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About ace992

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    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
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    Starcraft 2
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    Evil Genius / Starcraft 2 and Skyrim

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  1. Get an 2500k or 3570k instead of the AMD FX-4170, it's about 100 more. If price is an issue then i'd go for an phenom II 965, or a 945 and oc to 3.4 or 3.5
  2. Try updating all drivers, use cc cleaner to clean up old files and registry. Then when running skyrim use something like speedfan to monitor the temps; try get the temps and post them here, could be overheating. Which could be caused from insufficient cooling, or a dust clogged system. But you did state it's new, so shouldn't be much dust. Also, does it only EVER happen when playing skyrim? or has it and does it happen with other games?
  3. Speights summit http://img.scoop.co.nz/stories/images/0805/7ab062d14a8fefbba47c.jpeg
  4. As Hoofhearted4 said, if you're just gaming and general computer work then get the 2500k, unless 80 dollars isn't much too you, then why not? But you wont see much of a difference.
  5. Hey guys! Sorry I vanished for a few days. I just skimmed through all the posts, don't have time to read them right now but yeah. Uhh, use my ESM as the mods master and just create an outside location for the dungeon and link it too there, then when I merge the mod I can edit/fix whatever is needed. I'll read through all the posts later tonight. everyone who is working on this, just reply to this comment and tell me what you're doing. I'll need too load up the CS tonight and do some more work on the mod, been busy with work and life so haven't done much at the momment. I don't plan on spending a lot of my time of this mod untill I have my new pc, so in about a week i'll being seriously working at this. Just got my i7 3770k <3
  6. Well practice making quests, you have no time limit on the dungeon. (: just send me the dungeon every now and again so I can check up on it. Nordic dungeon will be good
  7. Hi! That would be perfect down the track when I start creating quests! I can help build dungeons, but i am not very good at houses. Hey there! That's better then nothing!, You know all about snapping objects together and using the object platter? Right now I need an small - medium sized dungeon that can be used for a quest. you'll need to make sure it uses my esm as the master so I can merge the dungeon with Kurziik hall and start building the quest. You'd only need to build and clutter the dungeon, I can populate it with NPCS. Do you know how too make quests as well? Hey, thanks anyway! Good luck on getting your new computer! I'm currently saving to build a new one too! You could still help out with ideas and the story if you wanted too.
  8. While being heavily drunk from mead! Would be interesting, might be possible with a scripted spell. Hopefully someone knows how to do this ^_^ I'd love to run around shooting fireworks >:D
  9. Thanks (: Do you have any ideas or recommendations?
  10. Damn, if someone turned that into skyrim armor i'd never stop playing ^_^
  11. Hello there! I'm Ace992, aka Happy-I-am. The other day I came up with an idea for a mod., the Feyn Do Fin Dovah which translates too Bane of the Dragon. Its more or less a spin off of the blades, instead of hunting Dragons, the Feyn Do Fin Dovah spent their time training and learning how to shout. They're Protectors of the weak and are found along the many villages of skyrim. The story so far goes like this. "Since the Dovah have reawakened, untold horrors have been afflicted upon the Norse villages of Skyrim, small villages raised to the ground, women and children alike killed by the Dragonkind. Who will protect the week? The Ancient order of Feyn Do Fin Dovah has returned with the coming of Alduin and his Dovah.The Feyn Do Fin Dovah are an ancient order of knights, who did not seek out Dragons, but spent most of their life's learning how to fight them when the need arises. Currently they have returned to Skyrim after learning how to use the Dragon tongue. A few of these brave knights now reside at Dragons Bridge" My Goal for this mod is too expand the lore between the Blades and Dragons faction; too add more protectors too the reaches of Skyrim. They will not act like guards though. I am wanting to create a new join able faction with its own long storyline which is lore friendly and fun! So far I've created an ESM as the main mod, so anyone can create their own plugins and submods relating to this. The ESM will handle all main factions and main levellists etc, the plugins themselves will be, for example like my Dragon Bridge Plugin, adding Feyn Do Fin Dovah content, like encounters, quests and npcs. So far I've added Knights and a basic Quest(learning the change from the past toolset for oblivion) to dragon reach, I'm also planning to start creating their own castle and small township, which will be upgradable to an extent. Whenever someone becomes part of the main story it will merged with ESM instead of being a plugin. I'm currently looking for people to help design quests and create the story This mod is an Total Addition, not an Total Conversion, I want the story to be an addition to the lore which already exists. Positions Available: If you'd like to apply for an position please PM me. Story Writer(Writes quests too) x 1Area Designer x 1Scripter x 1(Quest Designer can be the scripter too)Quest Designer x 1Ideas and additional help (Anyone)Voice actors (Male/Female) No limit Anyone can still drop in ideas and bits of story! You'll be credited if its used in anyway! Link to my mod is here. Link to Ideas Discussion here. Link to Story Discussion here. Please share your ideas and opinions (: Thanks, Hia
  12. Do you share your compute with anyone? Anychance someone could've changed your account from Administrator to user? nope im my own laptop. password protected (not that anyone would go on it) and ive checked, im still an admin..... Tried system restore? SFC check? Windows disk and run the repair utility? If you haven't tried any of those and/or don't know how just ask.
  13. Good point, a 650 bronze rated one, or a 700 watt 80 + or bronze/silver/gold etc.
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