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  1. Seems to be working now. Other images on the site that were showing missing image icons are now visible, as well as my image.
  2. Same here. Uploaded an image to the FO4 gallery, broken image icons. Wanted to delete the entry until this gets fixed, but I don't even get the delete image option in my image gallery listing.
  3. Eli's Armor Compendium disables optimization data for exactly one cell: at the shop outside Diamond City. It has nothing to do with Corvega.
  4. As of now, notifications are working again for me. However, all of my notification preferences were reset and everything was set to "on" despite having many settings turned off previously. I had about 20 notifications for comments on mod that I track, even though I have always had that and other settings off. At least it works now!
  5. Same here. I get a red bar with the "Oh dear! Something has gone wrong!" message. Reloaded notifications per the error message, emptied cache, tried different browser, no change.
  6. You could try turning your Furniture item into a marker with the Is Marker flag on the base object. Make a copy of the vanilla sleeping bag, and check the Is Marker box: https://i.imgur.com/qWTE2FD.jpg The furniture item will only show in the render window when markers are enabled, but will be invisible in game. All collision and interaction are maintained. I've used this many times to turn static items into workbenches and surgery/barber chairs by placing the furniture "marker" over the static. EDIT: Niston and I must have hit the post button at the same time.
  7. It looks like this is behind the Robco building location added by the Automatron DLC? If yes, do you have Automatron (DLCRobot.esm) loaded when going your regen? If you don’t, you tend to get all sorts of preculling issues in-game within the cells around that area with Automatron enabled. You might try enabling Automatron when loading the CK, doing your regen and taking another look. Assuming the DLC is the reason behind your issues, it will mean your mod will need to use the Automatron DLC as a dependency unless you feel like maintaining both DLC and non-DLC versions. EDIT: I am in no way responding under the pretense that I would be included in the "smart people" category. :D
  8. You’ll want to look under Globals for: ServiceCostCureWoundsSmall ServiceCostCureWoundsLarge ServiceCostCureRads ServiceCostCureAddict You can also change costs for haircuts and room rentals: ServiceCostRentRoom ServiceCostHaircut
  9. Hey DocMoebius! From the screenshot you have it doesn't seem you've broken precombines. You can check the previs timestamp of the cell(s) in your .esp and compare them to vanilla. If you're just adding items the timestamps should be the same and you'll be fine. As DiodeLadder said, xEdit won't give errors if you've broken precombines. AFAIK anyway...have never seen such a thing. You can generally tell if that's the case by looking at the STAT records for your cell(s). If you see any vanilla items listed as [Placed Object] as an override, then you've likely broken them by doing something to that ref. Even just clicking it in the CK can get recorded as an edit, hence locking the default layer and adding items to your own is a good idea. The brackets around the "Placed Object" text designate a ref that's part of a precombine. If an object just appears as "Placed Object" (without the brackets) it is not part of a precombine. I don't see any such records in your screenshot, so your precombines are likely intact. What you have for your load door is exactly how they should appear if you are just adding new objects to a cell. The CK will put door markers on the default layer, but you can easily move them to your own "new items" layer without hurting anything. Markers are never going to be added to a precombine, so no harm in touching them after you done your precombine/previs generation.
  10. Do you have an actual authoritative source for that ? Reason I ask is that I find references to workshops and settlement building keyworeds right through the scripts back to early main quest changes and cut content. So I smell an urban legend/myth. The No-Clip documentary video on the history BGS (which is likely what Zorkaz is referring to) goes into detail on this starting at about 1:18:28, although it does not sound like Minecraft mode...er, I mean Workshop mode was created during the "last months" of development but rather much, much earlier on. According to the documentary, Bethesda holds "Game Jams" where studio employees (not only game devs) can do "show and tell" for game related things they tinker with in their own time. The video says this is done at the start of every new project so people can showcase their prototypes. Some things get added to the project, some don't. One producer learned how to animate cats, so that's why we have cats in FO4. A physics programmer showed up with what we now know as Minecraft mode...damn, I did it again....sorry, Workshop mode. Todd loved it, so it got added to the game but it almost didn't make it and was under constant threat of being removed. Personally, I wish it had been axed and burned to ashes so more attention could be given to developing actual game content but that's another discussion. The only urban legend is the one where people say Workshop mode (see, I can do it!) was created at the behest of the Zenimax Sith Lords to cash in on Minecraft's popularity. In actuality, a game dev liked base building and figured out how to do it in the Creation engine. People in the studio thought it was cool and it was added to the game. That's all. The video itself is worth a watch, but do keep in mind that it's a puff-piece released around the time of the FO76 E3 announcement. But I think its worth a watch if you're at all interested in BGS or video game history in general.
  11. The behavior you describe (consumable vanishing when clicked) is indicative of the script not firing. That will be caused by 1) mod not installed properly, 2) your game not properly configured to read loose files. I use MO2 and the mod has always worked perfectly fine. MO2 is not the problem. Assuming your game is configured to read loose files, how are you installing the mod with MO2? If you are downloading with the "Mod Manager Download" button on the mod page, DON'T. That method can be extremely unreliable with any mod manager. Use the manual download button and save the file to your computer. In MO2, use the File>Install Mod (Ctrl+M) option. Select the file you downloaded from Nexus and install. The mod comes as loose files, so you should confirm you have the proper .ini edit required (linked above) to read them before reinstalling.
  12. Companions Go Home works 100% as advertised with the latest version of Fallout 4 (1.10.163). I'm using it in my current playthrough with that game version, and have used it with every version of game since the mod was released. It has always worked as intended. Are your sure that: 1) you have the mod installed properly? 2) using it per the instructions in the description? The dismissal process that you want changed is required because Home Plate and the companion default home locations are not registered as settlements in the vanilla WorkshopParentScript (someone please correct me if that is not the correct script for this functionality). It's not as simple as adding a "text option" to the dismissal location menu. Those locations would need to be configured and registered as settlements for them to show in the menu...not a trivial task. It could lead to loads of problems with the base game since none of them were indeed to function as settlements (companion default home locations specifically). It would also be massive overkill when a simple solution already exists in the mod. You might look for a mod that has Hone Plate registered as a settlement and allows companions to be dismissed there. Aloot's Home Plate is such a mod and is very well done.
  13. Thanks! Glad this helped. Yeah, this tiny little shortcut as helpful as it might be, is definitely not worth sitting through listening to me for 3-4 hours! :laugh:
  14. Alt-Shift-Scroll will cycle through material swaps on the selected reference. You can also Alt-Scroll on selected references to change their objects, which will display in the order they are listed in the Object Window. Both shortcuts make it easy to change doors, walls and such on the fly.
  15. Since the OP is using an Nvidia RTX-series card: if you haven't already tried it, turn off Weapon Debris in the launcher options. RTX series cards (and any Turing architecture card for that matter) apparently dropped supporting the version of Nvidia Flex used by FO4 which causes the CTD from having Weapon Debris enabled.
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