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Everything posted by tonyhammet

  1. Hello, Excuse my english first of all, i'll try my best. Thank you! I wanted to start a roleplay game with a little backstory I made for my character, but it's very difficult to me to understand correctly how everything works in the creation kit. I'm asking if anyone could help me by making a simple quest mod, please :( I'll give you all the locations, text for the notes and everything. As far as I know the creation kit, it should be very simple, but I'm not sure.... I will give you a quick summary of the quest here: 1 - When starting a new game, you get a note with a back story to go to a inn. 2 - The person of that inn will explain to you one thing and give to you another note. this note tells you to go to a dungeon. 3 - inside the dungeon you find a dead npc with a note, and tells you to go to another place. 4 - inside there you will fin another diary and have to go to another place. 5 - Go inside that place, find a deadbody with a letter you have to give to his wife. The end. If someone can help me, i will be very grateful. Thank you so much. Have a nice day!! ;)
  2. Hello Everyone. I've been making a mod since may 2016. It's been very time consuming, but the core is ready to test. I have a job in real life and have not much time to test, so if someone wants to help me, it will be much appretiated. The mod is called I am Alive - Survival Gameplay Overhaul. Some items are in spanish, but is easy to understand. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13417/? Check this out and tellme what you think. Thank you so much for your support! Have a nice day!
  3. Yes, that's what I did, but there are some weapons that doesnt have keyword, but is ok, no problem! thank you so much :)
  4. I managed to get it working with the HasKeywordInFormList. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP SHAVKACAGARIKIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe is better the second option "HasForm" because I think is more complex to give keywords to weapons than add them into a formlist, because if some mod modifies that weapon, you will have to make a patch to give it the keyword... am i right? :S I'm so sorry if the script is not writen the best way, but i'm learning all of this stuff and it is very dificult :( Here is the modification i made if akTarget == PlayerRef If akSource.HasKeywordInFormList(IAA_List_KWFireDamage) Debug.notification("Fire damage") Else Debug.notification("Normal damage") Endif Endif Thank you again!
  5. Hello. Excuse my English, it's not my native language. Im trying to make a mod with different types of injuries depending on the damage received. For example, if you receive a damage from a Flamer, you get burned. I thought that the function isinlist can help me there, if "aksource" isinlist then make fire injury. If not, then other... I'm scripting everything from a Quest that controls everything. I'm not attaching the complete script but you can get the idea. " Scriptname IAA_InjuriesDiseaseControl extends Quest Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Const Formlist Property IAA_List_FireDamage Auto Const Event OnInit() RegisterForHitEvent(PlayerRef) EndEvent Event OnHit(objectReference akTarget, objectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked, string apMaterial) if akTarget == PlayerRef If akSource.Isinlist IAA_List_FireDamage == 1 Debug.notification("Fire damage done") else Debug.Notification("Not fire damage") endif endif RegisterForHitEvent(PlayerRef) ;To check another hit Endevent " I'm getting error "no viable alternative at input 'IAA_List_FireDamage'", don't know why is happening, even though the wiki is not helping me so much :( Thanks for your help.Have a nice day
  6. If Gothic 3, Guild Wars 2, Crysis could do it... Why not Skyrim? hahaha maybe Skyrim engine cannot do that, but, it would be awesome. Walking through the grass and leaving a trail ... Like footprints.. Check this VIDEO REVIEW
  7. Soy español, por si algun español sabe algo, que contacte conmigo!
  8. Hi everyone. I would like to request a mod that make your beard grows till days pass ... I was trying with some scriptings, but... im a nooby, im not a goob script modder. for example, I thougth to change the facial hair type 1 in the day 1, then facial hair type 2 in day 2... so, when passing a month you will have the largest beard of the game. Using another mod like "skyrim barbers" you can shave, and the growing beard starts again. In Papyrus wiki I saw this examples... maybe it will help :S EXAMPLE 1: SetNthHeadPart - ActorBase Example ; gives the Player Aerin hair & eyes HeadPart AerinHair = Aerin.GetNthHeadPart(1) Player.SetNthHeadPart(AerinHair, 5) Player.SetNthHeadPart(Aerin.GetNthHeadPart(4), 3) ; gives the Player the Ysmir's beard if ( Player.GetNthHeadPart(6) != BeardList.GetAt(3) as HeadPart ) ; BeardList.GetAt(3) = YsmirBeard Player.SetNthHeadPart(BeardList.GetAt(3) as HeadPart, 6) endif EXAMPLE 2 GetNthHeadPart - ActorBase HeadPart PlayerEyes = Player.GetNthHeadPart(3) ; PlayerEyes = MaleEyesHumanLightBlue int hp = Player.GetNumHeadParts() Trace("Player HeadParts Num : "+hp) int i = 0 WHILE i < hp Trace("Player HeadPart("+i+") : "+Player.GetNthHeadPart(i).GetName()) i += 1 EndWHILE ; Has Player a beard ? if ( Player.GetNthHeadPart(6) != BeardList.GetAt(0) as HeadPart ) ; BeardList.GetAt(0) = HumanBeard00NoBeard Notification("Player has a beard !") endif Using it with "pumping iron" by Gopher will be a good combination for immersion. thank you so much for reading, and sorry bad english. If anyone is reading this, and plan to do the mod, I will appreciate. ^^ thank you so much
  9. Hi everyone. I would like to request a mod that make your beard grows till days pass ... I was trying with some scriptings, but... im a nooby, im not a goob script modder. for example, I thougth to change the facial hair type 1 in the day 1, then facial hair type 2 in day 2... so, when passing a month you will have the largest beard of the game. Using another mod like "skyrim barbers" you can shave, and the growing beard starts again. Using it with "pumping iron" by Gopher will be a good combination for immersion. thank you so much for reading, and sorry bad english. If anyone is reading this, and plan to do the mod, I will appreciate. ^^ thank you so much
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