, please help me.
  5. Hi, Recently, I noticed that my character's body was enchanted. In order to see what was causing that, I removed every armour and items I had (also magic spells) and looked at my (all most) neked character... He was Purple AGAIN (like he was enchanted!) How can I turn this off? (I only have the Warrior stone and the Breton spells in my active effects) (you can look at the screenshot) Please, help me. Thank you PS: Sorry for my bad English I'm from Quebec xD
  6. Hi, Recently, I noticed that my character's body was enchanted. In order to see what was causing that, I removed every armour and items I had (also magic spells) and looked at my all most nuked character... He was Purple AGAIN (like he was enchanted!) How can I turn this off? (I only have the Warrior stone and the Breton spells in my active effects) I took a screenshot Thank you PS: Sorry for my bad English I'm from Quebec xD
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