Hello there! I'm Ace992, aka Happy-I-am. The other day I came up with an idea for a mod., the Feyn Do Fin Dovah which translates too Bane of the Dragon. Its more or less a spin off of the blades, instead of hunting Dragons, the Feyn Do Fin Dovah spent their time training and learning how to shout. They're Protectors of the weak and are found along the many villages of skyrim. The story so far goes like this. "Since the Dovah have reawakened, untold horrors have been afflicted upon the Norse villages of Skyrim, small villages raised to the ground, women and children alike killed by the Dragonkind. Who will protect the week? The Ancient order of Feyn Do Fin Dovah has returned with the coming of Alduin and his Dovah.The Feyn Do Fin Dovah are an ancient order of knights, who did not seek out Dragons, but spent most of their life's learning how to fight them when the need arises. Currently they have returned to Skyrim after learning how to use the Dragon tongue. A few of these brave knights now reside at Dragons Bridge" My Goal for this mod is too expand the lore between the Blades and Dragons faction; too add more protectors too the reaches of Skyrim. They will not act like guards though. I am wanting to create a new join able faction with its own long storyline which is lore friendly and fun! So far I've created an ESM as the main mod, so anyone can create their own plugins and submods relating to this. The ESM will handle all main factions and main levellists etc, the plugins themselves will be, for example like my Dragon Bridge Plugin, adding Feyn Do Fin Dovah content, like encounters, quests and npcs. So far I've added Knights and a basic Quest(learning the change from the past toolset for oblivion) to dragon reach, I'm also planning to start creating their own castle and small township, which will be upgradable to an extent. Whenever someone becomes part of the main story it will merged with ESM instead of being a plugin. I'm currently looking for people to help design quests and create the story This mod is an Total Addition, not an Total Conversion, I want the story to be an addition to the lore which already exists. Positions Available: If you'd like to apply for an position please PM me. Story Writer(Writes quests too) x 1Area Designer x 1Scripter x 1(Quest Designer can be the scripter too)Quest Designer x 1Ideas and additional help (Anyone)Voice actors (Male/Female) No limit Anyone can still drop in ideas and bits of story! You'll be credited if its used in anyway! Link to my mod is here. Link to Ideas Discussion here. Link to Story Discussion here. Please share your ideas and opinions (: Thanks, Hia