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Posts posted by MissingMeshTV

  1. I'm using Spring Cleaning instead of Scrap Everything, because that one has an esm (elder scrolls master) and as such doesn't require shuffling around in the load order. That RedRocketTV finds using scrapping mods a bad idea is entirely his/her unfounded feeling and choice. That doesn't take away that scrapping mods work as they should. I've been using Spring Cleaning since day one and tried around or more than 4000 mods in FO4 and never ever had a conflict with Spring Cleaning. I use it in combination with Place Everywhere which allows for scrapping stuff that normally isn't scrappable.


    Personal choice yes, but unfounded? Not so much. And here’s why:


    Scrapping mods "work as they should" because they disable the game’s optimization system in order to do what they do. It's a simple fact. Be in on a settlement cell only basis (as Scrap Everything does) or globally across the map, in order for you to be able to scrap items you couldn’t otherwise interact with, scrapping mods disable precombined meshes within the cell. That is how they work. In some cases, (as in Spring Cleaning from what I recall when I actually used it way back when) it required an .ini edit to globally disable precombines. Some mods come with an .ini that does this in order for them to work. And yes, that is a BAD idea.


    If you are playing without a scrapping mod and wonder why you can’t scrap the large elevated shack in Hangman’s Alley, it’s because for whatever reason, Bethesda decided to make it part of a precombined mesh forcing you literally break the game in order to get rid of it.


    And yes, you ARE breaking the game in a very literal sense. Precombines are a core element of FO4s optimization system, previs data being the other...they work together to (in theory) cut down on the number of polygons that need to be rendered at a given time by “merging” meshes and generating visibility data based on that. A scrapping mod will disable that system in order to function. No way around it. Turn them off and you’re not only going to take a performance hit for sure (your draw call counts will increase significantly forcing your GPU to render every polygon of every mesh in the cell), but you also run the chance of having occlusion issues, CTD, and a host of other problems, the least of which is scrapping things you didn’t intend to scrap leaving huge holes in the worldspace (Hangman's Alley, I'm lookin' at you again). Can you still play the game? You betcha. Is is going to be the best experience it can be? Nope. Not by a long shot.


    As another mod author with a similar opinion on the matter put it, “it's not The Way It's Mean't To Be Played™.” The problems associated with disabling the system (as well as problems with the system itself) are well documented in this thread in the Creation Kit forum where scrapping mods are often discussed. I recommend anyone modding this game at least read the first page, as it has the most relevant info for the majority users. The rest of the thread can get pretty technical but is still worth a read.


    For something like Scrap Everything that only disables precombines in vanilla settlement cells, the risks are reduced but you still take an FPS hit and open the door to many of the other issues previously mentioned. Sorry, but being able to remove a hunk of debris so I can plant that extra row of mutfruit isn’t worth it. But hey, that’s just me. Scrap Everything seems to have a better handle on not breaking stuff, but have never used it. Spring Cleaning was a disaster for me in my early games. The problems it caused were one reason I started to learn about how the game works...and in turn come to my current views on the matter.


    Everyone is free to mod their game the way that makes them happy, but please do not call my observations “unfounded.” The game works a certain way by design which is well documented. The risks and problems of circumventing that are also well documented. That is why I will never recommend using scrapping mods. But hey, to each his own.


    EDIT: apologies to Bauldric for veering OT in your thread.

  2. "You’ve discovered that object organization in the CK doesn’t always follow human logic."


    They make sense if you sit to think about them, they're just not very organized. Probably a sign of them being worked on by multiple people at once.

    Based on what I see with the cross-team projects I deal with at work, that's sounds about right.

  3. You’ve discovered that object organization in the CK doesn’t always follow human logic. In your case since there are other Vaults in the base game that use the same assets (81, 75, 95) you need to look outside of the Vault 111 subsection.


    In the object window, select the “root" level of the Static section by selecting Static. Then filter for “vlt.” I’m fairly certain that’s the prefix used for the Vault kit architecture pieces. Each architecture kit has its own prefix that you can filter for (“wrhs”, “conc”, “hit” are ones that come to mind off the top of my head and not having access to the CK).


    One cool thing is that you can use a wildcard (asterisk) to drill down to more specific things you might be looking for. Filtering for “vlt*flr” can show all the Vault floor pieces that use those terms as part of the object name. Keep in mind that there are inconsistencies within the naming conventions. Some floor items might be labeled with “flr,” others might be named with “floor” for example. I've also come across assets that have typos in the object name. Super helpful to search for!


    Once you’ve poked around for a while and used some the various pieces and architecture kits you’ll get a feel for how things are named…it just takes a little getting used to.


    EDIT: Once you find the piece(s) you're looking for, take a look at the mesh path of the base object. That can give you some insight as to how various things in the CK are organized as the categories you see in the object window (as far as Statics are concerned anyway) more or less mirror the file path structure of the mesh. Not so much for things in other categories, but its a good way to learn how things in Statics are structured.

  4. First off, THANK YOU for putting your load order in spoiler tags! I wish more people did that as it really helps...especially if you view the site on mobile.


    Will start with the obvious: if the crashing started after adding a specific mod as you stated, have you uninstalled that mod and see what happens? It would seem that if you didn’t crash before adding the mod but crash after adding it, that would be the point of failure. Start with that maybe?


    EDIT: saw that you tried "purging" your mods, but you need to make sure that any loose files (especially anything a mod may have placed into Data/Scripts) is removed. Also try reverting to a save prior to adding the mod you mentioned and see if that helps.


    Don’t put your faith in LOOT to be the magic bullet some people think it is. Honestly, it often causes more problems than it solves and human intervention is usually still required to put things in the proper order.


    For example, your list shows Scrap Everything in the middle of your order. I don’t use scrapping mods but I do know that Scrap Everything should be LAST (or as close as possible to last) in your load order. Pretty sure the mod author states as much on the mod page. LOOT is well known to put it in the middle which causes all manner of problems.


    Try placing Scrap Everything just above Start Me Up…you definitely want nothing below Start Me Up.


    Personally, I think scrapping mods are a bad idea to begin with but if you insist on using one make sure you follow the instructions on load order placement to the letter.

  5. Barring the lighting question that SicariusSummoned mentioned, you might try removing your CreationKitPrefs.ini from your Fallout 4 folder and launching the CK. If that doesn't fix it try doing the same with your CreationKit.ini. I had this happen to me once and removing the .ini file(s) and letting the CK rebuild one at launch fixed it for me.


    In that case I can't recall which .ini file was the problem but as a general note you can often clear up all sorts of CK wonkiness that spontaneously appears by getting rid of your CreationKitPrefs.ini and letting the CK build a new one. The prefs file seems to get corrupted on occasion causing all sorts of fun. The downside is you have to redo any settings you've made changes to.

  6. 1.That's not going to work from what I think you're asking...don't really follow what you're getting at. How do you propose lining up the display nodes in the CK? You can't do any of it without Nifskope as I stated,


    2. Look at the Nuka Cola display shelf from the Nuka World DLC. By default it already does what you're asking about. To change it to a custom mesh you again will need to manipulate the same type of display nodes as in the Bobblhead shelf. The items displayed are more or less determined by a form list set as a property in the display shelf script. In the past I’ve used a modified form list to allow it to display Vim, which it doesn’t by default. Experiment with it and see if you can get it to do what you want.

  7. You’ll need to do a bit of work in Nifskope for this. Start by looking at the vanilla Bobblehead display mesh in Nifskope. You’ll see there is a display point (or node) where each Bobblehead will appear (a total of 20). Whatever new mesh you intent you use will need those points, nodes or whatever they are labeled as (offhand I can’t recall the exact term they appear with in Nifskope) applied to it. You’ll then need to adjust the position of each attach point to where you want the Bobbleheads to appear on your new object.


    Then in the CK duplicate a vanilla Bobblehead stand to serve as your new one. Change the path of the NIF to point to your new mesh. You won’t need to change anything with the script as it is already applied to the base form you’ve duplicated.


    EDIT: The display points are NiNodes labeled as BobbleHeadDummy and numbered 001-020

  8. AKAIK most “set” commands become permanent if you make a save after initiating them (maybe all? Not sure. Have never used one that didn't). The values you change will get baked into your save file. For example, set timescale, setav (actor value) values that are changed will become permanent if you make a save after changing the values. Based on what you’ve posted, setfog is the same. You can try changing the weather with an fw command, but I doubt that will restore any fog since you’ve changed its base value. If it does, great.


    Otherwise, you seem to have two options:
    1: find out what the default fog values are and restore them (which seems to be the crux of your question)

    2: revert to a save prior to making your console command change


    Not much I could find on the use of setfog other than this old entry on the Bethesda wiki for the F03 GECK.

    It explains what the values mean and what they affect but says nothing about the default values. Yes, it’s old but the usage and syntax seem unchanged in the FO4 implementation.


    You might be able to get the default values from an old save using the “show ” command, but I have no idea if that will work. It certainly won’t hurt anything to try. I'm not near a machine that I can look at, but maybe someone knows if fog values are stored in a default .ini file. If so, maybe you could gain some insight by looking at the fog values from an .ini entry if they exist.


    The path of least effort would seem to be to revert to an earlier save and call it done.


    This should illustrate why a console command shouldn’t be used unless you fully understand what it does and what it changes, and how you go about undoing the changes (or have a save file to revert to) if you change your mind or run into problems.


    Fun fact: it' not on the wiki but if you call GetItemCount() and pass in "none" as its parameter, it will count anything and everything in a container/inventory.

    Thanks for posting that, shatsnazzle! I generally want my version of this to filter for specific forms and forgot the "none" flag is an option. It actually is (sort of) on the wiki, hidden on the AddInventoryEventFilter page of all places under Notes. Just happened to notice it there right before I saw your post.

  10. Gotcha. Knowing what you’re trying to do definitely helps. Looks like you’re 3/4 of the way there but just need to plug a few holes. I do recommend using a form list as you mentioned. It makes it easier to add/remove the forms you want the script to recognize for controlling the clutter reference.


    In this case, the AddInventoryEventFilter should be targeted to the form list. That way the script knows what items to look for when deciding to enable/disable the clutter or not. Anything not flagged by AddInventoryEventFilter is ignored when put into the container. The CK wiki entry I linked to earlier gives more info on its use.


    You pretty much figured that GetItemCount is what you can use for this. I use .GetSize attached to the form list to get the number of items from the form list that are added then use GetItemCount with a condition set to >=1 for adding items and <=0 for removing items. When either threshold is reached, the clutter is enabled or disabled.


    With the extra bits added to what you've already got, you end up with something like this:

    Scriptname  KitchenCounter1Script extends ObjectReference
    FormList Property ShelfItemSortList Auto
    ObjectReference Property KitchenShelf1FoodClutter Auto
    ;tells script what items to act upon when enabling/disabling clutter
    Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
    ;lets the container count how many items are added and decide when to enable clutter
    Int iIndex = ShelfItemSortList.GetSize()
    While iIndex
      if akBaseItem && GetItemCount(ShelfItemSortList) >= 1 ;sets the threshold for when to enable clutter
    Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer)
    ;lets the container count how many items are removed and decide when to disable clutter
    Int iIndex = ShelfItemSortList.GetSize()
    While iIndex
      if akBaseItem && GetItemCount(ShelfItemSortList) <= 0 ;sets the threshold for when to disable clutter

    You can remove the ‘true’ boolean if you want the clutter to pop in. I prefer to have it fade in/out...looks less jarring to me.


    Someone who is more experienced with this sort of thing might be able to suggest a better method to pull this off, but this is what works for me so I go with it. Hope this helps point you in the right direction.


    EDIT: looks like I was ninja'd while typing this by shatsnazzle offering a possible alternative.


    Also should mention the obvious because this is something I often forget to do: if your container is starting off empty, be sure to set your clutter to Initially Disabled.

  11. You really need to be a lot more specific on what you mean by "it won't work." That's far too vague for anyone to help you.


    Besides the AddInventoryEventFilter mentioned, have you defined the clutter reference as a property? Is this your complete script? Is this is applied to a container? If so, you don't have a condition for the container to know if it's empty or not to enable/disable the clutter. Again, with no real info to work with we can only ask random questions 'till the brahmin come home guessing what the problem is.


    Lastly, you've posted this in the General Discussion forum. In future, this is the sort of question better asked in the Creation Kit and Modders forum. You'll stand a much better chance of getting help there provided you include a better description of what you need help with. There are lots of people there that could easily figure out the problem if you give them the info they will need to help you. Not to say you can't get help in this forum, but the CK forum is a better place to ask for scripting help. :wink:

  12. Honestly, the race question is something better asked in the Creation Kit and Modders forum. I couldn’t even begin to try and answer what you’re asking (nor would I attempt to), having only made NPCs based on existing vanilla templates. Creating races is above my current pay grade.


    If you poke around the CK forum someone there is more than likely to be able to help…just be sure to provide as much detail as possible on 1) what you want your end result to be; 2) what you have already researched and attempted; 3) try and be specific about what it is you are asking for help with. If you run in just asking “how do I do this? HALP!” you’re not likely to get much response other than “give us more info.”


    But before you start trying to make new races in the CK, learn the basics first. I’ve never used the Skyrim CK but I do know there are some big differences between the two. If you’ve used the Skyrim CK, this info on the Bethesda CK wiki will be worth a read.


    Actually the entire FO4 CK wiki is a good place to start. It’s not as fleshed out as the Skyrim CK wiki, but still has lots of great info. Good luck!


    EDIT: After posting this I saw you said you figured it out. DOH! Thought you are asking how to actually crate a race, not just find the entry in the CK. :wink:


    EDIT 2: Turns out that CK wiki link deals with the differences in Papyrus scripting between the two games...could have sworn there was something about the CK itself but can't find it.

  13. First, without posting your load order all anyone can do it guess at which 96 mods you’re using other than the one you mention. In future, if you post your load order (in spoiler tags please) you’d be giving people more info to try and help you with.


    Someone else recently posted about a similar issue while using the same mod. I took a quick look at the mod and it seems to properly regenerate the precombined/previs data for the changes it makes. Good on the author for that!


    The mod author recommends you put the mod as low as possible in your load order. Have you done that? Have you read FAQ on the mod page? It directly addresses the issue you are having. You might want to start there with your troubleshooting.


    But..while the FAQ recommends reinstalling the mod, I would suggest that you do that manually. NMM has gotten very unreliable as of late. If that's what you're using, it's possible it hasn't properly installed the BA2 archive that contains the previs data. It's certainly worth a shot.


    Best wild-ass-guess without any additional info (and if a manual reinstall doesn't help) is that you have a conflict with another mod that makes changes (intended or otherwise) to the cell(s) you’re having problems with. Thanks to the awful optimization system this game uses, any mods that make changes to the same cell will conflict if one (or both) of them regenerate the optimization data that gets disabled from making said changes. When I say “awful” I mean it’s awful for a game that allows users to make changes to the world with modding. I’m sure it works perfectly fine in games where modding isn’t a thing.


    It would also be beneficial for your own education to check your loaded mods in FO4Edit for conflicts in the Diamond City worldspace cells. That would help you figure out if one (or more) is conflicting with the Diamond City mod. If it should happen to be a precombines/previs conflict at least you will know which mods are causing the problem and you can try adjusting them in your load order. Don't totally rely on LOOT as many people seem to recommend. It's not a magic bullet for load order management and is not without problems. Human intervention is almost always still required when using it. Worst case is you may have to investigate getting/making a precombined compatibility patch for any conflicting mods.


    Whatever you do DO NOT make any .ini edits that disable precombined meshes or use other mods that attempt to remove the sort of flickering you’re seeing. Doing that will likely cause more many problems in the rest of your game than you are trying to solve here. Those are just shortcuts and workarounds, not actual solutions to the underlying problem.


    EDIT for clarification: the reason that DC Expansion is recommended to be at the bottom of your load order is because of the precombined meshes/previs data of the optimization system I mentioned. If you put another mod that modifies the same space above it in your load order it will attempt to overwrite the changes made by DC Expansion. The game reads conflicting data and doesn't know what it should be rendering hence the flickering. If multiple mods regenerate optimization data for the same cell the only real solution is to create a previs patch for the mods involved. Thanks, Bethesda!

  14. RE: your first issue…

    Not that it explains the cause, but FWIW it’s the same if “rolling distant mountain” syndrome I think you mean this is a long standing issue I’ve experienced as a far back as FO3. FNV does it too. I’ve seen videos of it happening on Skyrim (Oldrim) and Oblivion. Best guess it’s an engine rendering bug that has never been fixed.


    For me in FO4 it seems to happen most when I’m on the eastern or western most edges of the map. Come to think of it, in my current FNV game it tends to do it closer to the map edges as well. Possible that has something to do with the game rendering the LOD in those extreme map regions. I've run into it so long across so many games I just write it off as another Bethesda "consistency."

  15. Well, I hope it helps. Please don’t take my post as the equivalent of flailing my arms screaming “Ehrmagerd, don’t do that!” It might have come across that way.


    It’s just that I occasionally see various console commands and .ini edits being suggested as “solutions” to problems without an understanding of the potential consequences of their use, even if it isn’t readily apparent that they may cause more problems than they aim to solve.


    The last thing I would want to do is tell someone to “just use this console command” (just as an example) and go on my merry way without trying to give some background on the potential downsides from using it. Apologies for the wall o’ text, but more detail is always better methinks. :wink:


    you can change auto-save setting in the game settings. ie. Save on sleep, Save on Fast Travel and so on. the only one you can't change is the exit save for some reason.


    Edit: the settings are on the main menu of the game look under Gameplay I think.


    Open you pipboy, hit escape, click on exit to desktop.. voila exit save disabled :>


    I like to just open the console and enter qqq. That also easily quits without an auto save. Of course, for Survival mode you need something that restores the console.


    On that note, the OP might want to look at Unlimited Survival Mode. It allows the ability to restore just about everything disabled by the vanilla survival mode, as well as the option to change between difficulty levels at will. It also restores the auto save settings to the options screen in Survival mode so you should be able to disable save-on-sleep from there.


    Best if all (IMHO) it’s an F4SE plugin so it doesn’t eat up an .esp slot. It is version independent so it won’t break (so far anyway) whenever another Creation Club update lands (you’ll still need to update F4SE obviously). Plus it has MCM support so you can easily toggle the features you don’t want enabled. If you don't use MCM the settings can be changed via the included .ini file.

  17. By “starter vault” I’ll assume you are referring to Vault 111.


    Problem #1 You’re spawning a workbench into a cell that was never designed to support one. That alone will likely cause problems.


    Problem #2: I’m fairly certain the default workshop script properties include a flag for a location to be hostile by default. So even if you clear a location first, spawning a workshop will be flagged as if you need to clear enemies because the location isn't on the master list of workshop locations to check against hence the message about clearing enemies you get.


    You can try this console command to set the workshop ownership, but I don’t gurantee it will work. Open the console, select the red workbench and enter:

    SetPapyrusVar OwnedByPlayer 1


    I make no promises that will resolve it and strongly advise making a save you can revert back to before trying this.


    Spawning a workshop into a location that is not designed to accommodate one is problematic at best and is not something I would recommend doing.


    Problem #3: You mentioned wanting to "clean up the vault": for that you would need to use a scrapping mod that disables the cell’s precombined meshes. You will almost certainly run into problems placing objects you build (if that is your intent) since the Vault 111 cell was never intended to include a workshop. Disabling the precombined meshes with a scrapping mod (or anything else like an .ini edit) may have side effects such as not being able place objects onto the floor since those items do not have the workshop keywords required to make that possible.


    It's certainly your game to break as much as you like (who hasn't broken their game at least once..OK, twice, right?), but those are the basic issues you're facing doing what you are asking about. Not saying you will outright break your game...but you do stand to create some issues within that cell is all I'm saying...but then again, not much reason to go back to Vault 111 after you leave. Your game, your call. Save often.


    If you just want to strip the vault for resources, honestly...there are much better and less problematic ways to get resources early in the game and plenty of mods to help with that.


    I feel I would be negligent not to mention the obvious: The above console command should never be used on a settlement workshop! I have used it in the past for quick and dirty mod testing on a throwaway test character and have no idea what the repercussions might be when used to unlock a settlement in an actual game. Using it to unlock a settlement workshop can very well break any quests associated with said settlement and cause other potential issues.

  18. Totally legit necro.


    I mean, there's mods like winter overhaul or Commonwealth Conifers with close to or beyond 1,000 endorsements that basically say "use these settings that kill your frame rate or our mods will look funky". Winter Overhaul ships an ini containing bUsePrecreatedSCOL=0, which also kills frame rate in forest-y areas. Trees seem to be generally placed as SCOLs, which MassShep didn't bother to regenerate. That's just meh.


    Not wanting to disrespect anybody but goddamn people, this isn't rocket surgery. We can do better than this.

    This. In the case of Commonwealth Conifers, the mod works perfectly fine (barring the lack of LOD for the new trees) without the game crippling .ini edit yet the description still recommends it without explaining what it does. Users (who generally will blindly copy/paste whatever .ini edits they see posted) are left in the dark as to the consequences. I love using that mod, but am perplexed that making the ini edits is suggested by the author. The CK wiki says that that ini edit should be "used to test whether an issue is related to a plugin or precalc data." That should make it pretty clear its not meant for game play.


    From what I've been seeing, disabling precombined via that INI edit does not always result in Previs turning off properly. It's sending the whole game unstable.


    And this. This is part of what I tried to explain to the forum user I mentioned previously. But since he had "no problems other than frame rate drops" he pretty much ignored the facts presented. I've seen this same person recommend one of the mods that turns off preculling altogether as another "solution" to previs issues related to precombines being disabled. Like payl0ad said, not to disrespect anyone, but giving out such horrible advice without understanding the mechanics behind what you're suggesting is just...bad. Sorry to harp on it and apologies for clogging up the thread, but it's really frustrating to see that kind of "wisdom" being disseminated.

  19. I apologize, I see my sarcasm didn't come off correctly, Yes I should have used some sarcasm tags. :laugh: Was doing a fresh install of the game so I was sitting on the sofa with my tablet when I replied to Trosski. He seemed to get me but he dose also spend time over there and I know most of you don't bother going to beth for good reason so I can see how I could have come off wrong.


    Just a funny example of some of the other sort of misinformation floating around that site is, the other day someone who was obviously new to modding their game asked a question because they installed a settlement mod. They had lost their Structures tab in build mode and the first reply to the problem was "If the mod breaks Pre-Combineds that's causing the problem" :wallbash:


    Again I apologize for sort of derailing this thread, it was just a little rant to Trosski's comment about people not knowing what they are talking about and not reading up on the subject. I've even told people over there to read this thread and gotten the response "It's 26 pages!! That's too much!" :wallbash:

    Not wanting to necro this OT part of the thread (but I’ll do it anyway) but I’ve also seen varying degrees of misinformation being thrown about here (don’t use the Bethnet forums so I have no comparison).


    Rather frequently I’ll see the use of the bUseCombinedSettings=0 .ini edit recommended as a “solution” to preculling issues. It’s pretty obvious the user recommending the .ini edit hasn’t done their homework to even address the causes of the problem being reported let alone what a proper solution might be. “Just turn off the optimization system! That will solve everything!”


    The last time I tried to explain the problems associated with using that edit to the person who was recommending it, the response I got was more less that they had used the .ini edit for over two years and the only problem was the frame rate drops (ya think?). Then they went to complain they were getting 30fps in certain locations and how they know the game be smoother. :facepalm:


    You should pick it up with the mod author. There's a possible workaround through changing the bUseCombinedObjects= settings in your Fallout4.ini (under [General]) from "0" to "1" but that has the downside that this will cause a major loss in fps all over the game, depending on GPU power.


    Sorry, but the way that reads it seems like you have the 0 and 1 switched around :wink:


    bUseCombinedObjects=0 is what will kill your FPS and overall performance. This .ini edit should NEVER be used as it globally disables the game’s optimization system and generally causes more problems than it solves. It can cause real problems with interior cells if they have poorly structured room bounds and portals that some of the interior cells in the game do. It is not a default .ini entry by any means and was only intended to be used during game development for testing purposes.


    bUseCombinedObjects=1 in theory would re-enable precombines but in actuality it should just be removed from the.ini altogether as it’s redundant. If there is no .ini edit the game will revert to the default state which is to operate with precombines/previs and full optimization active as intended.

  21. Yeah…that’s what I did when I started playing FROST to avoid any chance of ruining my main install or saves. It also got me onto the MO2 bandwagon.


    What I like about MO2 is that it allows you make a “portable” install so that it installs all the files it uses to keep track of profiles and mod installation right within the Fallout 4 game folder, but isolated from the game files. The end result is you have a nice, neat package all in one folder that makes it’s snap to back up, archive or duplicate if you want to create another instance of the game. I’ve been super happy with the way it all works.


    It might be possible to to a portable install with NMM, but I'm not sure. If it is, it will likely be more effort than with MO2. Don't think I'll ever go back to using NMM to find out.

  22. Personally, I find the way that NMM handles profiles to be just awful...plain and simple. It will activate/deactivate the mods in your mod list when you change profiles to match what you have activated for that profile. Given that NMM can’t seem to even properly handle mods with one profile with any sort of reliability, switching between multiple profiles opens the door to all sorts of problems with mods not being properly activated. I’ve seen several FROST Let’s Plays where the game eventually breaks because certain mods didn’t get deactivated when the player switched profiles...Survivors were showing up as Raiders and Gunners for starters.


    MO2 (Mod Organizer 2) handles profiles in a much different manner and I find it far less problematic to use in this regard. I switched to using it months ago and love it. It handles mods installation differently than NMM: it uses a virtual file system rather than installing mods into your Data folder. The end result is managing and switching between profiles is much smoother and less prone to problems...in my experience, anyway.


    I highly recommend using it for FROST or any major overhaul mod. If you have the drive space to spare you might consider setting up a totally separate game install for FROST or any other overhaul. That’s what I do and it has been 100% problem free and doesn’t interfere with my “main” game install in any way whatsoever. I explain how I do that in this post.

  23. Clearing and letting the CK redo the iniâs can also help CK load times sometimes.

    Goodness knows why, though, heh.


    But yeah, Iâm totally of the mind that CK does sneaky self edits to the iniâs sometimes. Again goodness knows why, but I swear it does. :/

    So much this. Removing the .ini file has been my first CK troubleshooting step for a while now, after realizing how many ills it can cure. Nearly all of the time whatever wonkiness I had goes away and I can get back to work without banging my head on the desk trying to figure out what the problem is.


    It reminds me of my Mac OS 7/8/9 days when troubleshooting step No. 1 was trashing an application's Preferences file.

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